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Hello, Hexxet here,

Welcome in January 2024! I wish you a fappy new year! :)


We currently have a bit of a Transformation low - sorry to you TF lovers. I promise we will have a decent amount of TF in February. In January only "The Girlfriend Multiplier" will contain physical transformations as the girls are demannequinized, one gains 2 cup sizes and another girl gets girlfriendified (that's a word right, nobody just though of it until now!?). ToC 7 will not yet progress enough for any new TF, so we'll focus again more on MC this chapter. However we will shortly visit our shrunken guy Vadim. I think that Chapter 8 (in February) will once again contain new physical alterations. Window Wishing 10 actually will contain one transformation sequence where somebody is turned into a tiny fairy once again and we will be having an elve/fairy orgy as the series ends with a BANG(ing) :). Finally, "Fembot Factory" is a story focused on female looking robots. No TF, no MC, and no magic in there, but it's something new and I think many of you will like it. 

PAI-wise TF runs short in January as well as the Buttons series does not contain physical transformations. It's about a guy who can trigger a woman's action by pressing buttons on her skin. And while the first chapter of the "Itty Bitty Titty Committee" sets the stage for a great TF PAI, this chapter only contains one TF-Sequence and, for many of you I guess, the boobs go into the wrong direction ^^. However, please fret not, this series will turn "big"... in March :P.

Release Schedule January:

  • 03.01.2024: Buttons 1
  • 05.01.2024: The Girlfriend Multiplier 3
  • 10.01.2024:  Buttons 2
  • 12.01.2024: Fembot Facotry (Afficionado Story)
  • 17.01.2024:   Buttons 3
  • 19.01.2024: Transform or Command 7 (Enthusiast Story)
  • 24.01.2024: The lost Temple - Chapter 11 (This is a Wednesday)
  • 26.01.2024: Window Wishing 10
  • 31.01.2024:  The Itty Bitty Titty Committee

For a more detailed description of the stories of January please have a look at the Outlook of January Post.

Main Points/Events/Intents of 2024:

  • The lost Temple continues for at least the entirety of 2024 as Mika will finally get some MC powers. This will still take a bit of time - I estimate this to take us into June. This means in June (I think), TlT will enter its second stage, meaning that each month (starting in June, I think) one of the four side stories will be used to implement a Bonus Chapter to TlT. These bonus chapters will not contain any relevant main story plot as they will focus on interpersonal relationships... (Mika will use MC to score with a girl! So, even if you don't like the story-heavy TlT main plot, you will still be able to enjoy those bonus chapters (even without reading the main story).) These Bonus Chapters also will have some degree of "interactivity" as I will let you guys decide via vote which girls Mika should focus on and how he will progress with them. Obviously, with Mika gaining his MC powers, the Main story chapters will get juicer as well ;). I hope I could gain your interest for TlT Stage :).
  • Transform or Command will finish in 2024. I currently estimate the series to end with chapter 12... However I only have a very shallow grasp of the future story and it might very well turn into a different number of chapters... (more is more likely than less ^^), but it will definitely get to a conclusion in 2024. (Maybe even two :P)
  • Window Wishing: This series accompanied us through many months of 2023 and it will finally complete with its tenth chapter in January. However, a Bonus chapter has already been planned. This Bonus chapter will contain no plot, but focus on a MC/TF-wish-rampage through town as King Erik fucks through all the girls we previously did not see engage in sex :). Also, if he is up for it, I do plan to continue the collaboration with 3D Swede and I do plan to establish a new Setting with your input. (Meaning voting for the setting of the new story setting with a poll)
  • The Last Boob Bender is going for six chapters by now and I plan to complete this PAI series in 2024 with 10 - maybe 11 chapters. The Boob Bender will start again in February.
  • The Itty Bitty Titty Committee: Okay, this is not a big title yet, but it will turn into a 5 to six chapter long PAI, so this series will accompany about the first half of 2024.
  • PAI-Book(s): My new year resolution is to finish the "MCP at School" Series in 2024 - meaning I plan on creating the remaining 3 PAI Books of this series starting with the second Chapter as an April release. It will feature Bianca (Henry's lesbian sister) as the main character. Now, I have not yet started working on this, but that's the plan for 2024 :)

Some Infos:

  • I now have an X account. So, if you want to, you can follow me there.
  • And my PixIv account has been suspended - No clue why,  as I censored everything according to their rules... This NSFW Content Creator bullying across most platforms is very annoying :C
  • A big NSFW Creator Purge has also occurred on Patreon as it seems... For example, Pornpen had their site removed. :C. (They can still be used via CBill)


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