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A well-deserved glimpse into my largest project ever.
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Project Raven Preview

Just another update on what is without a doubt my largest project ever.



OMG TM - this looks amazing!!


Holy mackerel this is gorgeous! Well done.


So excited for this! Will be a complete game changer

Christina Jackson-Smith

This looks amazing. I never understand how some people are just so talented and creative when I can barely muster the most basic of simming.


You’re absolutely amazing!!! Hands down!!! 👍🤗🌈


I can't wait!!!!

Alex Quinn

Hey TM, this is looking good. Thank you for all of your hard work on this. I have a question though: How is this different from Zerbu's Copy Worlds mod?


Completely. You're looking at two actual separate world entities. The Copy Worlds mod takes a shortcut by cloning existing save data, which means the worlds always have to be identical and may corrupt saves. That's why Zerbu has it marked as experimental. Also keep in mind this is just a small portion of what the project actually entails.

sherry jones

This is so exciting..Thank you


This is wild!! Cannot wait to see more.


I can't wait! So what're you doing to these worlds that's different from the originals?


SO exciting!


Omg TMex, this is amazing! Can't wait to see more of it!


I know it's not finished yet, but can you answer me if I have this mod installed am I able to upload builds to the gallery without it being tagged as modded?


Lots can continue to be uploaded to the gallery unmodded as always. This project isn't really focused on that.


Please, please, please tell me I'll be able to have my sims live in a destination world. Or don't tell me, but I hope that turns out to be the case. When Snowy Escapes came out, I kept thinking how nice it would be if we could incorporate some of those elements in Granite Fall (like the rock climbing). That still may not be possible with your project but at least it gets us closer. Thank You!


I joined just so I could view this post, as it aroused my curiosity to the max. And I'm not in the LEAST BIT disappointed! Great work, can't wait!


Wow.! Me too! I think I fall in love! It's a dream come true! No, more than that. I didn't even thought it possible. Amazing!!!

NZ Hayley

Oh wow, there were hints a while back and people guessed it was something to do with a Create a World tool but to see it actually in development is so awesome!


I love your mods, and this.... this is so exciting!


I agree, I love you mods!!!