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Hello, hexxet here,

The voting for the first ending to "Office Party"'s main story is approaching. The poll will start on 16.02.2022 and will run for one week here on Patreon. Every member will have the same voting rights. Everyone will be able to do multiple votes for all the endings he/she approves of. In general, the Ending with most votes will then be implemented and become the public ending. Though, if several endings almost tie I will call for a revote where we vote once more, but only on those popular endings.

PS: Note that the vote on 16.02.2022 will only decide the first ending that is going to be implemented. There will be two further polls in the months to come for a second and a third endnig. Overall, 3 of these available endings will be implemented. (I expect each ending to be about one month of daily content long (~60 pages). The plan is to start releasing the first ending on a daily basis with the start of March, though this might depend on how content creation goes and how long Kaa-Watching 2 will run.

In this Post you can see all the Voting posters and now in textual form a description of what I have planned fot those endings. It's quite a bit of text, but you should probably read at least those endings you are interested in character wise ;)

Voting Mechanism Explained: The last image above shows an example of a possible vote to explain the voting-system (cause there've been questions ;)). There are all endings as an option and you either check an option or you do not check it. In case you check it that option receives one point from you. In the example above "Stacey", "Charlotte" and "Dominant Lovers" would each get one point from that vote while "Lovers" and "Evil Lucine" would get none.

Note that if you are thinking "Meh. I expected that ending to go a different way, or can't we have that added to that end or a mix of that and this" let me know in the comments. Maybe we can still change(add something here and there if I like the idea ;)

So, without further ado, here are the abstracts for the different endings:

Team Stacey: Stacey wants to control every little detail of her  employees. She might have been a little of a control freak, to begin  with, but with that suggestion, she is basically forced to take control.  Stacey can either take control of the office by using the suggestions  that are in place, or she can contact Vincent the hypnotist, and come to  terms with him to change these suggestions to something more  manageable. Either way, she will take control of the office. In case the  suggestions stay as is, Charlotte will become a full-time Bimbo and  will start working as a secretary there. If the suggestions are changed  Charlotte can have her old job back but will be dominated in some  different way. Stacey has a secret crush on James, so with total control  of the office, she will use him for pleasure. Though she does respect  Lucine enough to not have them break up their marriage. She will have  Julie and Marco become a couple. Julie will finally be happy, and Marco  is forced to stop his hunt for more pussy and can concentrate more on  work. The rest of the Office Staff will work on as is, though maybe more  focused on work and may have some rules enforced on them even out of  work. Dylan will definitely be on time in the future! 😉

Team Charlotte: The Sapphic Ending. Charlotte has been hypnotically  programmed to be a lesbian and “make love to all the sexy girls at the  office” - so that is what she is aiming for. Charlotte knows about most  of the suggestions and has already control over some of the Office  Staff. It won’t be too hard for her to get in control of everyone. The  suggestions will stay in place, and Charlotte will basically implement  two Rules at the Office: First: all women are open to sapphic  interactions at the office – boys will accept this to be normal. And  Second, the word Bimbo is banned from their vocabulary! This ending will  have a rather short direct first part where Charlotte uses the  suggestions to take control then/or in parallel some pages where she  reprograms the office staff to accept these rules as the new truth, and  then a longer part where Charlotte (and maybe some other girls like Sayo  or Isabel) enjoy one, or more other girls. Maybe we’ll have a lesbian  orgy 😊. Men will, if at all, only be featured in a very passive role.

Team Lovers: Dylan's encounter with Nicole works out in a positive way.  They make up again and decide to fight the suggestions together. They  will track down that hypnotist and have him come to the office, removing  the suggestions. People that might have “overdone” it so far will feel  sorry for what they have done, or be embarrassed. Otherwise, Office  mechanics will stay the same. There won’t be much raunchy MC HC action  since the suggestion will be removed. But the people will live on their  previous lives: Sayo is unlesbianized and happy with her boyfriend,  Isabel will think back on her office fling with Dylan, but aside from  that not continue their suggestion induced office fling, mostly because  he is now with Nicole. James and Lucine always have been in love so they  continue on as the married couple they were. C-Slut suggestions are  removed, common sense will be restored. Marco and Julie will go their  separate ways. And of course, we will focus a bit on Dylan and Nicole  who live on happily ever after (without suggestions). Though Dylan keeps  his confidence.

