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Hello, Hexxet here.

Still  working on this comic, so there is  no cover and no pinups yet. But here are the first 7 Pages to "The Gift -  Part V". This time Dylan revisits the university with the goal of  taking over some of the brightest minds in town... but maybe some  cheerleaders first?

Part V will be the first part of a story arc  that takes place in the university. Let's see how long it will take  Dylan to reach his goals there :). Next to some known faces like  Charlotte you might have noticed a lot of unknown names in the cast of  this comic. You don't know these girls yet, since they have not yet been  introduced but I hope to find time to do so in the near future. In  general, these girls will be part of the cast of my next long-term comic  "The lost Temple". When I heard that Darren would like to feature a  chapter at the university but slowly was running out of girls from  Office Party, I've offered him to use these new characters that I've  already created.

So, prepare for some new hot girls in a  university environment, and, as usual, a pretty horny Dylan equipped  with a mind control ring ;). The finished comic will probably be around  35 pages long, and if everything works out, will be released on  09.04.2022.

I hope you are looking forward to the next chapter of this hot but also funny story :)



Nicolai N

Nice! Btw is there a speech bubble missing in the first image? Seems 7 is missing?


Thanks for bringing it to my attention. The speechbubbles are correct as is but the numbering was messed up. Initially I had one more speech bubble about the shareholder meeting there but I decided to move that to the next page (but I did not adapt the numbering). --> Fixed now.


Cover and 2 pinups added to this preview. The final comic will be 39 pages long and entail 10 pinups :)


Cover updated. Added Charlotte to the lockerroom party ;)