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Hello, Hexxet here,

Happy to finally bring to you the thrid installment of this series. I'm actually a bit undecided whether I should end this series with this chapter or do one more where David has sex with Vanessa. It kinda is an enticing idea, but it kinda destroys the (kinda) romantic relationship he has with Melinda so far... What do you think? Let me know in the comments :).

Previously on "MC Trance Trigger" David found out that Melinda has a lingering trance trigger after the hypnosis show the day before. He uses said trigger to put her into a trance and make her attracted to him. After some fun at the beach and in David's hotel room the two of them are now a couple (thanks to more trigger usage).

Plot now: Now it is time to meet Melinda's Mother Vanessa who strangely does not approve of David! But that's a problem easily fixed, after all, Vanessa attended the same hypnosis show Melinda did!

The comic is 60 pages + 8 pinups long. I hope you enjoy reading :).

PS: I have reactivated the previous parts on the homepage, so if you have not yet read part 1 and two because you've joined up new or whatever, you can now also read the story so far via these links here:




I'm definitely down for Vanessa joining in, maybe even for Melissa coming up with the idea to enslave her mother all on her own, no further programming required. However, I noticed that David was part of that show, the same as the two women; it could be fun if one of them realized that too and thought maybe David could be a more ideal boyfriend for Melissa. PS I see you remembered my suggestion about Melissa's description.


Well, the poll seems to be very much in that favor as well, so I will implement a fourth chapter in time ;). How did you notice that? The guy on stage in part 4 is Marco, not David. So no, I did not intend for David to have been part of the show. He was in the audience. At leats that's the feeling I wanted to give with those pages in Part 1 ^^. So, that's a no to reprogramming David. Also, a no to Melinda making her mother join. I guess one could reason that David changed her already enough for this to happen, but I'd like her to be not that corrupted yet. So she will protest when he adds her mother ;). PS: Did not remember. Pretty bad at remembering stuff here ^^. Instantly updated the page back then when you wrote it ;)


Well dang. I honestly thought that was David in this issue's flashback. I hear you about not wanting Melissa to already be that corrupted, but if you were to go that route a better way to go would be that maybe she had a hidden wild side that the hypnosis-her own and her newfound control over her mom-suddenly brings out. Basically she sees an opportunity and takes it. Maybe something for a later story. And what do you mean you forgot? When I read it, you'd already added (now ex) to her description in the front; that counts in my book.


I meant when I read your last post and wrote the answer I had already fixed this page. So I did not have to remember :). I'm sorry but I doubt any girl in this world wants to share her mother with her boyfriend. Maybe some want to humilate their mother, but having her join in bed... I can't imagine that. It's too unlikely :). Thankfully we have MC to fix that, right? ^^