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"...Oh, bother. So we're doing this, huh?
Whatever, sure. I'm Farren. Nice meeting you, I guess.

...You know, there's plenty of ways to ask about someone less vague than just 'tell me about yourself'. Not that I should've expected this to go by quickly, really.

I guess you could say I'm...an aspiring musician. Still taking my basic courses, but I know my way around a song. I play the flute, and some other wind instruments. Pretty underappreciated, if you ask me.

What's that? You like music?
...Well, anyone can be a fan, I suppose.

Oh no, it's nothing. Just used to hearing folks claiming to adore music and not even know what a scale is. I'm SURE you're better than that.

...So yeah, music. Might've been something of a late bloomer, but I'm pretty serious about it.

...Ha ha. 'Bloomer' and Leafeon. Aren't you just hilarious. Try one I've never heard before, next?

No, I don't really care about Leafeon. What's there to like? The fragile leaves? The fear of dirty floors? Getting all weak if it's too cold or too sunny outside? Don't go all out on the sales pitch, please.

Hey, whatever. I'm sure anyone crazy enough to have willingly picked it for themselves is having a thrill right about now. Shame not all of us got to, huh?

Don't even try with that 'it's not so bad' junk. Heard it all before, and trust me, I get an earful of that from my boyfriend practically every day.

...You wanna know about him? Why would I-
I mean, it's Mackenzie. Y'know, that one sprint-crazy Jolteon who makes friends with basically everyone on campus?

He's...kind. Upbeat, positive...Sort of an immature simpleton sometimes, but it doesn't take a genius to tell he's...


...Really special.

Right, a-anyway. Think you're done sticking your nose in my business now? As much as I LOVE being interrogated, I really should be rehearsing."


Trying his best to hide the fact he was born to a family of wild Pokemon, Farren always endeavors to show the elegance and refinement that first captivated him about civilized Pokemon towns and cities. It's his overcompensation turned prejudice what tends to make most people he meets lose their patience at his constant jabs and quips.

Farren himself isn't really about to claim he's welcoming or even warm, though he's certainly underestimated just how harsh and scathing his sarcasm can get at times, which has caused trouble and disdain for him alike.

Just when most would be convinced he's not worth the trouble, Farren seems to completely transform each and every time he sings or plays a song, whether it be on one of his flutes or recorders, or even with a simple leaf to use Grass Whistle. The sheer passion and emotion he shows each time he plays gives a glean to how invested and fond of music he is.

His love for music is just one of the deeper sides of Farren. Despite his crude and impatient exterior, once Farren cares for someone, his loyalty and selfless interest in them will go far beyond what anyone would expect from the traditionally bratty and judgmental grass-type.

A small fact about Farren is his anosmia. His nose lacks all ability to detect odors or scents, causing him a few issues due to his grass typing whenever he's been near toxic fumes or otherwise impactful pollen. He neglects mentioning it as well, so if there's an issue his nose would be able to detect, it doesn't come to light until it's a too late.

A common complaint Farren will bring up is his disdain for Leafeon. Originally wanting to be an Espeon or a Vaporeon, the fragility and general weaknesses of grass-types have played no small role in causing his cynical and snarky attitude.
This, however, does take a big turn in the years to follow...


Farren might easily be my oldest developed OC, and holds a very special place in my heart! In a sense, he's kind of been in development ever since 2012, and I would even go as far as to call him my personal favorite character!

While my characters don't usually come with set sexualities (they either begin considering themselves straight or are pansexual, despite me always pairing them with a same-gender partner), Farren is one of the few instances of a character that knows and almost always knew he was gay. I never really knew why this fit him so well, but it always felt right with him somehow!

A big plot narrative I use Farren for is to showcase the differences between wild Pokemon and those from civilization in many of my settings. His big need to become a part of "the elite" as it were actually stemmed from a similar purpose I had back when I first conceived him. The fact I slowly made that trait into a big flaw for him and something he'd have to strike a healthy balance with is still one of my favorite parts about his character!

Click here to listen to my headcanon voice for Farren!! 



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