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When Andrea put up her hand for a high five with Robert, he pulled his hand back and said "PSYCH!"

Andrea put her backpack on the floor. She needed both her hands free to enact the spell she wanted.  As Robert passed, Andrea used her powers to swap the apparel that Robert had been wearing with a princess dress, including a tiara and wig).

After the transformation, Robert put his hands on his hips. He didn't know why he decided to wear his pink princess dress to school today. It was such a pain to wear, especially when he needed to sit in class.  A moment later, he shook his head, adjusted his tiara, lifted the hem of his skirt, exposing his three-and-a-half-inch heels, and strutted to his next class.

Andrea had the last "PSYCH!"

Composite Photo by RODNAE Productions, MART  PRODUCTION and Jennifer Marquez on Unsplash

Composite Photo by Katerina Holmes and Maksim Veter 



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