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 Wanting childhood skills that are actually worth something on your birthday? This mod carries skill experience over to give you a head start on their next age equivalents!
Happened to max that Potty skill on your toddler? Enjoy the steel bladder trait on your next birthday.

There is a variant that excludes the steel bladder perk.

Make sure script mods are enabled in Gameplay Options - Other

Save the file directly to your Mods folder. No extracting :)




Wonderful, thank you! One of my favourite mods ever.


Yay! Thanks so much for this one.


you"re the best, thank you!


Loved having this but will you be updating it for the recent April 2019 Patch?


This mod is have an error.. Can you update this mod? +_+


I'd need more info on the error. If you have a lastexception.txt please provide it to my discord twistedmexi.com


is this mod still compatible?


Thank you! This mod is working great. The only issue I saw was skills not being updated when a child ages to teen, and I realized it was because I didn't have CIty Living -- can't increase the singing skill if you don't have it, haha! Gave me a nice excuse to get another EP ;)


Does anyone know if this mod still works with new patch or does it need to be updated


According to my sims file, it's out of date. It is giving me UI issues when I go into build/buy and back into live mode. Kinda bummed about it.


This mod is compatible with patch 3 June 2020?


Hi! Just wanted to let you know that the "Lifetime Skills_no steel bladder" MOD isn't working (for me, at least). I just downloaded your Better Exceptions (fanTAStic tool, BTW) and that MOD was the culprit! Cheers :)


hi! sorry for bothering you, i'm getting this LE while using this mod: 2cf3d609e458584785ee71850desyncea.maxis.sims4_64.15.pc2020-06-15 03:42:52Local.Unknown.Unknown. Failure: 'PublicUnlock' (PublicUnlock) (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PublicUnlock')
Traceback (most recent call last):

 File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\utils.py", line 119, in import_modules_by_path [
 _path : C:\Users\Eksynn\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\Better Simlings_s\Tmex-LifetimeSkills-NoSteelBladder.ts4script,
 builtins : <module 'builtins' (built-in)>,
 ignored_modules : set(),
 error_count : 0,
 module_name : PublicUnlock,
 module_fqn : PublicUnlock]
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PublicUnlock'rtim=0
ClientInfo isn't here 2cf3d609e458584785ee71850desyncea.maxis.sims4_64.15.pc2020-06-15 03:42:52Local.Unknown.Unknown. Failure: 'tmex-lifetimeskills' (tmex-lifetimeskills) (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tmex-lifetimeskills')
Traceback (most recent call last):

 File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\utils.py", line 119, in import_modules_by_path [
 _path : C:\Users\Eksynn\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\Better Simlings_s\Tmex-LifetimeSkills-NoSteelBladder.ts4script,
 builtins : <module 'builtins' (built-in)>,
 ignored_modules : set(),
 error_count : 1,
 module_name : tmex-lifetimeskills,
 module_fqn : tmex-lifetimeskills]
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tmex-lifetimeskills'rtim=0
ClientInfo isn't here


so.. i just realised i hadn't updated it to the latest version yet lol - my mistake, please disregard. (i just updated - hopefully it's fixed)

Liz Ashton

I can get this mod to work with the latest mod updates after Cottage Living etc. Can you confirm it's working? I'd love to use it, your mods are literally game-changing!


27735cc89fc1b4c5e63063925desyncea.maxis.sims4.15.mac2022-08-24 09:15:29Local.Unknown.Unknown.1.90.375.1220-1.300.000.144.Releasecpp_message.py:1077735cc89fc1b4c5e63063925Exception raised while trying to run a test event in test_events.py: (TypeError: None has type <class 'NoneType'>, but expected one of: int, long)&#13;&#10;Traceback (most recent call last):&#13;&#10;Caught and logged:&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\utils.py", line 179, in wrapper&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\areaserver.py", line 209, in c_api_server_tick&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\zone.py", line 487, in update&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\time_service.py", line 117, in update&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\scheduling.py", line 216, in simulate&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\elements.py", line 376, in _run&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\animation_utils.py", line 434, in flush_all_animations&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\arb_accumulator.py", line 499, in flush&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\arb_accumulator.py", line 399, in _append_arb_to_element&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\arb_element.py", line 245, in execute_and_merge_arb&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\arb_element.py", line 272, in handle_events&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\native\animation\arb.py", line 385, in handle_events&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\utils\interaction_elements.py", line 182, in _behavior_event_handler&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\aging\aging_element.py", line 381, in _do_behavior&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\aging\aging_element.py", line 54, in __call__&#13;&#10; File "D:\Projects\Sims 4 Modding\Mods\TMex Mods 2018\Tmex-FullHouse\PublicUnlock.py", line 7, in _unlock&#13;&#10; File "D:\Projects\Sims 4 Modding\Mods\TMex Mods 2018\Tmex-LifetimeSkills\tmex-lifetimeskills.py", line 109, in tm_ageuphook_write&#13;&#10; File "E:\Builds\MCCC_2022_4_2\mc_cmd_center\mc_utils.py", line 196, in _wrapper_function&#13;&#10; File "E:\Builds\MCCC_2022_4_2\mc_cmd_center\mc_injections.py", line 300, in inject_advance_age&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\sims\aging\aging_mixin.py", line 836, in advance_age&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\event_manager_service.py", line 266, in process_event&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\event_testing\event_manager_service.py", line 375, in _process_test_event&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\venues\graduation_venue_event_drama_node.py", line 89, in handle_event&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\household_calendar\calendar_service.py", line 49, in mark_on_calendar&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\household_calendar\calendar_service.py", line 148, in _send_calendary_entry&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\venues\venue_event_drama_node.py", line 484, in create_calendar_entry&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\drama_scheduler\drama_node.py", line 637, in create_calendar_entry&#13;&#10; File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\google\protobuf\internal\cpp_message.py", line 107, in Setter&#13;&#10;TypeError: None has type <class 'NoneType'>, but expected one of: int, longrtim=0&#13;&#10;Client Session Time: 24.27&#13; &#10;Num Save Errors: 0&#13; &#10;Num Load Errors: 0&#13; &#10;Current Game State: 0x96d01090&#13; &#10;LoadingScreenActiveFlag: 1&#13; &#10;Origin Version: 10,5,115,51547&#13; &#10;Modded: True&#13; &#10;SystemInfo: Mac OS X Version 10.16 (Build 20G730) GPU: Intel Iris Pro macOS Metal driver; &#10;


I tried to send it on Discord but it wouldn't let me. I keep getting this exception. I think lifetime skills and full house need an update. All of the most recent downloads are from 2018


Those mods still work, they just haven't broken since 2018. What do you mean it won't let you post it to the discord? Did you read and accept the server rules?