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Hi all, first of all - thank you all so much for the continued support! Words can't express how much I appreciate it, but hopefully these will do. I've been able to dedicate more time to my mods which make things like Project Raven possible. There is no way I would have been able to bring this to realization otherwise.

This month hasn't brought much in the way of new mods, and that's because majority of my time has been invested in Raven. I promise a reveal is coming, but in the meantime I can provide a (somewhat vague) checklist of what's good to go and what's still in development. I can't provide an exact timeline because the nature of this mod has many components and there's plenty of opportunities for a particular feature to take longer to finish than anticipated.

An X means the listed item is complete or nearly complete. Unchecked items are where the majority of my development time are going currently.

[X] Utility Functions
[X] Data Structure
[X] Images
[X] Keyboard Shortcuts
[X] Supporting Objects
[X] Supplementing Data Extracts
[X] Generator Tool
[  ] UI
[  ] UI Python Handlers
[  ] HTML Feature
[  ] Announcement Trailer

Please bear with me as I continue to push through this project. It's exponentially larger than any other mod I've published before, and deserves a proper announcement when ready.

Thank you, as always.


Luciana Keil

I'm sure you've said this in a previous post, but what is project raven?

Kerry Fletcher

I cannot wait to find out more about Project Raven


I have not. But it's a large mod that im fairly certain everyone is going to be excited about


I'm super excited! Can't wait to find out what Project Raven entails! (:


Will Project Raven be Mac compatible?


My anticipation is at level 1000, lol... working to get it Zen 🥰

Marie Duran

Mine is too!!!