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UPDATE 7/21/21
Vampire Toggle and Mermaid Toggle were updated for the Cottage Living Patch.


Hey everyone, as you've probably realized by now the latest patch broke any and all script mods (the ones ending with .zip or .ts4script).

To keep it simple, all of my mod updates will be listed here, with a brief explanation of what they do.

All Cheats - Re-enables all the cheats the guru's blocked with the season's patch.

Always FreeBuild - Forces Freebuild mode on.

Always FullEditMode - Forces CAS into Full Edit Mode. Pairs well with AlwaysTesting.

Always MOO - Forces MoveObjects On.

Always Testing - Forces TestingCheats True.

ClubCredit - Adds a cheat that modifies your club balances easily and quickly.
Command: tm.clubcredit

DayWalkers - Allows vampires to be in sunlight without burning.

FullHouse - A cheat mod that allows you to manually add more than 8 sims to a household.
Command: tm.fullhouse

Lifetime Skills - Lets you carry over a % of skill value to their next-age equivalents.
(There is also a variant that excludes the steel bladder perk for maxed potty skill)

LiveDrag - Allows you to drag any object while in live mode.
Command: tm.livedrag_all

Sell Inventory - Allows you to sell entire household inventory in one command.
Command: tm.sellinventory

No Weather BuildBuy - Removes snow, rain, puddles, and drifts while in buildbuy mode.

Vehicles - Cheat mod that lets you spawn high-resolution decorative vehicles.
Command: tm.vehicles

Values Toggle - Cheat mod to toggle character values. When values are off, any value changes will result in a neutral value (zero).
Command: tm.togglevalues

Select any you want from the list below and save them directly to your mods folder.
Any questions, feel free to ask here or on twitter :)



Jermaine M

Do they work with the latest update?


Okay so I have this issue where if I have ANY mods installed it makes new updates like horses and babies disappear, how do I remedy this issue?


Go to the discord to troubleshoot, but the most likely answer if you mean buildbuy content is that it's actually better buildbuy and you haven't refreshed the organized debug yet. discord.twistedmexi.com


I use your all day/night light in Brindelton Bay and it did work, but I downloaded that urgent mod(all cheats) from yesterday. I wasn't even sure what it did. Should I keep using it? I do have a question about the weather cheats. They haven't worked for a few days. I use the weather.start_weather_event weather_Sunny_Warm a lot to get rid of rain etc.. How do I get it to work? It says cheats are enabled with testingcheats true ?? I hate these updates. Thanks A lot!


I did the always testing and it didn't change anything. Thanks.


Oh, Do I have to download the always testing, as a mod? LOL. I'll do that. Thanks!

James McGoey

What about your old "Tmex-ClubCredit" mod. Is that still useful?


Ah, tried to make sure I grabbed them all. I'll update that one within the next few hours. I'll make a separate post and update this post as well. Thanks


Hey Cheryl, you don't need that one but it saves you from having to use testingcheats true every time. The weather cheats depend on my All Cheats mod. Make sure you have Script Mods set to enabled in your Gameplay Options -> Other tab. Its a separate option from enabling mods.


sending a moderlode of thanks!!


The 'default' vampires (the ones from the Pack) aren't affected by the Vampire Toggle, correct? It just prevents more vampires from spawning than the ones already in the game?


No it will affect any and all vampires, what I mean is they aren't "technically" turned human until you load up a zone with them in it. If the toggle is on and you load a vampire's zone, the sim will be human. If you save after that point then the sim will remain human for that save file.


Thanks for updating so fast! One question though, I had a script mod which unlocked all locked objects, but it was not your cheat mod (Which is missing on your list at the moment) Could you make a new one for that, but instead of a cheat just one that immediately unlocks them like the one I downloaded before from Scripthoge on MTS? He hasn't been online for a very long time, so I don't think he's going to update his. :(


Hey Bakie, there's a built in cheat for this now, which is why I don't update mine: bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement I can make an Always mod for it to save having to type it in if you'd like.


