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The winner of our latest CAT Polls, where I asked my Patrons what profession we should populate the Big City Project and give to a new OC! With the winner being a Fashion Model, the stage- and catwalk- were set!

Quite possibly one of the biggest names in fashion and modeling across the globe, Maned Wolf Armani Schiavone is the face you expect to see across all big-time fashion e-zines and showcases. The designers may be the ones behind the look, but if Armani themself wears your outfits, that came with its own league of prestige. 
The hardlight leg sported in the "Saccharine Saturn" ensemble makes anyone without deep understanding of the industry wonder if the designer was trying to make the best out of a physical handicap. But those in the know can tell you: Armani's dedication to their craft means that no change or replacement in wardrobe OR limbs is a price too high for the sake of fashion. Why, the ever-changing world of vogue means their other leg is probably no less synthetic!

(Probably some of my most outlandish design work!! It was really neat having to think like a high-end, wacky fashion designer!!) 



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