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v0.06 is a small hotfix for changes that came with v0.05. Follow the usual install steps.

V0.06 Change Log:

  • The v0.05 installer did not correctly install templates for the base game worlds, causing worldbuilder to be unable to place objects on the full world area. This has been corrected.
  • An issue preventing the improved camera from loading was resolved.
  • The worldbuilder camera speeds have been adjusted.
  • A small note that if your evergreen harbor neighborhood still has missing terrain, you might need to start a new save. There is an EA bug that also causes this issue randomly.

v0.05 might be the largest update in the alpha this far. The main feature is that you can now rotate groups of objects around a single point by using shift+R instead of R, but there's plenty of other improvements listed below.

v0.05 Change Log

  • You can now zoom out significantly further when in worldbuilder mode and some camera movements have been refined for more precision.
  • There are now two rotate modes. Pressing R will continue to activate the regular rotate mode as you can today. Shift+R will activate the Rotate Around Center mode, which allows you to rotate groups of objects around a single center point. Here's a demo video
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the "Switch to CAW Filters" option from displaying when a holiday is active.
  • Fixed buildbuy navigation buttons (pool/pond tool) not displaying properly.
  • Scenario compatibility has been added, which also involved updating the GameTray UI elements.
  • Identified and fixed an issue where the worldbuilder buttons could become out of sync if you leave worldbuilder mode with the select or group mode buttons deselected.
  • A bug preventing evergreen harbor's swappable terrain from appearing in the template has been resolved.
  • Preset Tool has been improved so that it stops scrambling more complex builds, and also has much improved logic for determining the terrain height of the preset when loaded.
  • Corrected a bug where the installer could still hang on Reticulating Rivers indefinitely instead of displaying an error on install failure.
  • The invisible Camera Meshes have been removed, which should stop some of the random camera jumps some testers encountered. This is experimental and we'll see what effects removing them entirely has as you continue testing.
  • The world boundaries have been fixed for the original EA worlds, so sim routing and gameplay should behave normally there now.
  • The preset tool now contains a "Load Entire EA World" button. This will first ask you to confirm, then it will load every single EA object into the world for you, no preset boundaries necessary.
  • Fixed a bug where leaving a lot while in worldbuilder mode and going to another lot would cause the worldbuilder button to incorrectly display the live icon, and the player had to click it twice before being able to enter worldbuilder mode again.

Delete the entire "tmex-Create-A-World" folder first, then replace with the new one. The installer will only run once per version. If you happen to delete the mod and need to reinstall the same version, you can do so by running the cheat command "tm.caw.reinstall" - again, make sure you do this with a fresh copy of the mod.

=========ORIGINAL RELEASE TEXT=========

Hey everyone! The time is here. 😊Project Raven is no more, Create-A-World is officially here, and today is the first of many releases.

Before you run immediately to the download button, please do us both a favor and take a few minutes to read over my guidelines below, and the current concerns with CAW. This is an alpha, so bugs are to be expected. Please report them when you find them, preferably through my discord server.

How this is going to work:

I've thought over this release and have decided to do a roll out of the current features over a short timeframe. Currently the WorldBuilder features you've seen can be used, but the export is not enabled and some of the extra tools like Pack Requirements and Weather controls are locked out for now. I'm doing this for two reasons. 1. This will help me isolate any bugs instead of getting a flood of them from a single release. 2. I need to get a sense of how smoothly CAW updates will go, and these roll outs are a perfect way to do that.

What to expect currently:

You'll place the single mod folder directly into your Mods folder, as you usually do with my other mods. Do not modify or reorganize the files inside. Make sure script mods and mods are both enabled in your gameplay options. If they weren't, turn them on and restart.

You'll load a household and you should receive an installation wizard pop-up. Follow the steps and you'll restart the game once. After restarting, you should find your world selection screen has new sections.

While I typically do my best to avoid any major bugs, you should be using saves you don't care about since this is early alpha and I can't guarantee your saves will be fine. This is a large mod with lots of moving parts so better safe than sorry.

