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Download removed because this version is now out of date. Check https://TwistedMexi.com for the updated version.

Small but crucial update to BE:

  • Hotfix for how BE reads Wicked Whims version info.
  • Added handling for corrupt package files - previously this would cause the package tracker to cancel scanning. This will make package detection more accurate.
  • Corrupted packages will be included in the invalid tuning mod section.
  • Corrected a case where valid objects were added to invalid object data, causing unnecessary scans. 
  • Loaded Scripts section now highlights when you have a .zip formatted mod, meaning it's likely outdated.
  • iOS Hotfix - Helpers were reporting that they were not able to expand report boxes on iOS mobile browsers. Fixed so they can view the full report.

NOTE: If you have "Share Usage Data" turned off in Gameplay Options -> Other, you'll need to manually delete your LastException.txts each time you resolve an issue. A future version of BE will account for this automatically, but I didn't have time to implement that in this update.


If you have BE already, you should be prompted in game to automatically update. If your network or firewall is blocking it, you may need to install it manually. 

Download the .ts4script directly to your mods folder.




This is just getting better and better !!! Thanks !!!


Hi, so sorry to bother, but is your all cheats mod compatible with weerbesu’s ui cheats?


@heidi: Thank you!


Is it compatible with the recent EA august 8th patch/update?


Sorry to bug you here, is your buildcam working with current game version?


Thank you! :D

Raelynn Russell

i keep getting this .objects. file error nd it keeps coming up every few seconds , I've tried everything i know. can you help


Carl's sims4 guides brought me here and your awesome content is what got me to pledge, thanks for the work!


hi this is not working, ive downloaded it but my sims cant interact with many objects, both mods and ea created, but your mod isn't picking it up?! help!


It's working fine. Sounds like you have an outdated ui mod which BE doesn't currently detect. UI cheat extensions maybe?


Oh. I just have been mistaken, then. I appreciate the response. This mod s so helpful for finding outdated mods and I was worried it wasn’t working anymore. Turns out that there was just nothing causing issues :)


thank you!


when click on the script link i'm getting a 404. Is this still available?


Patreon must have screwed up, gone for me as well. Will reupload in the next few hours


Is this mod currently working? Its not letting me download it?

Sassy Mama

I cant get it to open. It says its a script? I dont know what to open that with? I dont have it downloaded on my computer at all.


Thank you SO SO MUCH for this mod!. It picked up on an out of date file I didn't even know I had. My game has been failing for a few weeks and I always thought it was an out of date pose. But it wasn't! Thank you


This is such beautiful work


Hullo! Sorry to bother you and I don't know if you will see this, but I am having an issue. I have downloaded the most recent version of this exceptions mod, and I also had the live drag mod. When I loaded my game, the little box pops up and says "Exception Alert! Oops, an error has occurred! If you continue playing, the game may behave unpredictably. Possible Cause: Tmex-LiveDrag.ts4script Reason: The listed script mod failed to load and should be removed or updated. Failure: 'tmex-LiveDrag' (tmex-LiveDrag) (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tmex-LiveDrag') I currently have both in my mods folder, not in any sub-folders. I did try removing the Live Drag mod, but the game still tells me the exact same message when I've removed it and restarted the game. Even when I remove all other script mods besides for Tmex-BetterExceptions.ts4script, it still says there's the same error.


Live drag is out of date, redownload from twistedmexi.com

Kiesha H

does this mod conflict with ui extensions?


is this still working? The current files I have are 4 in total 2 with a november date and 2 with a september date


does this still work?


I don't think it will work with the latest patch


For some reason it is only showing the script when I put it into my mods folder, and I don't know how to open it up...?

KM Creations

It isnt working at my game anymore. I receive an orange notification from MCC Comand Center, but nothing from Better Exception. It will be updated? ♥


It's still compatible, are you sure you're on v1.06 of BE and the latest game version?


its not working for me at all i just discovered this mod and wanted to give it it a go its in my mods folder but in game there is no pop up or anything


It's not working foe me either. Used to work, but stopped a week or so ago.


Hi love your mod, however it used to show me all the script mods I have in my game but now it won't and I don't know what's causing the LE's.


This mod no longer works. I'm getting LE's, but not being notified like before. It's such a shame because it was very helpful. Can you let us know whether you plan to continue to update this mod? Thanks in advance.


It's working fine, if you're having issues, we can help in my discord. Twistedmexi.com


Does this mod still work with new updates?


I was just referred here, apparently it has or didn't need any update..


It does work you have to have WinRaR Zip when you download it left click it an Extract files an then click documents then click sims 4 folder an click on Mod it will be highlighted an then click ok an you'll all set but if you dont understand ill leave this link for better help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBx5ZHY4a0c have a Great day!


An here is proof it works file:///C:/Users/User/Documents/Electronic%20Arts/The%20Sims%204/BE-ExceptionReport.html


An when your game comes on its gonna have a msg asking you to sit tight as it finds whats making your game not work dont not click the x i repeat do not click the x when the msg pop up be patient an let it do its thang an then its gonna ask you what site do you want the review sent to you have click google are Microsoft edge