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FYI Cheats are up at TwistedMexi.com

Potions, traits, buffs, weather, and more

Enjoy :)




I cry for vampires.


Vampire's can't be Casters, despite the fact vampires have weaknesses

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

I associated with the vampire spellcasting stage yesterday, it works great. By cheating, I added the features and filled the whole panel by cheat of course, they arrived at the final stage. An important thing is to do, transform his vampire when he is not on the dark form. We have more access to this form. Everything else stays in place. A second thing, the vampire will not progress, you have to do things in order, the progression of the vampire and then that of the caster, it's magic and it's worth it for a nice gameplay;)


Oh thank you, hopefully we get a mod that makes Hybrids a Feature.


I thought you meant daytime (light all the time) when you said weather. My bad. I saw it had been updated for Sulani though, but not Glimmer Brook. Thanks!

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

Certainly, but the cheats are fantastic to help in the meantime, yesterday I tested my vampires / wizards, it's great. I tested it right away, because, I play with the same Sims for 5 years, they had to be masters in magic too, it's my game code. It did not work for the sirens, I was not happy about that, here it is possible and I confirm my joy that this pack is out. It's early for the mods, there will soon be plenty of things to make our life easier, but, the cheats will always be a great help, again thanks to TwistedMexi for making them possible.

Torsten B.

Hello, one of your mod causes that I couldn´t travel to the new magic world. I hadn´t figured out which one, but as I had removed all your mods I hadn´t any problem to travel anymore.

Athena Apollos

Which Spellcaster traits did you add to your Vampires?? I want to do this to my main Vampires but I want to add the correct ones.