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Exciting new update to share with everyone, a few of you may have already received a version of this but you'll still receive an update notice as I've made a few changes.

If you already have BE installed, you'll receive an update automatically when you start your game. You'll just need to restart the game for changes to take effect. Automatic updates will become available a few minutes after this post goes live. Otherwise you can grab it manually at the bottom of this post.

Change Log:

  • HTML Reports - Improved report interface for readability and more advanced features.
  • Google Translate - Added a language dropdown to the report to assist with support for different languages.
  • Enhanced Diagnostics - The recommended action will be able to clearly state which mod is causing the problem in many situations. Especially when dealing with tuning mods.
  • Invalid Tuning Mods - Added a scanner and section to the report that will list every tuning mod that causes an error during load.
  • Script Mod Failures - Improved detection of script mods that fail before BE is active, and updated diagnostics to clearly state when a script mod has failed to load.
  • MCCC Version - I see people being reminded to update MCCC frequently in their support channels, so I figured I'd add a check for that to cut down on support requests. The report will automatically tell you when the version is out of date.
  • Package Mod Count - helps support teams assess the likelihood of mod issues vs EA bugs and where to start.
  • Last Interaction - helps players and support teams pinpoint what caused an exception or what it might be related to.
  • Active Sim Traits - helps players and support teams check for invalid trait mods.
  • Save Button - Added a save button to the top of the report to help players easily share the new html format.
  • Support for Subfolders - Reworked BE so that it can successfully be ran from subfolders instead of the root of the Mods folder.
  •  Telemetry - The new report can automatically inform me of frequent issues, which will help me keep the BE Database up to date with known bugs so that it may help others. 
  • Help and Resources - Report includes direct links to the Broken Mods list (via SimsVIP), my Discord, MCCC's discord, and my website.
  • Merged Report and Raw LE - The new report includes both a formatted version and the raw exception, so I've removed the Raw Exception button to avoid  confusion. Providing the BE Report will give helpers everything they need to assist you.
  • Missed LE Detection - In some cases TS4 will accidentally rename a LE that is from the same game session. BE has been modified to detect those.
  • Report Generation Time - Just a small piece of info to let you know exactly how long it took BE to analyze the issue and generate the report.
  • Version Information - Reports now clearly state what version of BE is installed.


Q: Does BE detect UI Exceptions now?
A: No, but it will in the next update. I decided to mark a stopping point so I could get this new version out to the public sooner. If you see a LastUIException, you should always start with removing UI Mods like UI Cheats Extension or CAS More Columns.

Q: I removed the mods indicated but I'm still receiving and LE.
A: BE is pretty accurate now, but it can still be wrong at times. There's too many variables to achieve 100% accuracy. If you're still having issues, ask a support channel in the Help section or try the 50/50 method of removing mods.

Q: Does it work on Mac?
A: As far as I'm aware. If you have any issues on Mac please don't hesitate to contact me. My testing resources are limited for Mac.



Shadae Brown

Wow, you're amazing, thank you!


You're the best! Thank you!


You never ever cease to amaze me TM! This is fantastic and what this game has needed for a very long time. Thank you for making such and awesome tool for us simmers. <3


Thanks everyone for the kind words :)


Thanbk you. This is a great tool :)


WOW Thanks so much I love that it will auto update what a gift for us Simmers Huggs with this monthly coffee LOL !!!

Athena Apollos

Thanks!!! This new version already caught 2 custom traits that were throwing LEs... You rock!!!


Its not showing up


I'm so glad you do this - thank you!!! 🤗


Save it directly to your mods folder and enable script mods in your game options


Should I remove the old better exceptions?


If you had the newest version before it will auto update, otherwise yes you'll need to replace the existing one


All I see is the script file. Is there supposed to be something else? My old file had three files.


I love this mod, and the only suggestion I have... ever.... is to limit the numerous "LE" discoveries.. It's a bit overwhelming when it has called an LE and then notifies for every other one based on the same find.. (Like, okay, simmer, check your html, and you'll see the big pile of oopsies... would even be better than a constant feed of notices)


I have a weird thing happening. When I get an LE all the report does is point me to WWs LE reporting mechanics. When I ope the LE the game generates it does list what causes the LE. Just thought you'd like to know about that.


If it's the exception feedback file it's already on my radar and I'll have a hotfix for it soon. Thanks for letting me know though :)


BE only reports once per game session for this reason. It will only report after the first Exception if it's a known game bug or mod issue. If you're talking about the orange notifications in the top right, that's MCCC doing that, not my mod.

Chava Baht Zion

You are awesome!! This helps me a great deal!!!


I came just to thank you for your time and hard work. this mod helped my game so much because before my game would load and for a sec it would stop and bring me to my window page. but now I am just fine thanks to you.


where i put this file ! in sims4 folder or in the mod folder !!


where i put this file! in sims 4 folder or in the mode folder


do you have a website where I can read exactly what this mod does? I was looking for something to help locate bad cc, I was directed here.. but just looking for more information on exactly how this works.. thank you!


Twistedmexi.com will link to the newest version of any mod. As for this one, 1.06 is current. It works by giving you a popup in game when an error occurs. From there you'll be able to open a full report.


Thank you!