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Sup Skelletons
For April we have a lot of surprises! And I hope you like it 

These are the releases that we will have:

1. Hard Duty, inspired by Heavy Duty from GI Joe (For all subscribers)  April 4
    1A. With Hat and Glasses
    1B. With Hat
    1C. Normal

2. Optimus, inspired by the Optimus Prime (For Sergeant Skelletons and Up) April 4
    2A. Normal head
    2B. Damage Version Head
    2C. As helmet

3. Jungle Kit (For all subscribers)  April 4
    3A. Bagpack
    3B. Gun

4. The Knight Collection, inspired by Moonknight (For Sergeant Skelletons and Up) April 4
     4A. Oscar Isaac
     4B. Oscar Isaac Mad
     4C. Mr Kight V1
     4D. Mr Kight V2
     4E. Moonkignt with hood
     4F. Moonkight without hood

5. City Strike Kit (For all subscribers) April 4
     5A. Helmet
     5B. Gun

6. Samuel Collection (For Sergeant Skelletons and Up) April 4
     6A. Mace Windu
     6B. Nick Fury 

Gift Number one (For all subscribers) April 11
7.  Sci Fi, inspired by Sci Fi from GI Joe
     7A. SciFi Normal
     7B. SciFi Close
     7C. SciFi Damage

Gift Number two (For Sergeant Skelletons and Up) April 18
8. Super Reeves Collection inspired by Classic Superman
     8A. Super Reeve
     8B. Evil Super Reeve
     8C. Clark Reeve
     8D. Journalist Reeve

Gift Number Three (For all subscribers) April 18
9. The Sheriff Bust



Ruben Alvarez

Awesome Sci Fi is awesome