Hello there! Is there any chance of you updating the Lifetime Skills mod?


Is the no weather mod, just no weather? I assume yes. Is your day light all the time updated yet? Or is there one in place of it? Thanks A lot!


I had to delete everything due to a crash, so I am adding back slowly and it's very time consuming. I can just add the daylight mod back and see if it works with no problems, right? Thanks! 😁


Sure, it's a fairly basic mod so unlikely that it's the cause of your issues :)


No, it specifically removes the weather while in buildbuy. Makes it easier to place stuff when normally a snow drift or puddle would be blocking it, and makes it easier to see when placing items.


Thank you!


Hi there! I was wondering if you were going to update the Lifetime Skills mod for the new Python release? It's one of my favourites and I miss it already!


Thank you so much!


Hiya! I was wondering if you were going to update the underworld mod? Thank you so much for the speedy updates :)


hi, will the setagecheat mod also get a update? thanks for the fast updates btw :)

Cecilia Marino

is there anything i need to do to activate these mods? i have them in my Mods folder but still had to do the bb. mode


thank you for update

Stephen Blake

Will the Unlock All Items mod be updated too? Thank you for all the above!


I've installed the updated Daywalkers mod, but my vampires are still sizzling/losing energy in the sunlight. Is there an additional step I'm missing? Script mods are enabled.


Possibly a stupid question, but does AllCheats include the rest of the downloadable Mods attached to this post (eg: AlwaysTesting), or do I need to add those additionally?


No each mod only does what it's description says. You'll need the separate mod


hi i recently downloaded the FullHouse mod i wonder if its updated because when i try to do the cheat tm.fullhouse then sim name and last name i cant add to my current household i made a family that has two teens an elder and 3 cats and i made another household that was of 8 sims that were sims i found from different sites and when i try to add them using the cheat tm.fullhouse etc it wont let me add and i have tried merging the families with MCC by uping the household of the teen family to 15 sims via the pc in game and when i tried merge it said that the family couldn't have any more sims prior to 8 please help i have always wanted to merge a household of 8 sims to another family :(


i did that and it doesnt work


That version is compatible. Make sure you saved the ts4script file directly to your mods folder, don't unzip. Also make sure script mods are enabled in your gameplay options -> other tab. It's a separate option from just mods


thanks ill try it i just downloaded from the update list and wasnt a zip folder this time last one i had was a zip folder i have put in my mods folder fingers crosses (sorry im a pain mental reasons)


a big thankyou to you twistedmexi <3 thanks it finally worked i am so happy i love your mods ^^ please keep up the amazing work you are the best xx


all cheats don´t work ... i can´t level up my vampire


It does. Make sure script mods are enabled in gameplay options -> others tab, and make sure you have testingcheats true set just as you normally would.


You put every single stat cheat on that list in? You can't just skip to grandmaster because the points are given at each step


Where is unlock all? My mom and I miss that mod! We love your mods!


They added a built-in cheat for that awhile back, I was surprised to find people still using my mod considering it hasn't been updated in years lol, glad you were still enjoying it. Instead, try bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement


It's not working? I have script mods enabled and when I use the mod detector it says the mod is broken


Which mod, and did you save the .ts4script file directly to the Mods folder? Don't unzip it.


I have downloaded this "always full edit cas", and every time I open a homelot, I get a lastException with this mod mentioned in file. tried to come back later and download again. ut same error. I have not tried a game completely with only this mod, could it maybe be caused by a conflict?


I'm having the same problem as Liz above. I put the ts4 script in mods. script mods enabled. turned 'testingcheats' on and typed all the variations of your command code in. Nothing happens. What can I do?


The full house mod seems to have stopped working again... Is it possible that the free holiday content has caused the mod to need an update? I have definitely downloaded it correctly, since i've used it in the past no problem...


