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Hello, Hexxet here,

Welcome in February, glad you like my comics :)

To look back at January... It was the worst month in a long time. But I don't want to start this welcoming post with ranting. So, if you are interested in why I did not liek January, down at the bottom of the post there is a paragraph "Ranting about January" ^^. But for now, let's focus on what's about to come in February :)

Content of February:

The main story is in it's third Endgame and Afficionado's have already proceeded to the final Chapter (Part F). I hope you will enjoy the aftermath of Lucine's Ending. It's quite long (111 pages) and will take Afficionado's until mid-march to finish. Enthusiast's will be 10 days behind.

You can find a detailed description of the planned side stories for February here: Outlook February

I hope the sixth issue of the IP³ series will pimp up the series a lot. It turned out quite long for an IP³ issue and it's dedicated to Layla, a character for which I got quite some feedback that people want to see more of her.

The second part to the Suiciductress arc of Love Bug Bite 2 will finally establish Marco as the local superhero in town. There will be happening a lot in this part, with quite a few Scene switches. Though the main part of this story will be on the huge confrontation between The Pheromancer and the Suiciductress. What will Marco do when the lady in red confronts him with a moral choice no human should be faced to make?

Finally I'm pretty sure that you will like Window Wishing Part 3 and the continuation of The Gift. 3D-Swede's renders on Window Wishing turned out gorgeous, and I think the topic with the speed dating is top notch! The new girls are hot and there is a lot of wishing going on :). I've also gotten my hands on the script for "The Gift - 14". Again, it will not be the last part of the series, but huge power shifts are coming up, Dylan will do something stupid once again, traps are prepared and sprung, and Vincent gets ready for the final infiltration of the TV station!

Note that Window Wishing 3 will contain some nice Transformations (BE, growth, beautification and hair). Dlyan and the IP³ as well as Love Bug Bite 2 are more Love/Lust-worshiping themed. And The Gift, of course, is Mind Control blanked stares and trance states themed :).

The Afficionado Story of February will be "The Gift - Part 14", (Was decided by this poll)

Some other maybe interesting Topics in February & Future

My Homepage is coming along and I will post you a link in February so we can Beta Test it. There should be three major benefits from using the homepage:

  • I can present my comics in a better way (and you can find them easier)
  • You will retain access to comics that came out during your subscription period
  • I plan on opening up the archive in a certain kind of way to reward long term Patrons.

The Poll about the Format has concluded and while the dislikes for the phone format were not high, there was a huge majority vote for my standard format and I do not see a reason why I should continue the Phone format. So, I guess I should never say never, but I do not plan on using it again. Note that I do plan to continue Saylor Sayo this year (probably in the second half of 2023), which was a Phone Format Comic. I will continue it with the normal format. (This was also a reason for doing this poll :)).

Starting now, I'm switching up my Page Numbering. You probably will not notice, but until now the Cover was Page 0 (in my image zip folders). In the future it will be Page 1. This way the page numbers of the images and the PDF correspond (which makes pinup selection for Commissions less tedious ^^).

If you have purchased the Archive/Time-Bundle Tier you might want to downgrade to Connoisseur Tier, so you are not charged again that Bundle-Price. (Download the Archive to your hard-disc beforehand ;)).

I hope I can keep you entertained with my comics and wish you a great February!

Ranting about January:

You might remember me changing this Patreon Site from "Payup Front Billing" to "Subscription Billing". Turns out it has been the worst mistake! I've been kinda down the last months cause my earnings on Patron went down considerably. At first I assumed it was cause currency fluctuations, or less Archive sales or whatever, but it's only gotten worse and after talking to the Patreon support I now have confirmation that Subscription Billing has a ... let's call it logical error... that, in my opinion, could be abused really badly. Not saying anyone is abusing it right now, but it still leads to me losing out on about 20% of my previous earnings (even though the number of you guys following me and my comics has increased)! Also, Patreon does not let me change back to the old System, saying there was a warning this would be permanent when changing it. (Of, course I did see that warning. But it was also promised to make things better!). Though my suspicion is that they just do not have a technical way of reversing this change... which does not make it better either. Anyway, currently my hopes are on the support guy I was writing with who seems to understand my plight and promised to address this issue. He seemed sincere and trustworthy, I can only hope that his higher ups listen to him and the DEV Team finds a way to implement a change ASAP...

In addition, Gumroad has basically increased its fees from about 5% + 30c per sale to 15% + 30c per sale. Honestly I do understand that they increase their fees with how high banking fees are. But adding 10% kinda feels bad...

Also, I'm kinda second guessing myself right now, cause my Gumroad sales (except for the Gift 13) are super low, and I can only assume that my most recent comics were not up to the game :(. Maybe I should not have continued the IP³ series... Maybe it's not catchy enough :C

Then my Twitter account has been suspended for reasons stated as "manipulating the platform or spam". Now the only thing I'm manipulating are the minds of my fictional characters so I can only assume this is about spam. Which, with my little amount of posts I do on Twitter is ridiculous imo. So I'm guessing it's maybe about the pixIv auto post to Twitter function I was using (which posted each of my pixIv posts to my Twitter). Still, no reason to suspend me. I did file an "unsuspension form", and got some mail "We will look into it". Yeee... that was a week or two ago.

And finally the Patreon Wordpress Plugin I'm using for my homepage is not functioning 100% in my Wordpress environment. I guess I found a work around and it's functioning well enough, but it's still fucking annoying :C

So yeah, Shitty month! :C But not your fault. Thanks for reading! Welcome in February! :)


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