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Huge update for Better Exceptions today, be sure to grab it if you currently have the old version.


  • Auto-updates! That's right, from here on out Better Exceptions will let you know when there's an update and will update it for you in-game, with no interruption to your gameplay. Super excited about this one.

  • Advanced Mod Error Detection: Added a known mod error database so you'll be more likely to receive specific details when you encounter common mod issues.

  • More Details for Game Bugs: Reasons are now provided in-game even if there's not an Answer HQ article for it. The mod will also continue to alert you if any known issues occur after the first exception
    (unknown exceptions stop after the first alert for that session since exceptions occurring after that may be a result of the original exception. This helps target the actual cause.)


I've created a video to better explain the mod, check it out on youtube.

How to Install:

  • Make sure script mods are enabled in your Gameplay Options -> Other tab. It's a separate option from normal mods.
  • Download the .ts4script file directly to your Mods folder. Do not unzip or open it.
  • The mod must be in your Mods root folder. It can not be in a subfolder.

Thanks everyone, hope you enjoy :)




This is coming along so quickly! You are amazing!!! Thank you 💕


Wow, thanks! Does this mod cover errors with say, out of memory errors (ie Mod folders >30 GB)?


I'm not sure, can you provide an example of about of memory error? If it generates a lastexception.txt then my mod should cover it.

Emma Kyte

Thank you this is incredible!

Shadae Brown

Wow this is revolutionary! Thank you!


Thank you for creating this!


This mod isn't working for me.; my game won't recognize it. I have script mods enabled, but when I download the mod, it's not a script file, it's a PYC file. I've never seen that before, so I don't know if that's the issue or not.

Lisa K Baldwin

TY soo much .. this is awesome!

Lisa K Baldwin

LOL I cannot wait to get an LE to see this in action! <3


Is there any way we could provide translations for it?

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

He announces the errors on the MAP too, it's great. We build without entering the game itself and your script covers that too. It was a small minor concern, I was pleasantly surprised, thank you again, because the indices are complete and it facilitates research. We never say enough thank you:)


OMG thank you a bunch amazing!!


HECK YEAH! Bless you - amazing, so helpful!


Thank You!!!


Thank you for all of your cheats! I am having trouble getting the timex cheat. What do I have to download to open the file?


TM: OK, so I tested this last night, I played for about 4 hours without getting and LE and then I got one, but This mod didn't seem to say anything. Is that usual or unusual?


Is the le empty? Ie. Just 3 lines with xml and root? If so then BE can't currently tell you anything since there's no actual error. I'm working on something for that but it'll be a few weeks. With empty LEs you should 50/50 your mods folder until you find what's doing it


Don't open it, save it directly to your mods folder and make sure script mods are enabled in gameplay options


I need help. I can't save it unzipped. It's getting unzipped automatically and goes to downloads also automatically.


it finally worked.


You are literally a god.


AMAZING!!! Thank You for this mod it was soooooo needed in my game I'm forever getting last exceptions.


Thankyou so much for this mod I needed this


OK after about 4 hours of play again, an LE came up and I watched to see if this would also pop up to say something about it. Now I am guessing I'm gonna need a serious LE to pop up, but this is only a Ts4 script file right so it shouldn't hurt anything? Maybe you could add a similar message to this like the one MCCC shows when you open the game Y'know the one that starts with Oi! LOL. Something like you are running better exceptions vers. 2.0 Makes it easy for us to see if it is working.


Any LE should trigger the popup if there is an actual error in the le text file. If it doesn't please send me the le so I can test. If the better exceptions mod is in the startup popup for mods then it should be working.


I've downloaded the mod several times and it downloads as an unzip file and it doesn't work at all in my game and I ran my game and in my mods folder was and error folder


How did you get it to work because the download comes out unzipped automatically?


Cuando va ha estar traducido al español?


Hello! I put this mod in my game today, and my game would not open. It produced a message saying something about my video card. When I took it out my game opened. Do you know what could of caused this?


