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UPDATED: If you were getting an error with the mod previously, it should now be resolved. Please download the new version.

This mod does 3 things while in BuildBuy Mode:

  • Removes snowfall and ground cover
  • Removes rainfall and ground cover
  • Removes puddles and snowdrifts from the lot.

This lets you have clear visibility and unrestricted placement on your lot, no matter the season! Finally see what you're building again!

The weather immediately returns as soon as you leave BuildBuy, so your gameplay remains uninterrupted. :)

Enjoy! The download is below.

Install Instructions:
Make sure Script Mods are enabled in your Gameplay Options -> "Other" tab.

Save the ts4script file directly to your Mods folder. No need to unzip or open it.

That's it, you're all set!




Hey TM, I am getting LEs with just this mod, AllCheats, ClubCredit, LifetimeSkills and MCCC in. Are there any updates to those that may be causing LEs?


AllCheats and MCCC (latest version) are both compatible. ClubCredit and LifetimeSkills are likely the culprit. Can you try without each of those and let me know which one is causing the LE? Or paste the LE in a message.


Happening with both! Dropped LE in your Discord


OMG..this is going to make things SO MUCH easier when decorating! Thanks you!

heidi (Team de luniversims.fr)

It's raining for the intant in my game, I opened the building and he did an LE. He's talking about the script cheats in, a little conflict between the scripts. I see that this is already reported, good luck to you and thank you for your script so judicious ( I kept the LE, in case you needed it)


Hello friend, I have the club points mod and I would like to know if the two mods do not interfere with each other? If so, would you update the club's points?

Fallen Angel Creations

do u have or know of a cheat or mod so u can edit the apartment windows in San Mateo (spice market)


Does it show the flowers/bushes/other plants in full bloom too?


breaks the ui please update