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Underworlds makes any world of your choice eternally night, whereas DayBreak makes any world constantly daylight.

Download and open the zip of your choice, then drag the package files for the worlds you want to your Mods folder.

Enjoy :)

Edit: Updated to include Sulani (Island Living)




Thank you! I was looking for this. I love the 24 hour daylight. : )


What is the daybreak zip do ?


Open it and it contains a mod for each world, whichever worlds you add to your mods folder will be forced to day time at all hours.


Oh wow thanks Mexi that's great it saves me from needing the Gated Community mod that keeps humans out of Forgotten Hollow and vise versa.




each time i download a archive it close my chrome O_O


Hi, In Forgotten Hollow, despite the eternal night, vampires are still sensitive to the sun :(


Is Daybreak working for Island Living yet? I am guessing no. Will you let us know when it's ready. It gets dark kind of early there. It was light so late in strangerville. Thanks!


Thank you!! I love this mod.


Just Popping in to say thank you soooooo much for updating this wonderful mod with the new worlds and for allowing everyone to download it. WONDERFUL WONDERFUL!


Thank you so much for updating this mod, dude! My Vampire Story on tumblr would have been probably burned to the ashes by now if you wouldn't have done this Mod! =D I was on MTS but the mod there is outdated. You need a tumblr...=D I created a post on my cc finds and linked to this post for updates. And the Daywalker Mod still works at least in my save it seems like! ^-^!


I have one, but I have Twitter, discord, twistedmexi.com, and patreon. That's more than enough to keep me busy. I don't post to mts anymore because it's too much hassle.


Is there anyway you'd be able to make Night time in each GTW world in separate packages instead of one package? :O Would be awesomes to have.


I thought I read that Glimmer brook was added. I'll look elsewhere. Thanks!

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

Hi, would it be possible to put the night on Glimmerbrook? It would be great and in adequacy, thank you and have a nice day:)

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

You are nice, thank you, we can do pretty things with the debug objects, the night would be great. Objects in weightlessness are accessible, for troubled worlds, your nights on lot will be essential;)

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

HAPPY, you will not forget to put Glimmerbrook in night mode, it would please me a lot. I know you have a lot of work with your new project, sorry if I put pressure on you, it's not my intention


Hey TwistedMexi, It appears that the vampires are still being affected by the sun as though it were day. Pretty sure this only started to occur on the new patch - is it possible the latest patch broke it?