Shouldn't have, make sure your script mods are enabled in gameplay options, some updates disable that.


I just wanted to tell you that the full house mod deleted one of my sims... Thought I'd let you know.


If you took it into CAS then CAS will delete sims over 8. You have to do individual CAS instead


Hey, the full house mod doesnt't seem to work anymore after some update :-/ I controlled if script mods were enabled (they were) and it used to work with the script mods I have (which are all up to date)... Is there a fix or is it the update that messed it all up ?


Ahh I miss the unlock all mod... tm.unlockall is much easier to type than bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement LOL This mod was working fine until the last update for Get Famous broke it...


so all I need for the full house mod to work is the script file that you provided here?


I have a question, does your Set Age on MTS still work? Is the mod still working? If not, are you planning on making an update and if you do make an update could you please incude it here :') Edit: Thank you for all of the mods you've provided thus far, took my Sims experience to another level.


Heya, a few of these have begun throwing LastExceptions in my game since the latest patch - AlwaysTesting definitely doesn't seem to work anymore. I know they'll be releasing another patch soon for the new game pack though so I'm not sure it would be worth fixing until that comes out...


Will these work after the Strangeville patch they just pushed?


Hey Laurie, I completed testing on my Always mods, they seem to be working fine. The LastExceptions may be from another mod. If you still need help, feel free to share the LastException text and I'll help where I can. You do need to make sure the Mods and Script Mods options are both checked in Gameplay Options -> Other. They're reset with each major patch.


I am trying to download the fullhouse mod, however when I try to open the file my computer wants me to find an app in the app store to open it. This has not happened before, do you have any suggestions on how I can get this mod? (also this is a new computer, on my old ones it never happened.)


Hi TM, I was wondering. In the past I've been able to use wickedwhims method to get my sims pregnant with the full house mod, but that doesn't seem to be working now. Do I strictly have to use the try for baby option in order to increase the household genetically? Thanks in advance :)


Hey Sam, I can't speak to any methods with WickedWhims, I'm sure Turbo would be willing to take a look if he might have accidentally removed a "feature" of sorts. As far as my fullhouse mod is concerned, it doesn't support natural growth. The sim would have to be created in a normal household and added to the larger household via the command.


For the Fullhouse cheat "Name"_"Lastname" For adding a Sim?


The full house mod is not working for me. I have allowed mods and script mods. Do I need to do anything else for the mod to work?


Make sure you saved it directly to your mods folder, it should not be opened or unzipped. If it shows up on the mod list at startup then it's installed properly.


It looks like you might be using the mods from before the python update that happened in November. Make sure you redownload from the python update master list on my patreon


So they don't have any zip file to them, so I should just download and put script right into mod folder as is? thank you in advance... Love all your work btw :)


Tmex-AlwaysFullEditMode.ts4script and Tmex-AlwaysFreeBuild.ts4script stopped working as of 9:45pm on 4/13/19 just wanted to let you know cant wait for them to update. :) Thank you for reading my posts you are awesome :)


Sorry to bother you but are these updated since the new sims 4 update? Just wondering no rush


They should still be compatible, as fit the two that stopped working please check your gameplay options, mods are deactivated with patch updates


ok thank you sure will :)

Kitt'n Meow

I keep getting errors related to tmex-alwaystesting & Tmex-AlwaysFullEditMode. The lastexception file is telling me they are broken or outdated. Have you uploaded new ones or am I doing something wrong? I didn't do anything except replace the mods that needed to be replaced. What's really weird is they both still seem to work. I just get regular lastexception errors.