OK, but the LE is huge, it starts with this line. I will send you the whole thing if you want. I'm not trying to offend, but rather just want to make sure this is working in my game, because I think this is a great idea.


This mod doesn't modify any graphical aspects of thew game. I'm not sure what caused it but it wouldn't be the mod. What video card do you have?


hi i added this to my game and i did get the LE pop ups but the script you made does not do anything for me and i have saved it directly to my mod folder


Is it in the root folder? It can't be in a subfolder. Needs to be directly in mods.


Hi thanks for the mod! As soon as my game opened in live mode mu Exception alert popped up as follows : Possible Cause : home_assignment_career_gig. Can you please tell me how to fix this bug?


Hi! I've downloaded it as a sims4pack and put it directly in the Mods folder, so no subfolder. However, it doesn't show up in-game. Anything I'm doing wrong?


Did you unzip the file by any chance? Just download it and put it in the mod folder. It works as soo as the game receives a LE


Same for me, it doesn't show up in the game. I downloaded it and put it in the Mods folder, without unzipping ect.


mine is unzipped, it's a ts4 file. I'm waiting for the box to come up that says Exception Alert, like the one in your picture above but that does not happen, so far. Other than that I hope it is running. Doesn't seem to slow my game down or anything.


If you have AllCheats installed you can test with the cheat "debug.force_exception" :)


Anyone else having the issue with the game crashing/ not responding when you close the game


I removed this mod from my game because it stopped popping up to tell me about my exceptions now that its gone i can no longer see my exceptions in note it just says " "




Mariah it sounds like you're having blank exceptions. That's why BE wasn't popping up. I'm working on the mod currently to alert you when this happens but basically it means something broke so badly, likely a mod, that it didn't even generate a proper error. Use the 50/50 method to find the problem.


Thank you very much

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

I had a blank screen yesterday. I have the mistake, it is a recurring error in the restaurants. This concerns a drink served. I do not have any mods on it. I looked at the mistake and back on my game, I no longer had the picture, just the sound, the screen was immaculate white. I cleaned up my game because it was lags when I reopened my game, can not continue the game in the state.;)


Something is wrong. Not popping up in game?


It's not working for me.


It'll only pop up when there's an exception. Make sure it shows on your mod list at startup.


It'll only pop up when there's an exception. Make sure it shows on your mod list at startup.


i have downloaded Tmex-BetterExceptions.ts4script and it's not working. I have not unzipped it for 2 reasons.... 1. i know im not meant to unzip 2. it's not in a folder to be unzipped any way....what am i doing wrong ???? i have tried debug.force_exception to test it and nothing happens


I have also had MCCC report that there was an issue and still no better exception report


Is the mod compatable with mac? I dont have the file in a sub folder and it shows in the mod-list at the begining. But it does not work somehow. I have the MCC report but no window pops up.


It's compatible if you have the newest version. There's still some cases where BE might not alert you but those are fixed in the coming update.


Is there an update coming soon? This Mod seems to not be working as it should


I have a Macbook pro


Yes there is but you're welcome to post the LE in my discord and I'll make sure it's one of the issues fixed in my next update.

Brookie Rex

Hi! How am I able to download this mod? Do I have to become a patreon member? The paperclip link you have only links this mod's code on my pc's notepad, it doesn't let me download as a package file.


It's public. Try right clicking it and save as. Save it directly to your mods folder.


Thank You TwistedMexi , I downloaded this and it was on my loading screen , after playing for few minutes it let me know of 2 mods not working and I removed them and all is perfectly working no issues :) I am so grateful to this because I was always one by one checking them , updating them all that fun stuff lol this helps more. Appreciate YOU!! ~


You are awesome!


When i first opened the game with BE I got one of the popups telling me to update so i did. But now i keep getting LE's like before with no more popups? I looked into the LE's and it's saying there's a problem with BE...


