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Hello, hexxet here,

In February The lost Temple will continue with chapter 12 which will be mostly about Speed leveling ^^. So, a rapid time chapter about the following month or so in which Mika will power up by learning more magic while also keeping up his flirting with some of the girls. And I will probably add some scenes about Harry as well so we get some sexy scenes in ;). This still won't be the chapter where Mika learns MC Spells, but it will lay the foundation for that... which will take some more chapters... but we are getting there! :)

Next to the main story, as always, there will be four new side comic chapters and for PAI Supporters there will also be four PAIs of course. All PAIs of February contain TF with, of course :), a focus on boobs (in the one or other directions :P). The 3D Comics have a heavy MC focus with "Post Hypnotic Chore List" and "MC Trance Trigger" but also contain traces of TF as ToC 08 will deal with the adventures of our shrunken guy Vadim. (No actual TF, but the consequences). And in Soul-swap Phone no physical alterations are done to any body, but the one possessing the body changes. Maybe that counts? In any case it is something new around here! ^^

The 3D Side Comics of February 2024:

Soul Swap Phone: Hm... how to put this... If this comic was a lake in Winter... and the plot was the ice coating on top... I would not advise to go skating on it ^^. It's more like one of those Asian hentais: A guy gets his hands on a "magic" phone app that allows him to hypnotize people but also to swap their souls and uses these functions for his own twisted desires without thinking about consequences -> This story is rated E for Evil. Anyway, what this story may lack in plot it makes up for with lots of sex and crazy soul swapping (if you are into that).  PS: The cover might give the impression that the souls of two girls are swapped with one another during this comic. This will not be the case... No two human souls are swapped with each other in this story...

Transform or Command 08: With the Nicole / Dylan situation resolved in the frat room and with Amara meeting Dylan in the bus... oh that epic moment :)... we now continue the story at a completely unrelated point! We join Vadim at home as he opens the door for a delivery girl! There are like 4 pages at the end preparing the story for the next chapter but mostly this chapter could be called a filler... but I think it's needed to show off Vadim more. Otherwise the shrunken guy theme would vanish and that somehow adds to this story I think :).

Post Hypnotic Chore List: This is a collaboration with RollB. My script, my money -> he creates the comic. We already had two such collabs: "The Orgasm Note" and "Birthday Gift". This time we are doing a small series with 3 maybe four chapters. Plot of this one: Tiffany hates doing chores, but now that she has turned 18 her parents want her to at least do them for staying in their house. But the girl is just too lazy! So the family visits a therapist who proposes to implant a hypnotic suggestion in Tiffanys mind so she would fulfill any task of the chore list at home with delight. Despite Tiffany not believing in hypnosis to work, the suggestion is a full success and soon the house is squeaky clean... everybody is happy. But what will happen once her parents go on a trip and Tiffany's boyfriend Daniel has his fun with the Chore List?!

MC Trance Trigger 3: Still working on this one... Anyway the story will be about our young couple. By now Melinda is completely under David's control thanks to that lingering Trance Trigger form the hypnosis show two days ago. But there is one problem. Melinda's mom does not approve of him. However, it's a problem easily fixed. After all, she attended that same hypnosis show!

PAIs of February:

Buttons 4 - Buttons at the Cosplay Convention: The Buttons series gets continued cause I have taken a liking to it. But, I'm also answering your calls for more Transformation / Breast expansion! This series is taking a turn from pure MC to TF as our protagonist slowly levels up and unlocks buttons that lead to physical transformations! Now, it will actually take us one more chapter until our protagonist is able to wield his new powers intentionally, so this chapter does not contain any control over the TF that is happening as his new powers only start to manifest. This chapter is mostly about skimpily dressed cosplay girls that, thanks to our buttons, reveal even more of their skin :). But there is also some TF going on :)

The Collar 2 - Bimbo Shopping: Our guy is at a shopping mall and sees a cutie walk by. Thank god he has his magic collar with him and with a little lie he gets her to wear it! "Now why don't you follow me home?" "OKAY". "And please grow your boobs by four cup sizes". "OKAY". "Turn blonde!" "OKAY".  - Watch as our protagonist turns a very attractive woman into a busty blonde bimbo fuck toy to play with at home before releasing her back into the shopping mall.

The Itty Bitty Titty Committee 2 - Boob Wars: The Committee has been established and our girls are going on a rampage around school shrinking boobies left and right. But obviously their deeds won't go unnoticed! What will the jocks do when they realize their trophy cheerleader girlfriend's boobs have been shrunk down to bug bites?! Can the committee handle the pressure? Will big boobs  be completely eradicated form that school? Or will the committee face resistance? Tune in on "The Itty Bitty Titty Commitee 2 - Boob Wars" and find out!

The Last Boob Bender 07 (Battle Royale 03): The Boob Bender returns and he is in for *drumroll* A FILLER CHAPTER! Having already beaten two other benders and having assimilated their powers it is time for the Boob Bender to enjoy life and his new powers a little. His shy attitude gives way to a "The strong take what they want" attitude as he is testing out his new found powers in class and campus on his co students! Please note that this is the story that I have planned, but I actually have not yet created any graphics for the comic. The cover you see above was quickly created in the spirit of the story but might still change once the PAI is completed. (I'm aiming for 40 pages for this one).

Release Schedule:

  • 02.02.2024: Soul Swap Phone
  • 07.02.2024: PAI: The Collar 2 (Free PAI of February)
  • 09.02.2024: Transform or Command 08
  • 14.02.2024: PAI: Buttons 4 - Buttons at the Cosplay Convention
  • 16.02.2024: Post Hypnotic Chore List
  • 18.02.2024: The lost Temple - Chapter 12
  • 21.02.2024: The Itty Bitty Titty Committee 2 - Boob Wars
  • 23.02.2024: MC Trance Trigger 3
  • 28.02.2024: The Last Boob Bender 07 (Battle Royale 03) - Break Time

Archive Schedule:

  • 02.02.2024: Window Wishing 09
  • 09.02.2024: The Girlfriend Multiplier 03
  • 16.02.2024: Fembot Factory
  • 23.02.2024: - (ToC stays online longer)



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