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Hello, Hexxet here,

This chapter got kinda taken over by Harry and his story-line! We keep following him on his "adventure" in a certain establishment at the outskirts of town. Only the last few pages are spent on Mika as he questions his own Loyalties... who will he stand with? Kessy the demon girl? The people at magic camp? Don't worry Mika, the situation will only get more complicated from here on out! :P

To my American readers: I recently read that such establishments are forbidden in America. I'm from Europe - here this stuff is legal, so I don't know if this and the last chapter have an added taboo factor for you due to its scene location/actresses :).

The lost Temple Progression: The story is slowing down as Harry, the Transmogrigae spell and sexy scenes take up lots of pages, but it would feel wrong to just drop Harry at this point in the story now. So he will be part of it for quite some. However, next chapter will mostly be spent on Mika as he talks with Lana at home and finally has his first sexy action in a long time of this series :).



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