Same for me so I just re-download and play again till it says the same thing again and I just keep repeating the process :(


hey Mexi, i downloaded this mod from this page today, and used it, but it dod not work, i tried redownloading, restarting the game, nothing worked, the same for all the other mods i downloaded from here, and after that this exception showed up: <root> <report><version>2</version><sessionid>98fcda876fc999965ccaf429</sessionid><type>desync</type><sku>ea.maxis.sims4_64.15.pc</sku><createtime>2019-05-02 10:46:44</createtime><buildsignature>Local.Unknown.Unknown.</buildsignature><categoryid>custom_import.py:72</categoryid><desyncid>98fcda876fc999965ccaf429</desyncid><systemconfig></systemconfig><screenshot></screenshot><desyncdata> Failure: 'PublicUnlock' (PublicUnlock) (ZipImportError: can't find module 'PublicUnlock') Traceback (most recent call last): File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\utils.py", line 119, in import_modules_by_path File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\utils.py", line 116, in import_modules_by_path File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\custom_import.py", line 72, in load_module zipimport.ZipImportError: can't find module 'PublicUnlock' </desyncdata></report> <report><version>2</version><sessionid>98fcda876fc999965ccaf429</sessionid><type>desync</type><sku>ea.maxis.sims4_64.15.pc</sku><createtime>2019-05-02 10:46:44</createtime><buildsignature>Local.Unknown.Unknown.</buildsignature><categoryid>custom_import.py:72</categoryid><desyncid>98fcda876fc999965ccaf429</desyncid><systemconfig></systemconfig><screenshot></screenshot><desyncdata> Failure: 'tmex-alwaysfulleditmode' (tmex-alwaysfulleditmode) (ZipImportError: can't find module 'tmex-alwaysfulleditmode') Traceback (most recent call last): File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\utils.py", line 119, in import_modules_by_path File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\utils.py", line 116, in import_modules_by_path File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\custom_import.py", line 72, in load_module zipimport.ZipImportError: can't find module 'tmex-alwaysfulleditmode' </desyncdata></report> <report><version>2</version><sessionid>98fcda876fc999965ccaf429</sessionid><type>desync</type><sku>ea.maxis.sims4_64.15.pc</sku><createtime>2019-05-02 10:46:44</createtime><buildsignature>Local.Unknown.Unknown.</buildsignature><categoryid>custom_import.py:72</categoryid><desyncid>98fcda876fc999965ccaf429</desyncid><systemconfig></systemconfig><screenshot></screenshot><desyncdata> Failure: 'PublicUnlock' (PublicUnlock) (ZipImportError: can't find module 'PublicUnlock') Traceback (most recent call last): File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\utils.py", line 119, in import_modules_by_path File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\utils.py", line 116, in import_modules_by_path File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\custom_import.py", line 72, in load_module zipimport.ZipImportError: can't find module 'PublicUnlock' </desyncdata></report> <report><version>2</version><sessionid>98fcda876fc999965ccaf429</sessionid><type>desync</type><sku>ea.maxis.sims4_64.15.pc</sku><createtime>2019-05-02 10:46:44</createtime><buildsignature>Local.Unknown.Unknown.</buildsignature><categoryid>custom_import.py:72</categoryid><desyncid>98fcda876fc999965ccaf429</desyncid><systemconfig></systemconfig><screenshot></screenshot><desyncdata> Failure: 'tmex-fullhouse' (tmex-fullhouse) (ZipImportError: can't find module 'tmex-fullhouse') Traceback (most recent call last): File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\utils.py", line 119, in import_modules_by_path File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\utils.py", line 116, in import_modules_by_path File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Core\sims4\importer\custom_import.py", line 72, in load_module zipimport.ZipImportError: can't find module 'tmex-fullhouse' </desyncdata></report> </root>


I am having difficulties with the fullhouse mod. I am typing in tm.fullhouse firstname lastname override after it hit 24 people, but it still doesn't work. I tried putting it in all caps, i tried putting it in all lowercase, i tried putting it in i tried putting it in parentheses, but nothing seems to work! I was having difficulties before, and I saw a post on your patreon dedicated to this mod, and that helped me, but I cannot find it again for the life of me.


for some reason it deleted part of my comment. I meant those triangular parentheses that are in your instructions


Nevermind, I figured it out. Instead of putting "override" like it says, you have to type in "true"


Hello, I'm new to sims mods and I don't quite understand how to use the full house mod


how do you tunr off the free build? i was testing things and i dont know how to turn it off ;~;


Hello how do I get the always full edit mode on? No matter what I do it doesn't work


Script mods enabled in game options? The script should be showing on the startup list. Make sure you didn't open or unzip the file.


