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v1.1 Update:

  • Hotfixed for July 2023 game patch.

Patrons have expressed they wanted a mod like my other toggles but for Aliens, so here we are! This mod adds a toggle cheat to disable all aliens.

Enter "tm.togglealiens" into the cheat console and aliens will be toggled on or off, globally. Any would-be alien will be forced into a normal sim when they spawn, including pre-made sims. Settings will be saved even if you close and re-open your game.

To go back to alien gameplay, use the command to toggle them on and any aliens loaded from that point forward will keep their alien status.

Thanks everyone 😊

Install Instructions

1. OPEN the zip, do not use any extract options.
2. Inside will be a .ts4script. Drag it to your Mods folder.
3. Make sure gameplay options have both mods and 👉script👈 mods turned on.
That's it!



Anne Elberg

I was hoping this would keep the changes for the different save-files - I have one for medieval and magical sims, one for science fiction and alien sims, one for "realistic" (no occults and strangeness whatsoever) sims and so on - so I thought these toggles would PERFECT - but then I discovered the setting migrates to every save file. Now I'm scared to open the magical one after playing with the normal sims... will all my occult sims now be normal ones? Or will they be back to their magical selves after I toggeled everything in the opposite again? So will everything be fine if I just change the toggles whenever I start a different save file?

Anne Elberg

So I tried to do this on the main menu screen (starting screen) before going to a save - I can open the cheat console but I don't get any notification if the cheat was applied. For example if I type "tm.togglewerewolves" it usually tells me, if they are now toggled on or off. But not on the main menu screen. Same with "testingcheats on" by the way. It is just an empty white space underneath, no text notification. (Edit: Hold on, now I don't get notifications on neighborhood screen either. Need to test further (without any other mods). Strangely everything worked yesterday evening still, now it doesn't...??)

Anne Elberg

So, after testing without any other mods (just to be sure) it seems to be like this: there are no notifications on the main screen or the worlds screen or the neighborhood screen - just after loading a lot. So I was wondering if it's just missing the text notification and still working: I typed "tm.togglemermaids" on the neighborhood screen, then entered the lot and typed it again (in the cheat console each time of course) and it SHOULD have toggled them off but toggled them on, so it seems it's not working on the neighborhood screen. So I guess it doesn't work on the main starting screen either when it's giving no notification. This means I CAN'T use the cheat BEFORE going to a save, I have to open a save and enter a lot, then use the cheat. - BUT I think I found a way to make this work: I will make a pure "toggle save-file" which I will enter before entering my played save-files, there I will toggle everything that needs to be done. Thanks for listening to me ;)


Correct only a few core EA cheats work on the neighborhood screen, most cheats and all cheats from mods have to be applied on a lot. What you can do is just load your save, load a lot, and run the toggle cheat. Then just go to main menu without saving and reopen the save.

Kari T

I have no idea where to post this. I am inept on discord and can't figure it out at all, lol. So I will try here, hopefully someone will see this. After the Sims 4 update 7/18/23 my Alientoggle mod was apparently broken. I can get into the game but when I try to get into the neighborhood the loading screen never ends. Just keeps on going and I have to get out of the game. I went through all my mods and unfortunately it is the Alientoggle mod :( Does anyone else have this problem?

Stuffed Cat

Yup. Me too. I've done the same MOD checks and came to the same conclusion. Came here to see if there's an update yet. Not a "deal-breaker" for me. I've only put in about 6000 hours so far, so haven't yet got round to actually "playing" the game. (Unless building counts, or exploring the limits when you set the number of played SIMs to 'Unlimited'.)


Yup, same problem. I only installed this mod today, after playing for a bit. Then had the same issue. I got a LE, where is said something about the AlienToggle mod. I took it out and the household loads as usual.


Thanks so much! I truly appreciate being able to toggle the non-regular Sims off and on as I do not play with them. :)


Once again! Thank you so much! I have been removing them one by one!


thank you for taking my suggestion in discord! i love occults, but only in some saves. i've just had to go thru and delete them one at a time.