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For the past week I've been working on the announcement trailer for Project Raven. With the recent patch, I've had to step back from that for a moment and focus on updating my export tools (used for Project Raven development) due to some unusual changes to the TS4 source files.

As soon as I get the exporter working again I'll return my focus to the announcement trailer, I really want to reveal this soon because I know you'll be as excited for it as I am to release it.

Patch updates for my other mods will be coming sometime this week or at most, early next week.

Thanks again for all of the support, I appreciate all of you!



Thank you for the update and yes I can't wait for Project Raven.


Awesome news - thank you.


Any update on your progress? I don't mean to be impatient, I'm just really excited for something to shake up my game.


Discover university caused some setbacks due to unusual changes to certain files. Over resolved most of those, am currently fixing the ui and finishing the trailer

Marie Duran

Well, so, we will have to wait a little longer. I rather have the mod come out working right than not to have one at all. Just saying keep up the good work!!! I just shared this post to Facebook, so hopefully you will get more patrons.


Still so very anxiously awaiting the details! 😬