Team Dominant Lovers: Dylan's encounter with Nicole also works out in a  positive way. They are both still into each other, but they discover  each other's dominantion fetish. They decide that they can use the  suggestions to satisfy their fetish by using the others at the office  for frisky action while being all lovey Dovey boyfriend/girlfriend with  each other. In this scenario, they will trick the office staff and  Vincent to rehypnotize everyone but they’ll manage to put in their own  trigger enabling them to trigger people's trances and implement their  own suggestions. A huge portion of this scenario will be dedicated to  Nicole’s and Dylan’s Master plan to bring everyone under their control.  Then the second part will deal with what happens after: So some raunchy  action with Dylan and a girl from the office, One with Nicole maybe  doing James for fun and also getting revenge on Marco (having him lick  her boots or something like that. And A scene where the couple has  invited another girl from the office to join them in the bedroom. I’m  not yet sure what kinda constellation I want to show for the raunchy  actions yet. You can still make suggestions on that when this ending has  been chosen 😊

Team Evil Dylan: Dylan’s encounter with Nicole does not work out well.  Nicole drops him, and never wants to see him again. Dylan is desperate  at first, but soon his despair turns into hate and rage. Soon his  thoughts are on the suggestions and on how he can use them to get what  he wants. He’ll use the suggestions to get a hold of the office and then  he’ll trick the hypnotist to rehypnotize everyone at another party.  This is when Dylan really takes over by removing suggestions that were  too hard to handle and replacing them with a simple “be my slave”.  Finally, for his grand finale, he will think of a plan to get back at  Nicole and make her his slave as well.

Team Evil Nicole: Nicole feels used, betrayed, and looked down from  above. But she knows all the suggestions! Cause she has the tape! And  she has watched it! This ending will follow Nicole as she takes over the  company. Nicole will become the new boss and try to handle the business  while humiliating the office staff. She’ll have female-office staff  strip, act like a cat or a dog, but she won’t use them for sexual  pleasure since she is no lesbian (though maybe a little bi-curious). She  will get her revenge on Dylan and Marco by using them as a footrest or  having them lick her boots. Finally, she will turn Marco into Julie’s  boyfriend (which is something he hates). She'll take a liking to James  and enjoy a threesome with him and his wife. The suggestions will stay  in place. Charlotte will have to stay a bimbo and the word “request”  will be banned from the office vocabulary 😉

Team (Nice) Lucine: Lucine is a nice person and all she wishes for is  for everyone to calm down and get their lives back together. Her aim is  to stop these suggestions. For this purpose, she will contact Vincent  the hypnotist, and have those suggestions removed. Though why remove  stuff the people like? She’ll keep her O-Trigger but limit use to  herself and her husband. Dylan will lose the rule of three suggestions  and the “take what you want” compulsion but he’ll keep his confidence.  Sayo decides her lesbian memories were actually kinda nice and become  bisexual. So does Charlotte. Stacey will lose her suggestions. Julie  will lose her compulsion but replace it with something that makes her  more reliable cause she wants to be taken more seriously. Marco loses  his compulsion to fulfill his sexual partner's requests afterward. James’ common sense is restored.

Team Evil Lucine: This ending was a user wish, but I think it’s fitting 😊. Having been used by Charlotte, Marco, and Dylan Lucine finally  snaps. Though she won’t show that at first. She’ll get everyone to  Vincent the hypnotist who puts them in a trance. But instead of Vincent  removing the suggestions, she will reprogram her colleagues during those  trances. In the end, she will become the new boss of the company. There  will be a scene like the one in her voting poster where she treats  Charlotte and Stacey as pets. She will stay married to James but she’ll  be the domineering part of the relationship. Also thanks to her bisexual  trait (installed by the writing suggestion) which is still active,  Lucine will also enjoy the other girls at work, especially Charlotte and  Stacey.

