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Hello, Hexxet here,

Thank you for your continued support and a hearty welcome to all newcomers/returners. 

Numbers have increased quite a bit in April. :) I assume it's part due to my most Recent PAI Book and maybe part due to me posting about my new comic style.

About new Comic styles and big boobs:

In May two comics were developed with Stable Diffusion: Blitzdings and Shakeshifters 2. Both of these use realistic styles and you might not notice the difference to my other AI Comics. Anyway, SD allows for much more freedom while creating, so while I'll try to finish ongoing series in the style they started out with I will most likely switch to new styles.

In June "Remote Beach - Beach Remote" will start. It will feature a comic style like you saw in BE-ComicStyle Showcase I posted recently. On that accord,please note while "Remote Beach - Beach Remote" will focus on breast expansion as well, breasts will stay mostly smaller than in this showcase (but still pretty big!). Also, I do not plan to do any content switch towards ultra busty ladies like in the show case. So, if you found these distasteful, you do not need to be afraid of such ultra-sized breasts occurring in many future stories of mine. However, there is one story that will need such giga-tits, namely the final chapters of the Boob Bender Chronicles. Since Boobs basically are weaponized in this series I hope you will be fine with that. If not, please note that the Boob Fighting is planned to end with Chapter 11 anyway ;).

Content Focus in the upcoming months:

There are several series that are about to finish in the next few months:

  • Window Wishing (will end with CH 15 or 16)

  • Transform or Command (2-3 more chapters)

  • Post Hypnotic Chore List (Will most likely end with Ch 6)

  • The Last Boob Bender (Either Ends with Chapter 11 or will change genre again for a bonus chapter or two ^^)

  • The Itty Bitty Titty Committee (The Series ends with Chapter 05)

And there are also some new Series planned to start:

  • The Irresistible Potent Penis Potion - Reloaded (with AI)

I'm actually not sure how well received the IP³ series was, though I do know it had some fans. I'm still undecided whether I should turn this into a series or if cock-addiction is not that much of hot topic for you... But I'll guess I'll let you guys vote once the first chapter comes out :).

  • And LEXI

I talked about LEXI already some time back. Mika will purchase a new home assistant and it will turn out to be omnipotent. The first two chapters will deal with the "time-rewind" function and "Unaware"-Mode :). This series is planned to have some chapters. I've currently got 5 planned through, but if the comic is liked more can come after :).

The lost Temple 

will continue like so far. I Still need some chapters to power up Mika. Though at least he will get some flirting and sexy time in with the upcoming chapter in May :). Anyway, once Mika develops his MC spell, it will finally be time for bonus chapters :)

Content of May:

  • 01.05.2024: Blitzdings (PAI) [Free PAI of the month]

  • 03.05.2024: Post Hypnotic Chore List

  • 08.05.2024: Shake Shifers 2 (PAI)

  • 10.05.2024: Window Wishing 13

  • 15.05.2024: The Itty Bitty Titty Committee 4 (PAI)

  • 17.05.2024: Transform or Command 10 [Enthusiast Story]

  • 22.05.2024: The Last Boob Bender IX (PAI)

  • 24.05.2024: The Lost Temple - Chapter 16

  • 31.05.2024: MC-Trance Trigger 4 [Afficionado Story]

For a more detailed description of the stories of May please take a look at the Outlook May Post.


I'm open for comic commissions. If you have an idea you'd like to see implemented, here are my commission terms and pricing.

The Next PAI Book:

I Still plan to do a second PAI Book to Bianca's story, but works have not yet started and it will take some time. I'll be aiming for August, since I want to finish some of the running normal PAIs already and also show you guys some new ones with the new AI Styles.

New Payment Model / Archive Access maybe coming:

I'm currently in contact with a Payment Gateway but several questions (especially about hypno content) need to be resolved first. Still, I hope that I can establish my own membership site soon. With that I should be able to offer better conditions for archive access.

I hope I can keep you entertained with my stories, and I wish you a lovely May! :)



Wow, I´m really really looking forward to thes comics. I can´t wait for Beach remote. This sounds great. And somehow I had to think of your magic pen comic.... I´d love to see a new chapter as well if you are looking for grat topics 😉 Thank you!


Please note that "Beach Remote" will not be an elaborate story but a collection of pics showing events happening at a certain beach. All pics will deal with a magic remote that was lost on said beach and one can interpret the pics as various people finding the remote and pressing some buttons before losing it again :). I'd like to bring the magic pen back myself, but I got distracted with the above stuff right now. But once some series terminate I will consider starting a new Reality Pen Chapter :)