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What is TOOL? Well, TOOL... Takes Objects Off Lot. It's a way to give players more real-estate for objects, and gives you 100% control over the objects position and rotation, on or off the lot.

New Features:

  • Point & Click Move - Lets you mark an object as active, which lets you then shift-click where you want it to go and TOOL will immediately move the object to that position.

  •  10x10 Grid Visualizer added when moving. If you prefer the original cross-axis visualizer, you can toggle it off in settings. 

  • Moved "Move" visualizers above ground so it's less likely to be obstructed by terrain.
  • If you open the cheat console before moving, it will print the new coordinates of the object.


  • This requires testingcheats true. You can use my AlwaysTesting mod to skip entering this each time. (I've included a link in this post)
  • Use it by shift-clicking any object and selecting the TOOL menu.
  • Settings and Undo/Redo options are available by shift-clicking anywhere on the ground.
  • When moving or rotating, visualizers will be shown to help you figure out which way is which.
  • The visualizer colors can be changed in the settings menu.
  • When moving, you should enter a number pair (x,y) for example : -5,10
  • Start with small numbers, it's easy to lose your object if you're not careful. Undo can be used to get the object back.
  • Snap To Terrain will force the object to the correct ground height when moved.
  • Snap Camera to Object will move the camera to the objects new location when moved.
  • It's a lot easier to see what you're doing if you move your camera to the left or right of the object you're moving.

    That's it, it'll take a bit of practice to get good at it, but I hope you all enjoy :)


Download both TOOL package and ts4script from this post. Place them directly into your mods folder and make sure mods are turned on in gameplay options. You only need AlwaysTesting if you want to skip entering testingcheats true.

EDIT: Some objects like decor/non-interactive items were not getting the TOOL controls. I updated the ts4script download to fix that. Note that scenery that is part of the world file will still be non-movable.




going to test this puppy out right away! thanks!!!


*feverishly applauds* You, my good Sir, are the bees knees! I cannot wait to get this into my game. Like, right meow!


Oh, so fantastic!!! 🕰️📺🧯🧰🔨


This will be fun to test in my game if I could only stop having problems with my Sims 4 game and be able to play? oh if you have advice on how to fix these problems tell me? which is my game either stops working or i get LastExceptions?


Download my better exceptions mod, when you get reports you can drag them to my discord for help. Twistedmexi.com


Thank you! 🙌


This just keeps getting more and more amazing. I do have a question though. What are the constraints for moving an active object. I tried several items and could only get the option to move the active object once. I'm working in Sulani, in the Ocean areas. Is terrain depth an issue? It seemed I could move the item to the shallow parts but once I wanted to go deeper, the option disappeared for me.


There's an invisible "ocean" object that blocks the terrain. I'll see what I can do.


I just discovered one more awesome thing this does. Several of the rocks/boulders through out the game are dual sided. Also some of the graves from Vampires as well. If you rotate them 180 you have access to the side that was usually buried in the game. I just got rid of a ton of duplicate flipped rocks and grave. :)