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Ok. So I was wondering who would make the best predator.
Therefore I let you guys decide.... the outcome will influence my next artwork- of course.

I have been receiving a lot of requests for Ratchet... my - our - first childhood love!
But also there seems to be a lot of urge for Legosi! And Nick is an evergeen. So I am expecting this to be a rather epic poll. Hit it guys!!



I wish I could vote for both ratchet and nick but alas I'll go with ratchet.


I see... But there can only be one top Predator! I know this one is so super hard though! But i was thinking that mybe the second winner (the character who makes it to the second place) will be prey... so there will be 2 great dudes in one artwork! But also. If you like both so much just keep reading my VP comic. They will both have their screen time... one more then the other (though i dont use their names due to copyright)


This is a tough poll, I like all four characters! :X


Lol understandable. Your art is always a treat


Aww... dont make me blush! They all say they like my stuff until they become prey and churned!


Well I am a prey guy so I don't ever mind being churned. Or prey


Like Never? Never ever??? Sounds like you´r a perfect subject for me to experiment/play and prey on... >83


That would be accurate. Most people I talk to say the same. Like Volsar and Noir. (Keeperofjunk and the black gatomon friend of his)


Most people you talk to? Where the heck do you live- to be surrounded by prey like this... I might have to buy a flight ticket with my first Patreon balance! ;-P


I mean people I yalk to online saying about me ^^; Most people I talk to say I'm very much a prey person and fit the role well.


Oh common! Stop advertising yourself so much!!! Before I eat you! 83 I am sure I would be able to think of a way to make even you regret to offer yourself to me as a prey. But then itll be to late for you to run! *grrr*


You underestimate my preyness.


Maybe i do... But if so that would mean your a lot of fun. But also maybe... you underestimate my kinkyness!


Would you like to move this to dms so we don't flood the comments too much?


Mmmm... Lombax butt 🍑😘


Let's see how the poll works out. I must say I find it super exciting. As... I got stakes in all options.


Oh no guys, i just realised that i have accidentially made the poll available for everyone!

Asher Lingao

Gotta say Ratchet would be good as both pred and prey


True! In the end he is really versatile. I cant think of many characters that are when it comes to vore. No matter what. I'll defenarely keep exploring him in both roles.


Ok. So now that the poll is over i can see that Legoshi clearly wins! I will be honest: I had my stakes on Ratchet, since he was kind of my prime predator for years (after all he was my first real Furry love and so he influences my art up to this day) and therefore I was almost certain that most of you would be here for him. BUT, the hunger for that big wolf is evident! So I shall serve this! I am going to do a short spin off comic on Legoshi and I will combine it with a Patreon reward. After I have done this I will work on a comic with Ratchet. Since I can not ignore 28% of all the voters! So thank you for your participation and youll see what you get from it!