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Rocket league is FREE right now, and at 3:30 Arizona time I'll be playing it on steam! Join me either by playing, or watching over at Twitch.tv/peppercoyote

My steam name is PepperCoyote. I will add you 30 mins before the stream, and party invite you 5 mins before start time.

Comment your steam name here so I know to look for you ^^


I keep messing up time-zones so from now on I'll put stuff in AZ time and let everyone else figure it out.

LIFE: My temp job has now fully ended, and I'm back to FULL MUSIC, baby. I have a demo that I'm adding more stuff to today and that will be released in the next day or so. New music!

In dealing with COVID, my household has been staying home except for work and brief grocery trips. So far none of us have caught it, but hey tomorrow is another day.

I got a Stream Deck, which lets me set off little audio/video cues mid-stream, among other features. That's fun. Uh. I got new brakes on my car? That was... important.


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