Team James: This is a stupid ending but with James’ development in the  main story it actually is not that implausible (in the short run). But  it’s still stupid ^^. So, James’ common sense has been warped by his  wife and the suggestions (and by accident). He thinks Lucine is his  C-Slut and that it’s fine to use her whenever and wherever he wants to.  Sadly the others at the office seem to not approve! They must have been  programmed by the suggestion to think that way! James is sure of it. So,  his aim is to set things straight and make the office a place where you  can use your C-Slut as you please… He get’s a bit lost on his noble  intentions as he gets too horny and introduces the role of the  substitute-C-Slut which basically makes it okay to try out any female  office member when your personal C-Slut is not available. In this  ending, the Suggestions stay active. James does not take over the  office. Everything stays as it always has been according to Jame's  common sense. Except that Charlotte of course has to stay a bimbo, and  Sayo is still a lesbian, and so on. But in general, all is fine. Right?  The ending will deal with James using the suggestions on everyone so  they see the light, and then office life afterward. Which will include  him using Lucine and at least one other girl at the office. We’ll also  have a look at the other boys using those substitutes. And even see one  or more of these girls (Sayo, Isabel, Charlotte), use another girl.

Team Isabel: Isabel is in a rather bad position to take control, but the  recent events might have made her suspicious. With the help of Sayo,  she will try out whether her remember/forget suggestions still works.  After the two girls found out these suggestions still work they come to  the conclusion that only the rule of three has been removed and that the  whole office staff is still under all those other suggestions. At this  point, Isabel takes control by making Sayo forget about all this and  starts to take control of the office one slave at a time. In the end  Isabel will have full control of the Office. “Remember” and “Forget” are  banned from the office vocabulary. The suggestions stay in place.  Charlotte will stay a bimbo. Isabel will then enjoy male and female  office staff alike while also being the new company’s boss. Stacy will  become a normal worker bee.

Team Sayo: Sayo is in a rather bad position to take control, but the  recent events might have made her and Isabel suspicious. With the help  of Isabel, she will try out whether her remember/forget/O-OnReading suggestions still work. After the two girls found out these suggestions  still work the two girls conclude that only the rule of three has been  removed and that the whole office staff is still under all those other  suggestions. At this point, Sayo takes control by having Isabel forget  all about this. She’ll then make Isabel fall in love with her by abusing  her remember suggestion. After that Sayo will contact the hypnotist and  manage to have everything turned back to normal, except for her own  lesbian feelings and Isabels' love to her. Office life will go on like  before the party. Some people will have a bad conscious/or will be  embarrassed about what they have done during the time of suggestions but  overall it’s a peaceful ending. We will focus on Sayo's new  relationship with Isabel.

Team Marco: Marco does not know about the suggestions still being  active, but when Lucine declares she is his property he gets his  suspicions. With Lucine's helps he is soon on top of the suggestions.  He’ll use his people skills and or suggestions to get the office Staff  to Vincent the hypnotist with whom he has struck a deal in advance.  Vincent rehypnotizes the whole office staff and removes the suggestions,  but leaves everyone but Marco in a hypnotic trance. Marco will make  everyone into his slave and from then on enjoy his life. He’ll still  work at the office in his old job but he’ll enjoy some benefits.  Obviously, he’ll have Stacey give him a huge promotion, and female  office staff is free use for him.

Team Julie: Marco breaks up with Julie telling her he is more into  powerful, confident women. That gives Julie the final push. Already  dissatisfied with Stacey  and the general performance of the working  staff she decides to rise to the challenge and take over the firm, and  in the process, Marco. Suggestions will stay in place with this ending.  Once Julie has taken over the firm she’ll implement some ridiculous rules she thinks will improve work morale: sex-breaks, bring-your-fuck-toy-to-work-day, nudist Friday, and teambuilding  orgies.

