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V2.2.3 Update:

  • Fixed Center On Lot Button
  • Fixed Browse By Function defaulting to "Show All" instead of "Comfort".
    Load times should be back to normal now.

V2.2.2 Update:

  • Updated to include Cottage Living and Sims Sessions objects in Organized Debug.
    You may need to turn Organized debug off, restart, and turn it on to refresh the object data
  • Moved debug fencing to wall attachments (planter box on buildbuy house) because having them in gates caused the objects to misbehave and potentially crash when moving them with TOOL.
  • Fixed offset/wrong speech & thought balloons.
  • Cottage Living Doors can be found under Doors -> All
  • Cottage Living Windows can be found under Windows -> All
  • Remember to turn your necessary buildbuy filters back on after updating.



Better BuildBuy v2.0 is now public!
v2.0 brings huge improvements like no-CC Organized Debug, better kit filters, and a new build mode light editor.  

Thanks to all of my patrons who participated in the beta and release candidates, and for bearing with me while we worked through the latest patch issues.  🧡  
(This video is somewhat incorrect now, but it's still useful for getting started)

New Features:

  • Having Organized Debug on no longer causes your lot to be marked as CC.
    That means you no longer have to restart the game constantly.
  • A Light Editor has been added to build mode, with a dropdown for light selection.
    You can access it by shift+clicking any light.
  • Debug/LiveEdit Objects for packs you don't own will no longer appear in the catalog.
  • "Kit" pack filters have been split into their individual kits, so you can pick exactly which kit you want to see.
  • Added a "Desync" dialog message. There's a few occasions where Organized Debug can be left in a bad state, for example after deleting your resource.cfg. This new dialog will show when organized debug needs reset. If you get it, all you should need to do is restart your game once and then you can continue using it as you normally would.

Did you know you can use TOOL in build mode if you're using Better BuildBuy? Grab TOOL here! 

Better BuildBuy Quick-Start

  • You don't have to use Organized Debug for TOOL. Just don't check the filter.
  • Do NOT use debug or liveedit cheats. Use their respective filters instead.
  • Do NOT install buildcam or expandable catalog separately. They're included in BBB.
  • Filters are different! Please don't ask where your CC went.

Filters work as follows:
Hide Maxis - Hides all regular objects that aren't debug, liveedit, or cc.
Debug - Shows debug objects, replaces the need for the debug cheat.
LiveEdit - Shows LiveEdit objects, replaces the need for the liveedit cheat.
Custom Content - Shows Custom Content objects. Off by default, be sure to check this if you want your CC visible.  Filters stay set even when you close your game, so you'll only need to turn CC on once if desired.

  • Press 1 (number row) to toggle catalog size.
  • Press Tab to activate Freecam mode in build.
  • If you'd like to use Organized Debug, open the game and open your buildbuy filters. Scroll to Better BuildBuy and select Organized Debug. You'll receive a pop-up and will be told to restart. After doing so, Organized Debug is active.
  • If you're completely new to BBB, I recommend watching my original tutorial.

Install Instructions

1. Delete any existing copies you have for BBB.  

2. Open the "TwistedMexi's Better BuildBuy v2.2.2 Official"  zip and drag the "Tmex-BetterBuildBuy" folder  inside to your mods root. (No subfolders!)  

3. That's it! Don't restructure or move the files in any way

NOTE: On Mac, .zip files may automatically be unzipped when downloaded. In that case, drag the newly downloaded folder to your mods.

Uninstall Instructions

Hate to see you go, but if you are, it's best if you do the following first:

1. Open your game with the mod installed.

2. Turn off Organized Debug in your filter panel.

3. Close your game.

4. You may now delete the mod.






Thank you so much(´∀`)


Thanks so much for your content, I have one quick suggestion - The 'Tmex-BetterBuildBuy' folder can you add to the name the version so it would be 'Tmex-BetterBuildBuy v2.0' - that way stressors like me can know which version we have :D thanks so much for reading. 🍹🌴💚


I refuse to do that because it would increase the likelihood of people having multiple installs which we already struggle with quite a bit on our support team, but you can rename your folder to include it if you so choose.

Celia Robertson

should I install this to replace the last one that you recently uploaded?


Yes, when the RC versions go public you should always swap to the official release.


Thanks again for all the work you do for the community!!


I joined the discord, but don't see a channel for troubleshooting? My betterbuildbuy is causing an error message when I try to place a lot of debug items. It says "Invalid Object Definition", then the item disappears. I tried removing all mods except buildbuy, so I'm certain its that mod. Still love the mod to death, it makes a builders life SO much easier. But I would like to fix this error if possible so I can access those items.


The server channels will be visible after you accept the rules in server_rules


Thanks again, dearest Mexi!!


Thank you!

Blue Nerd

well until game patches break it and he needs to update it hehe

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

I didn't know it came from your script ... Thanks for the fix, it was disturbing, I was sure it was a bug from EA;) The patches distorted the source.;)


I keep trying to download this and it keeps saying im doing it wrong when im following the directions


If instructions are followed, you should never see inside the tmex-betterbuildbuy folder, so you won't see those files. They're always there, just to keep people from modifying/moving the mods data files. If you just looked inside after installing then you're fine, just start the game.