A few days ago before the recent sims update with the Pride items, I was able to shift click on any sim and have a ton of the options like "add trait" or "promote job", but now after the update nothing shows up? I'm not sure how to fix this. I've tried re-downloading it and deleting it from the mods folder and re-adding it.


Does the live drag mod need to be updated for the Island Living patch?


All of my script mods are typically compatible with future patches. Are you noticing an issue?


The full housemod for me isn’t working :( I'm not sure what I am doing wrong


Wait, never mind! I got it working, I didn’t have script mods enabled lol!


Okay I'm an ameteur guys hoooowwww do I do this.... I downloaded the fullhouse mod, script mods is enable - now what help!


full house is not working for me. I've made sure script mods are enabled.

James McGoey

Tmex, is it possible to tweak the "Timex-Vampire Toggle" to just delete the newly generated vampire household instead of converting them to human. The reason I ask is my game is getting 3 to 4 new homeless households every time I play. The MCC logs clearly shows this. Ex: Created homeless household, "household name", containing 1 sim(s) for: filter_Vampires_WalkBy.e I can just delete them but my game is getting full of homeless sims. Just a thought.

CiCe's Look

Is this going to work for the recent update & patch...?


Hi there! I can't seem to get your FullHouse mod working, any advice?


Is there any way to increase the fullhouse limit to have more babies?


Thanks allot, there is an issue with "fullhouse" mod whenever im adding a sim to the family another disappear so they remain as 8 only, no matter how i try, add one and it will be added but then randomly another will vanish, what am i doing wrong ...?


Thank you so much! I finally have fullhouse working! Should the old/original mod be kept or deleted?


You can set the household limit to more than 8 with MCCC so they go hand in hand nicely.


I can't get fullhouse mod work. When I enter command "tm.fullhouse", it writes to specify full name of the Sims.


I have a household of 23 sims. But I don't see any others sims in town or at workplace when I play with this large household (when I play a household of 2 everything is normal). So basically GTW expansion is not fully working since I cannot fulfill missions. Do you know any resolution for this problem?


You need to enter "tm.fullhouse {firstname} {lastname}" (If you have a sim named John Smith in other household, the command must be : tm.fullhouse John Smith)


when will you update this mod for 9/11/19


You're posting on a list of mods, most of them are still working fine. Which one are you referring to?


I have installed the 'Full House' mod, and ensured mods are enabled, but when I type tm.fullhouse true, I receive the notice 'Unable to Execute Command'


Two things, need to do it after you load a household, not the neighborhood screen. You also need to put the name of the sim to add


I thought full house wasnt updated anymore until i saw a comment on mod the sims, im happy its still here because i thought mc command center would fix the only 8 sims, thank god its here


speaking of full house, when i enter "tm.fullhouse true firstname lastname" nothing happens, no sims, no saying "cant locate a sim with that name" kinda stuck


You're entering the name of your actual sims right? If you have a lastexception.txt you can share it in my discord and I'll take a look.




