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This has been a very nerve-racking night. A storm knocked my trash can over and two of my 3 dogs got into a trash bag tonight and are suffering mold toxicity. I've just finished a very panicked trip to the emergency vet, where they're being treated for it and kept overnight. I just wanted to provide a quick update that it may be a few days before I'm able to finish my mod updates, as I take some time off to make sure they're okay. I may be MIA from twitter, discord, etc as well.

Please keep my dogs in mind, I believe they're going to be okay but they're not out of the woods yet.

Thank you.



🙁🙁🙁🙁 sending all the love to you and your puppers 💜💜

Kimberly Vargas

Understandable it’s okay. I hope they are okay and just take all the time you need ....


Oh poor doggies :( Fingers crossed!


Poor puppies. No worries on the updates! Is therea way to donate directly to help pay the vet bill? ER visits are not cheap. Let us know. 😊

D. Kun

Oh no!!! Hope everything gets well, I send you the best of vibes :)

Lisa K Baldwin

OH MY, I am so sorry to hear that. I would be beside myself if that happened to my dogs .. I will pray for them to be well soon! In the meantime do not worry over us! We are fine!!

NZ Hayley

Take care of the doggos, the mods can wait <3


Oh no :( Take all the time you need to look after your dogs <3 Sending you so much love and good vibes!

Ayu Raven

Youre dogs are much more important than mods! Have myself one, and she is having at the moment a problem where she needs me more than normal. Wish you and your dogs all luck of the world!


Lots of love for you and the doggies ❤❤❤


Poor babies, thinking of you and the doggos. They absolutely come first 🤍🤍🤍

Luciana Keil

Take all the time you need. Let us know if you need any help with vet bills.


Sending prayers. Pets are family. I hope everything turns out okay!


This is devastating. Sending all positive thoughts for both you and the pups x


Please take all the time you need ! The mods can wait. I hope your dogs are okay.

Robin Lewis

So sorry to hear about your dogs. I will be praying for you babies, take all the time you need.


Aweee. That fucking sucks. :( really hope your pups are doing okay. I'm wishing them to get better soon and also hoping that you'll also remember to take care of yourself as well ♥


Wishing your dogs a speedy recovery, doggos are family! Take care of yourself and take your time as well. Thank you for all that you do for the sims community ❤️


I wish you and your puppies all the best! Give them 1000 hugs and a lot of kisses!!! Take care of you and your pups!


OMG! Take your time, doggos come first. I hope they're okay!! Be safe!


Thank you, honestly my patreon income is going to be going toward this already, which I'm so thankful for right now. But if you wanted to donate directly for it, I have a PayPal link here. https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=6aEAfW5t1XjTLUQn8gF1wOTCKk5Xj4S0gVtH9u6ExvvhGHLTgiu3XyPQoPGpIMWHMWTrmG&country.x=US&locale.x=US


Yep - F the hot-fixes tend to the pups. I just took mine to the vet thinking he had something under his right nictitating membrane (third eyelid). Looked like a small snippet of dried dead grass. He was blinking that eye a lot more. Nope. Just pigment - all clear.


Oh the poor pups!! I hope they recover quickly and without difficulties!


I am so sorry to hear that, I hope they recover quickly


Oh no! Prayers for a quick recovery.


Family first - always 💕


I agree with szanne700 ..... Family first... Mods come later.


I'm so sorry! That's so scary! I hope your doggies are okay!


I hope your fuzzy babies are okay!


Poor (bad dogs) things! I hope they feel better soon and don't have any lasting problems.


Sending positive vibes and praying for them to be okay and a speedy recovery


Hoping everyone gets better! Bearhugs all around.


I am so sorry, that sucks! Dogs are like family (or better, sometimes) so please take all the time you need to care for them, and for yourself. Keep us updated if you can. ❤️


Hugs and prayers sent to you and your fur-babies!


Mutts before mods, always XOXO All the best to you and your dogs, fingers crossed and best vibes!


It's perfectly alright. I hope everything is ok with your dogs!


Pets are so important. I completely understand why you need to concentrate on their care!


Hoping all will be well with the pups.


scary. Hope your dogs are doing better. Sending positive thoughts.

Shandra Beaver

Yes please take the time you and your pets need. I send them my best wishes and hopes.

Sarah Measel

Oh no! I hope they're okay! Take all the time you need, pets are family. They're way more important than any deadline or productivity.

Jeanna Hicks

I hope your dogs are okay!


I hope your dogs are okay. I know that our dogs become our family members and we hurt when they hurt. In my prayers.


I hope that your dogs are okay.

Kerry Fletcher

I hope your dogs are alright. Thank you for all you do


Wish the most quick recovery for your fuzzy friends and all the best to you!


I'm really sorry to hear. I hope your doggies are going to be OK. Thinking of you.


Hope your pups are ok soon.

Alyssa Heck

sorry about that. I hope they get better soon!

Kenyetta Haamid

I hope your dogs get better soon, a game can wait, life cannot.

Wanda Jones-Most

I'm so sorry about your dogs, I hope they get better soon.


I am so sorry to hear about your dogs, I hope they make a full recovery. Sending you a virtual hug 🤗🤗

KM Creations

Dont worry about updates now! I hope your dogs will be ok and they come back home fully cured

Arnette Bowman

Oh my, don't worry take care of your fur babies, hope they have a full recovery. I'm sure from what what is being said we all feel the same way your family comes first two or four legged. Sending hugs from far away

James McGoey

Hugs and prayers for the pups.


oh no! sorry for the fur babies illness. Hope they are feeling better ASAP. They come first take the time you need to care for them,


Pets are family and family always comes first! Take care of them, this is just a game and it can absolutely wait!


Definitely hope your dogs get better!


Prayers for their speedy recovery!


Praying for you.

Molly Burns

Oh no! I'm sending ALL of the good thoughts for your sweet furbabies. ♥

Cecilia Marino

sending love to your furbabies

Ms. Book

aww poor babies!


Stay Strong Doggies!


Much love for you and the doggies ❤️❤️


I know your babies will stay strong!