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Hello Guys,

I probably don’t have to say this as – out of my experience, things here balance automatically, but I need to say it, just to be fair:
Lately I have been tied up in non-vore related stuff (aka “real life” – yeah I know the game which has the best graphics but by far the worst main story)

I will upload unfrequently during the upcoming weeks.

I did work on the outlay of the next VP-comic page. I came up with ideas, designs, I abandoned some and kept a few, but might abandon them later on… It seems the harder I try to get back into the matter, the further I drift off. I want to deliver fresh and enjoyable stuff so I figure it is best to go a step back. I AM constantly working and thinking about new approaches, but with no pre-finished artwork in my backhand and nothing solid on the table at the moment, I just know that I won´t throw out something new within the next weeks.

Of course you are all welcome to support me still. But as we all have to work hard for our money I would feel really bad to take money without uploading new art in return.
So just be warned: I won´t upload anything new for the rest of the month.

I hope you guys will still have a great time and find some distress in someone else´s belly.
So long!



You’ve always done great for us, I will keep my pledge and wish you the best ❤️🌺 They tell Im a good listener, if you need, just leave a pm on telegram @purple_lamb


Thank you all for understanding. I am sure I'll be able to resume soon. I mean I can't live without vore.


No one can, ones you get in the belly, you are stuck in it