I cant seem to get Fullhouse to work. I downloaded the new file and replaced the old ones but it will not let me add sims, it keeps saying that it cant locate my sim even though i made a household and its saved in my gallery. As well, does it work to allow you to add pets? I despise the sims 4 for making pets take up household spots. Its ridiculous.


can any of these be one folder deep on the mods folder?


are all of these mods up to date ? with the new patch :)


Do these work with todays patch? I followed the link from twistedmexi.com. Thanks xx

iris van landeghem

hello i have a problem with the alwaysfulleditmode cheat cus i have a household but i cant change things like there gender or aspirations like i could before and i have it in my mods folder

iris van landeghem

its solved just had to download the latest version :) thanks anyways ^^


Does testingcheats always work? or should we update it? and always moo? Thank you


does this still work with the recent patch update??


do I need both lifetime skills and lifetime skills steel bladder for it to work or just one? And with no steel bladder, I am assuming this is for kids/ toddlers to NOT have the steel bladder perk? Am I reading that correctly? Please advise.


You only need one or the other. The no steel bladder one means kids wont earn that trait as part of the mod.


OK thank you. Always free build, and full house, do not cause me any issues, yet I still have to type it in to the command bar when trying to edit University Housing. Do I need a command for full house? like for example tm.fullhouse on? EA wants to count my Servo robot as a family member but I cannot add more than 8.


does the daywalker still work because i would prefer my vamps to be able to go to work like normal and not use the underworld mods..


does cas.fulleditmode still work


who knows ?? sadly i took it off because even in his website doesnt work :/


I don't think day-walkers mod is working. Placed my vampire sims in forgotten hollow, they experience sizzling epidermis.


Hi there, the full edit cas mod doesn't seem to be working, it keeps making an error. Thank you :)


@Athena ... I use day walker mod and never had a vamp sizzle or any other problems. Actually I have a dl from 10-15-19 that I use. Do you have the same date on your DW DL? I saw this was updated but now I am scared to try it as I have way to many vamps in my game lol


Hi there, I've been trying to use the full house mod but can't seem to get it to work. Does MC Command Center mod cancel the full house mod out? Or has it been updated to the recent patch and that's a patreon member only mod now?


The Values Toggle mod, doesn't appear to be working, any help appreciated. Thanks


Hey the Always MOO mod does not work anymore. I started receiving last exceptions a few days ago. It worked fine before and after maxis released the latest patch, and i have not added any new mods to my game neither.


Can you make one for the ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement command?


are the mods working yet?


Guess I'm a lucky feller, all your mods work in my game,lol. Thanks a bunch for your work!


I literally logged in just to say this, you know creators do modding as a hobby and they don't owe you anything. your entitlement with this comment and your last wreaks. Please respect modders.


You know what? I love your creations. Makes my gaming a helluva lot fun and easier. That's why I decided to support your efforts. I became a patron today. Thank you and keep up the good work!


All stopped working after June 2020 patch ... bummer...


Do this work for the June 3rd patch?


@Azsa , no.. they stopped working for me.


Most if not all are fine. You likely need to turn mods back on after the patch.


The Full Edit seems to have a bug after the June 2020 patch. I can edit my sims, but I'm in live mode it doesn't show what sim is selected. I have to save and exit out of the game and go back in to be able to do anything. I had to remove the always free build mode too because after I finished in build mode the game wouldn't let me select a sim or access the menu to save and exit the game. I had to use the keyboard windows shortcut to exit out of the game and restart. I now have the always free build mode out of my game, but it is still doing the same thing after I access the build mode.


If you don't mind can you join my discord and drop a few screenshots of the issue? https://TwistedMexi.com


Hey! I'm not sure if this is a known issue. I am currently using the FullHouse mod (thank you for such a wonderful mod!) and had about 10 people in my family. I went to edit someone in CAS (via shift+click after enabling cheats). When I finished my family shrunk back to 8 people. I have one pregnant sim and no other mods.


You can't load the family into cas, the game automatically removes any sim over the max in cas mode

Rosana Campos

First of all, thank you so much for these amazing mods. The Values Toggle mod can leave everything in the red. Because character values go up so fast that I never managed to have a rude, irresponsible Sim, etc ...

Blue Nerd

Thank you for your hard work, as this post is older, are there any updates for 2020?

