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Poll: AI Reworks?

  • Yes! Awesome! I wouldn't mind a longer comic rework to replace one of the four stories each month. 8
  • I enjoyed it a lot, but I prefer new stories. 33
  • It's nice as an addition to the usual content. 13
  • I don't care for that rework stuff. 8
  • 2024-06-10
  • 62 votes
{'title': 'Poll: AI Reworks?', 'choices': [{'text': "Yes! Awesome! I wouldn't mind a longer comic rework to replace one of the four stories each month.", 'votes': 8}, {'text': 'I enjoyed it a lot, but I prefer new stories.', 'votes': 33}, {'text': "It's nice as an addition to the usual content.", 'votes': 13}, {'text': "I don't care for that rework stuff.", 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 10, 7, 54, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 62}


Hello, Hexxet here,

I've finished reworking the first three parts of the IP³ series. These are available to all Patrons in the new AI Rework Section on the homepage.

I think it's very cool to see the old office party characters shine in this new graphic style, but it's also work to get it done. So, I'd like your feedback whether you liked this and I should continue doing it or if you rather have me stop. Now... I probably know how this poll will end, but whatever here it is anyway:

So Poll Question: Did you like the IP³ rework?



I mean it's a nice re-interpretation to the original works - with an awesome art style. I love how young and lifelike (anime-esque) the characters look compared to the original version. The quality of the original still is way higher though and doesn't have to hide at all in comparison. So while I find it to be an awesome extra, I'd personally be happier to have more story content releases 🫣😋. Keep up the good work!


No worries. I'm not running out of new story ideas anytime soon. And I think it's great that you enjoy the 3D style so much. Personally I do not like it that much, but of course it is so much more accurate and enabling me to do complicated scenes with multiple characters in them just as I imagine them. :) While doing the reworks I realized the AI produces some great results on pages with just one person on it or standard sexy stuff. But with more people or more complex constellations the results get crappy. -> Maybe I'll just do some sexy AI pinups for future comics. That could work out nicely :)

Charles Modzinski

Would not mind seeing my story Ringed in the new style. It might get even better.


It's your stories I care about, not the art style.


Btw, I think I fucked up the wording of the first answer. It's not that I want to permanently do one rework each month, but rather I had in mind to do a replacement every few month or so. Communication is hard... ^^