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Apparently the Destroy Object command had gone missing, meaning a lot of bugs out there were suddenly more difficult or impossible to resolve.

Since this is important for a lot of outstanding issues, and a fairly simple fix, I'm releasing it publicly immediately.

This mod re-adds the interaction when you shift-click an object with testingcheats true.

NOTE: Per the usual, you'll also need my AllCheats mod for the cheat to work properly. I've included both here for convenience. You don't need to redownload AllCheats if you already have it. You'll also need "Script Mods" enabled in Gameplay Options - Other.

EDIT: I've re-uploaded the AllCheats download. If you're having issues with pets disappearing or similar problems, please redownload.

Download the package file directly to your Mods folder.
If you need AllCheats as well, download it directly to your mods folder. Do not unzip or open.




Thank you, disappeared recently from my game annoyingly


We so appreciate you!

Shandra Beaver

I never lost the interaction but I know where to go if I do!! Thanks:)

James McGoey

I get a cancellation of the laundry unload (washer or dryer with this version of your "Tmex-AllCheats.ts4script", (3 internal "pyc" files dated 11-19-2018) and an le is generated: "Exception running Element (RuntimeError: [rmccord] enter_carry_while_holding: Interaction running collect_Laundry_Unload_PutAway_Dryer:134 on object_laundry_Dryer:0x0b4607f88ce39ae8 (guaranteed) does not have a carry_track, which means its animation tuning doesn't have a carry target or create target specified in object editor or the posture manifest from the swing graph does not require a specific object." If I substitute the "Tmex-AllCheats.ts4script" from November, (3 internal "pyc" files dated 11-13-2018), then everything runs fine. The laundry unload is not cancelled and no le is generated. I can still destroy objects with the older "Tmex-AllCheats.ts4script" in place. Any ideas?


Huh... allcheats really doesn't do anything after the game loads. I'll download a copy from here and try the laundry interaction, but I can't think of how allcheats would cause that

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

Never had a problem with the cheats so far, the destruction command is present and works well, I do not understand the problem. This new release removes an order from the mailbox of MC Center, the season's cheats. I give the version without correction. Thank you for your dedication.

James McGoey

I get that, TMex. I just wanted to bring it to your attention since there are 2 allcheats ts4script files out there..

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

All the animals have disappeared from my families ... I saw that this morning, I could not find the dog of the family yesterday, it's general in the game ... I do not understand why this fix is necessary, everything worked well before ...


Hey Heidi, please go back to the old copy of all cheats. They should be identical but people are reporting issues with this one. You can keep the package mod, just replace all cheats with the old. I've also replaced this download so the AllCheats should be working properly now.

Shandra Beaver

So since Island Living I haven't been able to destroy objects. Guess it's time to use this. Thanks very much!!

Shandra Beaver

Never mind, it does work, I just forgot to put the all cheats back in the mods folder when I was looking for a mod that was causing problems.