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Tonight the 25 at 6-ish phoenix time.

It'll be on Twitter again (hopefully the last time) since I'm waiting on a windows machine to properly stream from.

Also, The way patreon seems to work is, I can only charge people at the first of the month. I've heard a ton about people signing up for pledge amounts, getting the pledge reward, and then canceling payment. SO

I'm charging at the end of the month, and everyone who's payment clears, gets their rewards. This is mostly for the $50 levels and above, but don't panic. I won't charge AGAIN when this song is done. This charge is for the thing I'm working on presently. My next cons (for the con-related perks) are Midwest Media Expo, then Furlandia and BLFC.

Does that make sense? I want to be transparent with your money. Have suggestions? Leave em in the comments. I want to learn! How can I do this better and keep you guys around?


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