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Chapter 3

Gracie and dad slept through mom and Johnny's entire preparation.

“When we are at the studio,” mom reminded Johnny, “don't say too much. Just do what the photographer says. You are supposed to be Gracie.”

“There isn't any way for me to forget who I am supposed to be.”

In Gracie's body, Johnny was strapped into the back safety seat. His legs couldn't even reach the floor.

They arrived at the photography studio at 9 AM. Johnny and mom had been up for hours trying on the outfits. Neither was tired though; they were both too excited.

Mom parked the car and opened the door for Johnny. From his position and size, he couldn't get out of the car without some help.

Johnny followed mom to the trunk. Mom opened it and pulled out a stroller.

“I don't need that.”

“I know. I'm using it to carry what we need.”


Mom retrieved Gracie's favorite doll and her stuffed rabbit. She put them in the carriage and then stacked the many outfits Johnny would be wearing for the session. For the two-hour session, mom brought ten outfits.

Johnny pushed the stroller into the studio. The top of the stroller's handles were over a foot taller than Johnny himself. Still, he managed. Mom carried the long dresses that shouldn't be placed on the stroller for fear of them wrinkling or getting dirty.

“Hello, you must be Mrs. Lindsley,” the photographer greeted mom. Mom was using a new photographer. Someone who hadn't seen Gracie before. She didn't want any questions asked as to how Gracie could change her personality and maturity so rapidly. It was only three weeks since the last photoshoot.

“Yeah, and this is Gracie. Our little photo star!”

The photographer got down on one knee. “Hiya Gracie,” the photographer said cheerfully. “We are going to have so much fun today. Your mommy brought so many pretty outfits for you to wear. I'm going to make you the prettiest little girl ever.”

Johnny just smiled.

The studio was dominated by a huge green screen surrounded by lights of every description. In front of the screen, was a shag rug and a huge teddy bear. The bear would look big in comparison with Johnny's real body. As compared to the little girl's body that Johnny was inhabiting, the bear looked enormous. Even sitting it was taller than Johnny.

Turning his attention back to mom, the photographer explained the procedures and the types of backdrops and props that he would be using.

Johnny listened to mom and the photographer talk for a few minutes. Then without being told, he pushed the stroller into the dressing room and changed into what was already decided by mom and the photographer would be the first outfit. Johnny stripped himself naked except for his pull-up.

Johnny retrieved the ruffled floral dress. The ribbed bodice was a bluish-green color with a round neck and flutter sleeves. Three buttons had to be opened to get into the dress properly. The white floral skirt had an elastic waist that flared out for maximum poof. Johnny knew to wear this with blue tights that matched the bodice and white shoes that matched the skirt.

Johnny sat down to put on the tights first. He made sure there weren't any wrinkles in the material of the tights before unbuttoning the dress and stepping into it. His little hands didn't have any trouble refastening the buttons. Once on, Johnny used his hands to poof out the skirt of his dress and then stepped into the Maryjane shoes. He had to sit again to buckle the shoes. He topped off the outfit by putting his hair into a ponytail and securing it in the back with a white bow.

Finally, he looked at himself in the mirror and brightened his cheeks and face with a hint of blush and pale pink lipstick. Johnny turned to the right and left to confirm he had the right look and then exited the dressing room.

Mom and the photographer were still talking.

The photographer caught sight of Johnny. The photographer was amazed that a girl so little could put on the outfit all by 'herself'.

“Wow, you look fantastic!” the photographer called out.

“See I told you; Gracie is very smart. She hardly needs any help at all,” mom explained.

“Gracie, sit by the teddy bear,” Mom commanded Johnny. Johnny sat where he was ordered.

At first, the photographer posed Johnny and then got behind the camera.

“Raise your hands,” the photographer told Johnny and lifted his hands to show what he wanted. Johnny knew exactly what was required.

As the photographer got more and more comfortable with the abilities of Johnny, he started to simply state the commands without mimicking what he wanted. The photographer was amazed at how someone so young looking could effortlessly go from pose to pose and expression to expression so effortlessly.

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