Wanda Lotus

I just discovered Always Freebuild and Vampire Toggle. Are those tested to work properly with the latest version of TS4? My Last Exception file has this message: Error message: Failure: 'tmex-VampireToggle' (tmex-VampireToggle) [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/Users/wmccrae/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods/Tmex-VampireToggle.ts4script/..' (NotADirectoryError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/Users/wmccrae/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods/Tmex-VampireToggle.ts4script/..') The website brought me to this post, so I don't know if there is a newer version elsewhere.


I just discovered this master list tonight, and wanted to confirm: are all of these confirmed working with the current game build?


Hi, with the household mod does it work by default or do i need to enter a command?


what happened to toggle celebrity quirks?


Also toggle story for SV?


Those have their own posts. Use https://TwistedMexi.com to check for updates, it'll always have the correct post linked.


Do I need the .pyc files as well or just these?


If you're seeing pyc files, you've unzipped something you shouldn't have. Keep it as a single ts4script file


It seems I having issues with AlwaysFullEdit prehaps I am doing something wrong. I have installed everything per the directions and it was working for a long time and suddenly yesterday I noticed I had to actually enter the command manually. Was wondering if something is amiss.


I even reinstalled the .script files to make sure I wasn't going cuckoo


Hello. I'm having issues with my MOO working without having to manually enter it. I play on MAC. I can go into manage worlds and enter the cheat and then go back into the save and it works fine, just not automatically with this mod installed.


Amazing set of mods. Got them all thank you! Just a quick question. Any way to upload and save my extended family to my Gallery? The only way I know is to enter through CAS, but doing so erases the rest of the family leaving only 8. I want to save this family forever and was planning to upload to the Community for safekeep


No, as far as I'm aware the gallery itself caps off at 8 sims so there's no way around it other than dividing them into multiple households first.


I read on MTS : "You are able to edit individual outfits in an over 8 household with Get Together Expansion Pack closets or use the Full House mod to temporarily remove sims back to 8 then re-add them. Just remember where you housed them!" I have used her mod and Mexi's together. I haven't tried the Get Together closets but I will next time I have more than 9. She hasn't updated the mod since March so I'm not sure if it's still working since the patch. If you want to look at the page where I picked up this information on MTS, you can find it here: https://modthesims.info/d/537466/try-for-baby-in-larger-households.html

Blue Nerd

As far as I know you can always edit outfits of any sim, yours or NPCs even in basegame. Use the cas.fulleditmode cheat to access it


Hey Mexi! Just wanted to let you know that LiveDrag is currently causing issues with objects going black when you hover over an object that's attached to it. Removing LiveDrag eliminated the problem and I've got the most recent version of it.


I believe we helped you in Discord, but so anyone else running across this issue knows, the culprit is actually Brighter Foundations. There's an updated version that resolves this.


Hey Tmex! I wnted to ask if I have the most recent version of BBB, do I need to install any of these? I know a few of them are included in BBB but there are some I'm not sure about. Also, I saw you mentioned something about Brighter Foundations causes the black when hovering over it in a comment; is that one of your mods? Thank you!!


None of the ones on this list are included in BBB. BBB includes buildcam and expandable buildbuy. Brighter Foundations isn't mine. Not sure who makes it, I just know it needed updating for that issue.


Hey! Just poking in (as I see someone already has) about the always FullEditMode -- is that one updated? It hasn't been working for me for a while :(


Yes it's still working, keep in mind you have to actually load a household first before it activates.

KM Creations

The Sell Inventory Mod is still working?

Quatiqua Waltower

do we turn them into zip files and then extract them to mods

Quatiqua Waltower

"all cheats" cover all the cheats here on the list


How do i get pregnant with the fullhouse mode cheat?? i downloaded it and can add people but still cant get pregnant


do these get updates?


Love your work! Been making my life so much easier. Tiny correction: there's a typo in Mermaid Toggle description, it says vampires instead of mermaids.