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“Com on, don’t be shy! I have done this a couple of times before and I ALWAYS got away with it!”
Lengban persuaded his Lion friend with irresistible confidence. He had in fact done it before and he was dead set to do it again. Only this time he wanted his friend to join him. The lion was curious, a bit surprised about how far he would go to please such a putrid desire. But he can not deny the truth. Deep inside of him he can feel a primal urge pulling him to drink the shrinking potion he was holding in his paw.

The two were hiding and waiting in the locker room. They were too concerned to be discovered by the incoming athletes that they did not even dare to peek at the crowd of sweaty, perfectly well build males. But by the echo of their casually talking and laughing voices they were able to tell that the athletes dropped their sports gear and went inside the shower room. The rushing sound of shower-water was the ultimate sign of safety for the two men. This was their chance!

All that was left to do now was to drink the potion. Lengban eagerly watched his golden furred feline friend drink. He enjoyed to watch his inexperienced friend. He was certain that he would be able to help him break the ice of hesitation and thus open a new world of pleasures for this friend. As the Lion figure started to shrink in front of him, Lengban took off his ring. Immediately his body, too, stared to shrink.

The two men found themselves surrounded by sweat soaked, musky, reeking jockstraps. The jocks were exceeding their own body sizes. Only giving an idea of how tiny they were, and how huge the men that just dropped their worn jocks on the ground.

“Do not hesitate! The guys are usually taking a long shower together. They fu** in there. Its like a crazy mad or** of dogs.” Lengban said with confidence and a smirkish smile. He would keep the secret of how he knew about this.
“Well, since you seem to be here so often, why don’t you join the or*y then?” Asked the Lion, desperately trying to fight his curiosity for the smelly jocks surrounding him.
“Oh no, that’s not my cup of tea…. You see. I admire these guys. I have been watching them, playing soccer, doing exercises. Their bodies are so perfectly shaped, desirable…. But, as often in life, the real thing is waaaays not as good as the fantasy it produces!” The Tiger-mouse casually reached down to pick up one of the jocks nearby. He pressed the moist cloth against his face and took a deep, long breath. “You see, dreaming about having s*x, is much more alluring. I can always think of the most perfect scenarios, I always have just as much control as I want to… and there is no nasty aftermath. So I like to stay out of close combat and enjoy to sneak into the locker room!” He was throwing a friendly smile at this firiend.

The lion nodded understandingly. Lengban was right, guys tend to lose their charm after they c*m all over you. But still. He did not dare to think of the things the athletes would do to them if they found out that they were secretly sniffing their jocks. The lion was after all not even openly gay. He was a respected member of the football team, and many girls were interested in him – to say the least.

“Hey, can you guess how´s jock this is just by taking a whiff?!”
The idea of this game intrigued the Lion. They stared to sniff away. Trying to sort out who the owners of the curious smells could be. Or simply imagining the most lovely men to belong to the sweetest scents. Whether their guesses were right or not would not matter.

As suddenly the two realised that they were being watched. Roon, a Caracal of athletic, slim build was squatting over the two micros. He had joined the athlete team just recently. A minor detail that slipped Lengban. And on top of that Roon had been running an extra round, causing him to show up late for the shower. But this time Roon would not run straight into the mens shower room. He would have something else to do before that, as his sweaty, dripping, flaccid co** – peeking out at the side of his jock- foreshadowed.… … …

This month´s Patreon reward. Enjoy!




This is hot

Leng Uvumi

Ahhhhh, this is so good! >//< Thank you soooo much for this, it's great!!