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Another minor update to BBB for compatibility with DHD's build features.

1.6.9 UPDATES:

  • Fixed content filters turning off when using tools like eyedropper.


Did you know you can use TOOL in build mode if you're using Better BuildBuy? Grab TOOL here!  

Better BuildBuy Quick-Start

  • You don't have to use Organized Debug for TOOL. Just don't check the filter.
  • Do NOT install buildcam or expandable catalog separately. They're included in BBB.
  • Do NOT use debug or liveedit cheats. Use their respective filters instead.
  • Filters are different! Please don't ask where your CC went.

Filters work as follows:
Hide Maxis - Hides all regular objects that aren't debug, liveedit, or cc.
Debug - Shows debug objects, replaces the need for the debug cheat.
LiveEdit - Shows LiveEdit objects, replaces the need for the liveedit cheat.
Custom Content - Shows Custom Content objects. Off by default, be sure to check this if you want your CC visible.

Filters stay set even when you close your game, so you'll only need to turn CC on once if desired.

  • Press 1 to toggle catalog size.
  • Press Tab to activate Freecam mode in build.
  • If you'd like to use Organized Debug, open the game and open your buildbuy filters. Scroll to Better BuildBuy and select Organized Debug. You'll receive a pop-up and will be told to restart. After doing so, Organized Debug is active. When you're done building, turn it off and restart again to remove the CC markers on debug items.
  • If you're completely new to BBB, I recommend watching my original tutorial.

Install Instructions

1. Delete any existing copies you have for BBB.
2. Open the "TwistedMexi's Better BuildBuy v1.6.9 Official"  zip and drag the "Tmex-BetterBuildBuy" folder  inside to your mods root. (No subfolders!)

3. That's it! Don't restructure or move the files in any way

NOTE: On Mac, .zip files may automatically be unzipped when downloaded.
In that case, drag the newly downloaded folder to your mods.


We Can Use TOOL In Build Mode?! 🤔

This new integration means that Better BuildBuy users can now utilize TOOL inside of build mode. I hope everyone enjoys! The update is is early access for patrons at the time of upload, but is due out on the upcoming Thursday. Once officially released, it will be available for free on https://TwistedMexi.com. You will need to grab both Better BuildBuy and TOOL.



Thank you for this!


Since you're a patron, you might prefer to try out the beta of BBB instead. It has a light editor, better kit filters, and organized debug that doesn't mark your stuff as cc. 🙂

Amber Tucker

Hi how do I activate TOOL in buy mode? I’ve watch the videos and when I hit shift+T nothing happen, I know the mod works because I’m able to expand the catalog any clue?


Script mods are probably off, the expandable portion doesn't use scripts. Also you need both bbb and tool, in case you only grabbed BBB

Amber Tucker

My script mods are active and I do have both tool and bbb.


Stop into my discord and we'll help get you sorted. https://discord.gg/CNdAYx5R


“ Fixed content filters not turning off.” Was that where you could change buy categories and the color/style filters would stay selected? Or something else? Because if it was the first, I thought it was a feature!


No, this was a bug where intentionally turning off filters would not actually change the catalog results. Filters are still persistent.

Diane Kennedy

Not sure what I am doing wrong but I can't get it to see TOOL. I tried in live and build mode. I see it in the box that pops up when you start the game but when I go to move something nothing says tool like in the video. Mind you I am new to sims 4 and tool lol I have been on sims 3 forever.