*BROKEN* This mod, with it alone, I keep getting this buff_component error! I removed all mods but this, and STILL get it! Broken with latest patch I guess, any assumed time this will be fixed to be working with latest patch?


It's not broken. You probably have send usage data unchecked in your game options. We just learned recently having this turned off will cause your le files not to be renamed, which will cause BE to keep reading that error


I'm interested in translating this mod to Brazilian Portuguese, could you send me the text files to create the translation? :D


Hey Matheus, if you open the package file with sims 4 studio you can edit the Portuguese string table directly.


hey Matheus, I'm loving this mod! could you ask me, when it will be available? because I think interesting. have you already known the date right?


I totally love this mod but since I have installed the moschino stuff pack, it stopped working. I deleted the files and I came back here and downloaded it and still nothing. I get the notices from MC but then I wait for this mod to pop up and nothing. Idk what to do cause even thou I removed mods that have not been updated yet, I am still having issues and this mod was a lifesaver.


For some reason when I download this file it is not zipped. I tried save as but still not appearing as a zip.


It's already zipped. Right click the link and save as directly to your mods folder


I've been trying to download this for weeks but cant. I keep getting a message that I have to get an "associated file" I have been attempting to this also, but no file I have is able to help me with this download... Can Anyone help??? Pease?


i downloaded this and it said to update it, which i did, and then it said it failed to update and to update manually?


Hi, I just got this tonight and it fixed my last exception issues ive been having, i had no clue what mod was outdated and it just helped me with that. Youre the best, ty!


works like a charm

Raelynn Russell

Hey, i keep getting this check update error... help please


If it's in the tmex settings folder you can ignore it, just means you'll have to grab be updates manually


It doesn't come zipped to me either.


i just downloaded the mod but it doesn't pop out on my game. help, please :(


Ok so I downloaded the mod, but it didn’t come in a zip folder, is it supposed to??


Does this still work for the November patch update?


it won't let me download it


Right click, save as. Also you need to grab v1.06, this post is for an older version


Im a bit confussed. Love this mod, but does is still work?? and where do I find the 1.06 version?


Hey not to be pushy or anything but does this work still but if not are u working on it


does this still work


Hi, I was wondering if maybe I'm going something wrong but every time I download the file, it comes already unzipped. Is it supposed to be this way? Does this mod not work on Macs?


does it still work with the latest patch it dosent pop up on my end


I really like this mod. Thank you for your hard work! Something that keeps annoying me though is that I'm playing right now, and it seems some trait is causing a last exception. I figure I'll remove the trait when I close the game. But instead, every minute or so, better exceptions takes over the screen to tell me it's scanning, then telling me it's the same trait as before. I don't like being interrupted over and over for the same error, especially when BE takes the whole screen instead of a regular LE off in the corner.


Hello. I was wondering if there was a way to bring up an old report that's no longer in your computer's history


hello i just download it and its a ts4 script only :/


I know you woudlnt want me to do this but It doesnt let me delete the mod. I would delete it then it would come back in my game.. I need all my mods out for a second but that just keeps coming back in.. any ideas for help?


It sounds like you might have onedrive set to sync that folder. Should definitely turn that off, it'll save you a lot of headaches.


I think this needs a update. At least that's what it says when I turn on my game. Thanks,


Hi TwistedMexi!, this mod needs an update for the latest EA patch


Hey, is the mod updated for the latest patch?


is this mod updated?


is this mod compatible with the latest pat h?


Is the Mod workable in the current game patch?

Brit Lynn

Is this mod up to date with the latest Patch from September 3rd 2020??


I download it and everything it’s still zip but when I play the game nothing happens

Brent and Maggie

i have a butt ton of mods, takes forever to scan. how do i disable it? its part of the betterbuildbuy mod. which is awesome btw.


BE has been scanning for 30 mins now. I have a lot of mods, but it usually takes 5 mins or so. Any idea whats causing this issue?