Okay that’s what I did, thank you lol

Crimson FireCat

I keep getting an in-game error saying it's not installed correctly after i switched to this version, but I did it exactly how instructed 8/


I joined the discord server and feel I was banned unfairly can you email me so that we can get this sorted out please. kristi.kraft.kk@gmail.com I'm not looking for a fight however I wasn't given the chance to explain exactly what was going on and id like that chance please. if after our conversation you still feel I should be banned then okay but please hear my side.


You've been unbanned. Please stop by in the next few days to provide game version proof and an explanation. I have a very no-nonsense policy on rudeness to support staff, and troubleshooting steps must be completed if you want help.


Hi. I love this Mod and have been playing with it for ages. Today I loaded up my new iMac M1 with all my Sims stuff. Everything is working beautifully (so much better than the old) except it says that BBB is not installed correctly. I transferred my files from my old MAC where I wasn’t having any issues with BBB. Is this maybe an issue with the M1 Mac file system? It appears to be in the correct place (same as on my old Mac) when I look in Finder. Thanks for any help.


It’s okay. I fixed it. I had allowed CC but hadn’t turned script mods on. Such a dummy.


Is there any way there can be a different way to select lights in BB because I can't live without the mod, but I find it hard to use the freaking shift button. Sorry.


No sorry, that's the method. Shift is used pretty commonly in build mode for various things.


Thanks again for the continued rapid-fire updates Mexi - you Rock!


Thank youuu!!


ahhh thank you, thank you, thank you! x.x I was missing this SO bad. <3 you are awesome!

Luciana Keil

Terrain tools aren't working. I also have MCC installed, so it could be that. Tools didn't show up at all when I had any BBB filters on, they reappeared when I removed them, but still won't work.


It wouldn't be mccc, but this also shouldn't be an issue on the current version. If you stop in my discord we can help figure it out. Invite link on TwistedMexi.com

Tytta Marzh

Hi, thanks by create this mod. I have a question... I noticed a little visual bug with the hen house in the game... I don't know if it's a problem, but I wanted report this... greetings.


hi, i am getting the same message "organized debug is out of sync" i have copied the folder directly into mods, i only downloaded the sims on pc today i have always played on ps4 until now so i may be doing something wrong. any help would be appreciated. thanks


This usually means TS4 is being denied access to some of the files it needs for organized debug. Setting the ts4_x64.exe to run as administrator in properties usually fixes this, or if you have a custom install path for TS4, you might need to set write permissions for that path. If you need any help doing either, you can stop in my discord. Link on https://TwistedMexi.com


Ive been using this mod for a while now and I LOVE IT. But since this last patch it keeps saying it is installed incorrectly. i have read the directions very carefully multiple times and i am certain it is installed correctly. Script mod in options is checked, I deleted all of the mods that do not work with BBB and still its installed incorrectly. What am i doing wrong? PS. I have always had this mod in the past and have installed it the exact same way as before and it worked fine for me then, but for some reason its still incorrect. Please help! Thank You! : )


If it pops up when you open the filter panel, it's the script not being loaded. If script mods are definitely on (separate checkbox from mods), it means it's too deep in your mods folder. If you need more help please stop in my discord. Link on TwistedMexi.com


Hi TwistedMexi, really admire your work and saw a lot of recommendations in the community so I'd like to dive into BBB first hand. However I'm having troubles initiating the mod if I installed it word by word following your instructions. I have no BuildMode FreeCam and Expandable BuildBuy Catalog or any other mod that I think might be problematic with BBB installed, I even went as far as removing MC Command Center to avoid any possible collisions, but BBB never became available in the build panel somehow. Strangely enough, when I tried to install it against your instructions (yes, I know I should have followed your instruction word by word but that sadly doesn't work in my case), which is placing the DATA folder and the other 2 tmex-BBB package and script files directly into the Mods root folder, BBB does pop up in the build panel, but none of the function works as intentioned. I am running Sims 4 through Origin, and it appears that my Sims 4 doesn't recognize any mods that lies beyond 1 folder layer. Could you kindly help me identify what problem I might be facing please? I've read through many forums intensively but none seems to have had the same kind of problem with which I've encountered...


If you stop in our discord we'll be happy to help, will need to get some files from you. Discord is linked on my site, https://TwistedMexi.com


Hi TwistedMexi. I love this mod so much that I can't build without it. Thank you very much for making it. By the way, I have one report: I installed Cottage Living in my game, but after updating the mod to the latest version, I can't see my household's possessions in build mode. The TOOL mod is also up-to-date, and I've confirmed that I can't see household possessions even with only Better BuildBuy in the mod folder. Is this just me? If so, do you have any leads on how to resolve this?


By the way, the language of the gameplay is Japanese. It may be irrelevant, but I've added a note.


There's been a fix since then, redownload