Each save also serves as your "work-in-progress". You can work on multiple template worlds but to use the same template for multiple worlds, you should start a new save.

You will load a household on a lot in the template world you'd like, and you should find an extra button in the top right, with a wrench and hammer in front of a globe. That is the worldbuilder mode. Click it to enter worldbuilder. Below is a quick cheatsheet on how to use worldbuilder, but I will be working on a quick video as well later today. Patrons will receive an e-mail when this post has been updated with the video.

Any worldbuilder work you do now will still be available for exporting as I roll out the next release. To save your work in the meantime, all you have to do is save the game.

What to expect over the next few days:

I will be rapidly rolling out additional features, mixed in with any necessary bug fixes based on your feedback as alpha participants. Please be sure to let me know of any issues. If there's any showstopping bugs, I'll be working later tonight to get those fixed ASAP.

After the extra tools and exporter have all been rolled out, I will be releasing a proper gameplay trailer covering everything in detail. Start building now and when the update hits, you can grab it and export it to the world file to share.

I will also be bringing TS4CAW.com online in the coming weeks to serve as the official exchange for World files.

The UI is currently in English but my translation team will be working on the languages shortly. The download will be updated as languages become available.
Again, if you have any problems or questions about CAW, please reach out on my discord server. It's the easiest way to reach me and for me to track any bugs.


1. Workflows might not be the best. The players know what works for building better than I do. If something is a hassle or counter-intuitive, it may be changed as we go.

2. On occasion I've seen the install wizard pop up when CAW is already installed. It's a bug I'm aware of but am still tracking down.

3. Gameplay - Keep in mind the template worlds aren't meant for gameplay, they're meant for building. Once I've enabled the exporter you'll be able to package it as a world for playing in.

4. Compatibility is non-priority at the moment. I can't guarantee compatibility with any other mods for now so if you're having issues, try with only CAW installed.

5. Apartment worlds are complex, and that's a focus for later on in the alpha. For now I would be very weary when attempting to build near apartments. I'd recommend trying out regular worlds for now.
6. Turn on Organized Debug in the Better BuildBuy filter panel for the best experience. I'm not sure how I want to handle BBB integration in conjuction with the CAW objects, but this doesn't feel smooth to me so I will likely be changing this in later releases.

7. Uninstalling - if you need to uninstall the mod and delete it, some files may be left behind. If this happens, running an origin game repair will get your game back to default.
8. MAC users - I did what I could to avoid any platform specific bugs, but I don't have a Mac to test with, so please do let me know asap if you're unable to load up the template worlds and WorldBuilder.
9. "Woah, that's a big download!" - Yes it's kind of hefty, but the majority of it are files that are only loaded and used on demand, the actual mod being loaded into your game is much much smaller (about 50mb in total). No worries.

How to use WorldBuilder:

Again, I know these might seem confusing when written so there will be a video very soon. I had intended to have the video already but had more meetings today than I had bargained for. Check back for it.
You can select an object from the buildbuy catalog and then click anywhere in the world to place it instantly. There are special dropdowns for CAW objects, but you can switch to regular buildbuy filters as well. The toolbar at the top has a double square icon. If that's highlighted, group selection is on and you'll be able to click multiple objects at once.

For adjustments, you can use WASD on your keyboard.
W,A,S,D = Moves object incrementally
E = Elevates object
Q = De-elevates object
R = Switch to rotation (WASD and EQ control the 3 axes of rotation).
O = Perimeter Tool
P = Preset Tool
- = Scale Down
+ = Scale Up
0 = Resets Scale (or rotation in Rotate mode)

Shift = Hold for Smaller increments
Ctrl = Hold for Larger increments
DEL = Deletes activated objects
Space = deselect all activated objects

The Preset Tool can be used to select an area on the ground, and fill it with objects from the original world. This is useful if you only want to modify parts of the world.