Team Vincent: Many readers were thinking (hoping?) that the hypnotist  from the party would take control of the office. This was not planned by  me. I wanted to show the chaos that would arise from people being under  some suggestions without an outside predator. But, if this is still  something you’d like to see feel free to vote for Vincent. He’s the  hypnotist, he has the power. Due to his mishaps at several parties, he  does not get any more gigs. So when he is contacted by the gorgeous  Lucine about the suggestion and whether he can help remove them he all  to willingly comes to the office and puts the office staff under… to  TAKE CONTROL HIMSELF! Vincent has no interest in managing a company, so  he’ll have the people work on as always, but he’ll be there and use  female office staff for his own pleasure. Maybe have a new female dress  code implemented as well 😉




Note that personally I seperate these endings into 3 quality grades. 1.) Endings that let the comic end in a style fitting of the story so far: Stacey, Charlotte, Lovers, Nice Lucine, Evil Dylan then 2.) Endings that are either not so plausible due to a sudden or unexpected change in character etc. or plausible but plainly stupid (*cough* James *caugh*): Dominant Lovers, James, Evil-Lucine, Evil Nicole and 3.) Endings that are a rather far fetch from the main story: Isabel, Sayo, Marco, Julie, Vincent. But I won't vote myself and no matter which ending the majority of you vote for it will be implemented ;)


How do we tally votes? Sounds like we can vote multiple times for a favorite.choice and for multiple different endings. Typical polls here only allow one voting opportunity IF we can vote for multiple choices.


No. We already had several votes where people could vote on multiple choices here on Patreon. So, there will be those ~14 options for the endings and you can click on every one of them, adding one point to 1,2, ... or all 14 of them. (by clicking again on an option you withdraw your point once again from that option).


Can there be an option where people are physically transformed. Breast expansion, weight gain etc.


Not really. The main story of office party is more or less realistic where the only type of MC is hypnosis / hpynotic suggestions. So, there is no magic or futuristic gadget that can induce transformations, and it would not fit introducing such a gadget into the main story. Also, I don't do weight gain. The only thing we could do is add another "fun" ending where Charlotte is bimbofied once again but bimbo-charlotte somehow manages to take control anyway. Her bimbofied sense of beauty leads to mandatory breast augmentations for female staff. Also a strict workout routine is enforced. There would be no actual breast expansion sequence in this comic, but it would show the staff after let's say 6 months or a year everyone with abs and a bit more muscle tone and Big fake breasts. If this comment of mine gets at least 4 likes I will add this ending to the options!


Looks like about 12 votes from me for Evil Lucine. I'm surprised there's no bi-curiosity for Stacey when she seizes control of her company again. Drops my vote spread by one contender. Too bad. But I did add a like for Bimbo Charlotte's description.


Charlotte and Nice Lucine are the strong competitors for my last votes, I think.


After Scene 07 B you should not be wondering about that ;). Not every girl is a lesbian or bi-curious, and I've depicted Stacey as hardcore hetero in the the main story. Note that you can't add 12 points to Evil Lucine. Such a voting System is not offered by Patreon. You can either click an ending option to add one point, or you don't ;)


Okay. I guess I'm still confused as to the voting system. I'll wait for the post to hit.


I'm a bit confused by your choice ^^. It seems to me that you are after sapphic content, but then why choose Nice Lucine? Isabel or even Sayo would probably contain more sapphic content ;)


I've updated the post and added a paragraph as well as a screenshot to explain the voting mechanism. It's not that fancy ;)


Got it. You could vote for everything, you could abstain, or you could vote for a couple of things, but there isn't a way to preference-weigh votes. Cool.


My strongest is Evil Lucine. I really like Charlotte/BimbCharlotte. As a Lucine fan, I'd throw in for nice Lucine. Sayo sounds interesting, but I don't have a strong opinion one way or the other. Isobel might provide me with the content I like, but she strikes me as similar to James and Marco in that I might dislike the overall atmosphere and implications of the office run by her, even with sexy content that's in my strikezone. But I'm reconsidering that. I know Dominant Lovers is a strong contender for me, but if I had to choose a relatively chaste ending, I'd pick Nice Lucine over Lovers. *shrugs*


Yup. I guess preference-weighted voting would be a cool thing to have, but it's not offered here. One could probably integrate some extern polls, but let's go with the tools that have already been proven ;)


Hehe. I see :). I have to admit even though I put Dominant Lovers in my second category I find the setting very appealing as well :)


I've added a paragraph to clearify that the coming vote will only decide the first ending that's going to be implemented. There will be two further votings in the coming months which will decide a second and a thrid ending. So, in total I plan on implementing 3 out of the above endings.