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EDIT: If you are on a different language from English and the search wasn't showing for you, please redownload RC2. Thank you.

This is a mod that works in tandem with either Andrew's Pose Player or Wicked Whim's Pose menu. It adds a search bar to their menus and allows you to search for full or partial matches.

The search can be used on both the Packs and poses within a selected pack.

You still need to install either WW or Pose Player.
Public release set for 6/24



1. Open the download below and drag the .package file to your Mods folder.
2. Ensure either Pose Player, WickedWhims, or both are installed.
3. When using their pose menus you'll see a search bar in the top left.



Miranda Scott

This mod is such a time saver!! Thank you bunches! My dream is maybe, just maybe we will get a search bar in cas to find certain cc. I clearly have an addiction LOL (no judgement)

Trish M

I’ve been waiting for this exact mod for what feels like forever! Such a time saver. Thanks sm for what you do, glad I can support!


this is everything I've been wanting for years since Andrews Pose Player was released. Can't wait to try it out.


Hi! I’m wondering if you know of any other possible conflicts for this mod as I can’t get it to show up for me for some reason. I have both WW and Pose Player. I don’t have any UI recolors but I do use UI cheats and a font replacement. I have a bunch of your other mods, including another search bar and those all work fine - it’s only this one I can’t get to show up.


can u pls make this compatible with UI recolors.


Hi! I’m back because after doing the 50/50 method I’ve discovered that the conflict was caused by King Zace’s 15 Clubs Per Sim mod. Sharing here incase anyone else experiences this issue!