Preset Tool Usage:

  • Press P to activate the Preset Tool.
  • Click the ground around objects to draw a complete boundary.
  • Press space to toggle objects active inside the boundary.
  • Select Save Preset, enter a brief, descriptive name and save.
  • Click Open Preset Catalog, you can search by name, browse, or manage your presets.
  • You have two ways to load a preset:
    1. you can draw a closed boundary, then select a preset from the catalog. This will load only objects from the preset that fit within that boundary,
    2. You can click the ground so that you have a single Preset marker (vertical white), then select the preset. This will load the preset in it's entirety, centered where your marker was.

    Note: You can hold your keys down and the object will move smoothly. Just keep in mind if your computer is older, it might not be able to move that quickly. In that case you should use single presses.


Open the zip below (do not unzip, just click to open it)

There will be a "tmex-Create-A-World" folder inside.
Drag that folder to your mods folder (no subfolders!) and that's it.
Make sure script mods are on in game.

🚨If you have trouble, try without any other mods in. Especially any of my build related mods.

Thanks everyone! Stay tuned for updates. 🧡


[MediaFire Mirror] 


Here’s How You Create a World in the Sims 4!

Let's take a look at my Create a World mod gameplay. We're going to go over the worldbuilder mode and the controls involved, while also checking out a world in progress by one of the players participating in the alpha test. I can not even express how excited I am to see things like this coming out of my CAW mod this early in. It's only going to get better from here! The Socials: Grab my Mods and Cheats @ https://TwistedMexi.com Join me on Patreon @ https://Patreon.com/TwistedMexi Follow me on Twitter: https://Twitter.com/TwistedMexi Chat or Get Support on Discord: https://discord.gg/hYU4nam9Az



Fantastic, thanks for your hard efforts! ♥


I want to install the CAW but the CAW installer isnt showing up when I place a sim in the lot.


Have you already installed caw once? Also if you can come to discord.twistedmexi.com we can help you way quicker.


hi Im sorry I understand you posted you will soon make a website for CC world exchange, but does anyone have an already created world for the "untalented" like me


Love the mod btw!!


No we're still working through some worldbuilder stability issues and refining the templates, but there's a few builders who I imagine will be exporting their builds as soon as I turn the exporter on for them. If you aren't already, I heavily encourage you to join my discord. We have a CAW discussion channel and one for bug reports. Plus since you're a patron, you have access to my CAW_Progress_Feed channel where I post status updates as soon as I have something to report. https://discord.twistedmexi.com


Same for me, the installation isnt showing up, when I place a sim .

Lady Of The Wood

You are absolutely INCREDIBLE!!!! Thank you for all that you do for the community!!

Lady Of The Wood

Will the mod conflict with reshade or terrain overrides?


Hi, I installed the CAW mod but the CAW installer isnt showing up when I place a sim in the lot. Nothing new im my game! :( need help


Probably need to turn on script mods in gameplay options. If that doesn't work, come to discord.twistedmexi.com for support


i followed you instructions. i can NOT find the world button to make a new world. please help, looking forward to making one soon!


You probably have a conflicting mod in then. If you can't find it, stop in discord.twistedmexi.com for support


Saw the vid. lost my mind, and immediately became an alpha patron #marketing lol.


QQ: can I share the mod with my wife once I've learned it or would you rather we both be patrons?


I just install this and look your video but i don't have get started menu in game

Rafael Figueroa

When will I be able to edit lots (size & the type of lot as in penthouse) I want to be able to add more large penthouses to city living, please let me know when its available


I dont get the Install popup... :(


Did I miss understood something? Ones a world is created, isn't it a full open world?


No, nowhere do I claim that. The sims 4 engine is incapable of creating a true open world. You can expand the boundaries but each neighborhood is still separate.


I love this mod sm!!! Thank you eternally!!!


This is going to be so awesome when if fully finished!!!! its gonna be one of the few mods that make the game feel new! thank you (:


buenas tardes como puedo instalar lo?


Is there a way to bulldoze/re-clear a custom world once we've started building? I started to make one and pre-filled it from the EA world but I don't like it anymore. Is there a way to make it empty again?


Use the preset tool to create a circle around everything and press space to select them. Press delete to remove