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It's finally time for the Endgame of the main story! The majoirty of you has voted for "Evil Dylan", so this is the first ending you will get, starting now. (With daily pages).

The complete Endgame 01 will be three parts long. The first part will be about 40 pages long and it will be very story heavy with some cheesy, some mean some standard MC scenes, but basically no HC action. The sexy HC fun will begin with Part B ;)

I hope I was able to implement Dylan's change from friendly/awkward guy to more evil and self cetered in way you like and I hope you'll enjoy Dylan's takeover of the office :)




Pages 9 + (10) + 11 posted: Dylan's sadness turns into bitterness & hate. Now embrace the dark side and use it wisely young Dylan! ;). Note that with this page Dylan's "transformation" to Evil-Dylan is complete. It took some pages but I think that was necassairy for such an important event. The following pages wil deal with Dylan's plan though I have to admit it might get a bit cheesy ^^.


Pages 12 + 13 posted: It's getting a bit cheesy, but I guess Dylan likes James Bond movies ;)

Connor Grynol

Yo, Sayo’s expression. I feel like even under the suggestion, Sayo is having a heck of a time trying to rationalize that.


Yeah... It's a lot of bullshit she has to remember there. Rearranging that memory might take some time ;)

Connor Grynol

There’s no reason why Dylan couldn’t have just said “remember that you will do everything I say, etc” is there? I mean, I get that he wants her to keep her lips shut but there’s no real reason for the convoluted story is there?


Well, I guess one could debate whether such a use of her remember trigger would work and have the desired effect. I have the feeling that it would not work or at least would not have the desired effect. It's not commands you can give Sayo, it's just memories. We've seen with Isabel that she's constantly arguing with herself about why she has an affair with Dylan. So telling Sayo to remember something she will do in the future... I don't feel like it would work that well. Even if you told her "Remember I'm your boss or Master" would just lead to her questioning this relationship (in my opinion). Of course one could come up with a longer story to integrate in her memory of why she has become ones slave and that should actually work, but then we are again at a point where we have a convoluted story. So, while I do not feel stronlgy about the agent bullshit story I'm using here, I do feel that we do need a similair long story to integrate into Sayo's memory to give her a reason to follow Dylans instructions. In the end i decided to use this story instead of a longer Master/slave relationship story because I think that a positive memory and a feeling of doing something good ("saving the world") would work better on Sayo's mind than a forced Master/slave relationship. (Also Dylan is a movie afficionado, so it's not that unlikely that he would come up with a James Bond reference.)


Pages 14 + 15 posted: So yeah, you'll have to bear with this agent story a little while longer as Dylan recruits Isabel. Also, I hope triggering various people over the phone is not to boring to read. I tried to add some nice empty eye Panels! ;) Also, let's talk truth here, if you could trigger your slaves/agents over the safty of a phone, wouldn't you do so too? ;)


Pages 16 + 17 posted: Helper agent number two recruited ;)


Pages 18 + 19 posted: I like Isabel's and Laylas relatiionship and how Dylan kinda wedged himself in between ^^. But now it's time to talk to Lucine ;)


Pages 20 + 21 (+ 22) posted: Dylan takes full control of Lucine. That is all Dylan can do over the phone. Tomorrow we are back at the office ;)


Pages 23 + 24 posted: Oh my! Dylan is meeting Charlotte in the Elevatar, first thing in the morning!


Pages 25 + 26 posted: Dylan knows no mercy and uses Charlotte's trigger THREE times! Her brain is basically reduced to a vegetable! Poor Charlotte...


I don’t remember charlotte’s bimbo stacks. Must have missed that part in the beginning. Either way well done.


Thanks :). It never was used that way so far, but her trigger is installed on Page 08 of Scene 07A: "When someone calls you a ditzy bimbo, you lose half your brain capacity..." - Let's not get too much into the half part, cause if it was mathematically halfed three times she probably couldn't even walk anymore ^^. But yeat it's stacking. PS: I just realized I fucked up on the pages --> I had Dylan call her a "stupid Bimbo" but her trigger is "ditzy bimbo" --> FIXED.


Pages 27 + 28 posted: Charlotte gets parked in front of some cartoons ;)


Is she gonna stay as a Bimbo, for the rest of the story? I would preffer it if Dylan could brainwash her to be his loyal slave (like he did with Lucille) and use her intellect for good use


Anybody reading this, the following will be a spoiler of what will happen to Charlotte during the Evil Dylan Ending. If you do not want to be spoilered don't read on. SPOILER: Dylan will unbimbofy Charlotte and take control of her in another way. This will happen in Part B of the ending.


Pages 29 + 30 posted: Oh! Isabel's here. Perfect. let's relax a bit before the big mission ;)


Pages 31 + 32 posted: Isn't Sayo the cutest? She thinks Dylan is joking! ;)


Pages 33 + 34 posted: The Mission Sayo! Focus!


Pages 35 + 36 posted: Time to capture Stacey!


Pages 37 + 38: And that makes three. Good bye independant strong willed Stacey...


Pages 39 + 40: Almost done. The Office is basically his now. Two mor epages tomorrow. After that Part II will start!


This is great! However, as a quick FYI, I think the last two pages are out of order.


:) & Yes, thank you. I've fixed the order of the last two pages.


Pages 41 + 42 + (43) + Continue + Thank You Page posted. The first part of the Evil Dylan Ending is now completed. Dylan has taken over the office and has everything under control. Story wise one could stop right here, but I'm sure all of you are interested in how Dylan is gonna act out his new rulership... after all with great power comes great opportunity ;).


PDF and Zip are added to this post for better download as well.


I am eager to see how they still run the company as usual, but with all the staff actin with their common sense altered. Although I love Staceys dress.


Mhm... Everything you just wrote... we'll probably not see in the story to come. I'm sorry. But I still hope that you'll find it appealing, and I'll try to show more of the overall office life with the next ending.


Endgame Part A is now completed for all Patrons.