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Download removed because this RC is now out of date. 

For those that aren't aware, BE is a mod that drastically improves Exception files by providing additional info and in many cases, telling you exactly which package or script file is causing the issue.

BE has received significant updates in this version so we're stepping up to v2.0.

New Features include:

  • Welcome Screen - much like other staple TS4 mods such as MCCC, BE will now provide a welcome screen on your notifications, letting you know that BE is definitely active.
  • Global Package Tracking - The same logic that has helped many players find the troublesome mod files has been expanded to work for virtually all exception types. I'm sure there are still some outliers but successful package tracking should be the rule, not the exception.
  • Reports without Households - Previously reports could only generate if you were able to reach a household. Now BE will still generate your report even if you're stuck at the world screen.
  • Patch Day Scanner - This scanner appears when a new TS4 version is installed or when BE is first installed. The purpose of this scanner is to give you a better starting point for which mods should be removed on patch day. It shows you mods that are technically incompatible with the new patch, and are considered high risk.
  • Test Button - Via the welcome screen, you can now open a menu that will let you force an exception to view a sample BE Report, as well as manually run the patch day scanner.
  • Restructured Report - The broken mod sections have been combined into one expandable section, which auto-expands when there are broken mods reported. This is to help give more visibility to the important part of the report - the part that tells you which mods need updated or removed.
  • Duplicate Mods - Duplicate mods are now noted in the broken mods section
  • Inactive Script Mods - Mods that are installed too deep in the mods folder are now listed, these scripts are not loaded by the game and typically means whatever mod depends on it isn't going to work properly.
  • Junk Files - This section tells you if you have any .pyo or .pyc files in your mods folder. Having those in your folder typically means a script mod was unzipped by accident. Those should be removed and re-installed properly.
  • Keep Previous Report - BE-ExceptionReport.html is now renamed to BE-ExceptionReport-OLD.html when a new game session is started. This keeps the last report in case you need it, but also prevents confusing the player by them grabbing an old report, and thinking it's recent.
  • All Packages - A section that shows all package mods is now available, this is mostly helpful for support teams to help you troubleshoot.
  • BE Interceptor - In some cases, other mods "eat" their exceptions and log them to a separate file. While this is fine, it prevents BE from seeing the error and performing package tracking. Interceptor listens for those events and passes the info from their log to BE for scanning. If BE determines it's not related to their mod, it will generate a report per usual.
  • Offline Dialog Removed - The offline dialog moved to welcome screen. The dialog seemed to confuse more than it helped. If you see that the updater is offline, all it means is that you'll need to manually check for BE updates like you do for most TS4 mods. BE will still work fine.


To install, delete your existing BE mod and download the ts4script below.
Place it into your mods folder, do not open or unzip.
If you have trouble downloading, right-click the link and save as.

There may be small changes between now and public release so keep an eye out.

UPDATE 1: Fixed an issue where non-archive files masquerading as ts4scripts or zips would break BE Report generation. Please re-download.

UPDATE 2:  Fixed a condition where the scanning dialog could potentially become stuck on the screen. Also, now even if BE encounters an issue, it should close the dialog and let you know the report couldn't be generated. If you see this screen, please contact us on my discord and we'll look into it.

Also added Missing Packs section and a OneDrive warning. If OneDrive is detected, it will recommend that you turn it off as OneDrive can dirty up your mods folder.




Thank U so much!!!


yay. Thank you! 🧁




You're amazing and awesome! Thank you so much 🤗💕🤗


Thank you so much

Wendy Hubble

Thank you! You are the best!


Hi I'm having trouble downloading BE. it opens in photo shop and then doesn't open, I right click to save as and it only gives me the option to save link as. Please help I don't know what i am doing wrong?


It's okay, it's working. What an awesome mod, thank you so much for creating it. It is people like you who make such a difference to playing the game.


Amazing thank you

Christina Jackson-Smith

Hi. I have been using this , however it keeps scanning and goes on forever. I even went to bed and came back it was still scanning. I have to do a shutdown from task manager to reset. Any ideas what could be the problem?


If you wouldn't mind, can you join my discord and we can go over it there? If you have a huge amount of mods it might take awhile but it certainly shouldn't take all night. I'd like to figure out what's happening. My discord link is on https://TwistedMexi.com Thanks


Oh thank you!! :-)


This is great, for the first time able to identify a bad mod that was a build/buy item, never would've suspected it otherwise. Thank you!

Blue Nerd

I tried deleting this from my mods folder after the scan, and it kept regenerating the folder over and over. I deleted it 4 times! I mean thank you for this, it identified several outdated mods, but after I updated them it kept wanting to scan every time I traveled to another lot, it got annoying. Please include instructions on how to safely delete it.


If you delete the mod it's not going to regenerate, but if you're getting a scan then you still have exceptions. Instead of removing the mod alerting you about them, ask for help in our discord or mcccs discord. Better to fix the issue than hide it.