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Gregg returned to playing video games. But the iPhone rang again. This time it was a phone call, not a message. Gregg discovered that it was his father phoning. Gregg decided to pick it up.

“Hello, Ginger.”


“Is the kid staying with me today?”

“Yeah.” Gregg didn't like being called 'the kid' by his father.

“When will he be here?”

“You have to pick him up at school.”

“Geez, can't you get him for me?”

“I can't.”

“Come on.”

“I really can't.”

“OK, I'll pick him up, sheesh.”

“Is that all?”

“No, what time?”

“3:00...duh right after school.”

“What got into your panties?”

“More than you know.”


“Never mind. Just pick Gregg up.”

“Sure, bye.”


Gregg could hear the reluctance in his father's voice.

Once Ginger was seated in class, school was easy for her. She didn't have to answer questions, all she needed to do was take notes.

She didn't have to spend any time with Gregg's friends, she could just go from class to class.

Ginger raised her hand.


“I have to go to the restroom.”

“OK, take the pass.”

Ginger took the pass off the teacher's desk and exited the class. She needed to pee for real. As she walked to the boys' room, she decided she would sit down to pee like she always had. Ginger found the boys' room. She was amazed that the restroom didn't have a door on it. She entered the toilet and smelled the pee. Looking into the stalls, she realized they didn't have doors on them either.

“I guess I'm going to have to use the urinal. She stepped up close to the urinal and unzipped her pants. She fished her hands into the fly in her underwear and grabbed her penis. She pulled it out and let the pee flow. She didn't know where to look. She decided to stare at the wall instead of at her little dick. She juggled her dick when it was done.

Ginger looked around; she was looking to wash her genitals after she peed. She realized she didn't need to. Back at the sink, she washed her hands. She used soap, which few boys did. Most schoolboys were lucky to even get them wet.

The classes proceeded one after the other. Ginger didn't have any difficulties in any of them. It didn't matter if she knew the material or not. She just had to appear as if she was paying attention and taking notes.

A monitor entered the class and handed a piece of paper to the teacher.

"Gregg, can you come to the front of the class? Take your books.”

Ginger did as requested.

“Go with this young man.”

Ginger didn't know whether to question where she was going. She decided to keep silent.

Ginger followed the boy out of the classroom. They went down the hall to the first floor, around the corner and then Ginger was directed to the guidance counselor's office.

The receptionist motioned Ginger to the inner office. Inside Ginger found two women.

“Take a seat.”

Ginger sat down. She put her book bag on the floor. Ginger was very nervous. She believed she couldn't be in trouble. Her entire school day was uneventful. They must want her here because of something that Gregg had done.



Ginger was in the presence of Mrs. Tota, the guidance counselor, and Miss DeLuka, the school nurse. Neither introduced themselves. They assumed that Gregg would know who they were. Ginger did assume the woman sitting in front of the plaque which stated Mrs. Debra Tota was the guidance counselor.

“How do you feel?”


“Nothing is bothering you?”

“No,” she answered quietly.

“We got a call.”

“A call?”

“Yes, it was from your mother.”

“A call from my mother?”

“Yes, she said you think you and her swapped bodies. That you are really Mrs. Hallingsworth.”

Ginger didn't know what to think. Gregg phoned the school and said that. It was supposed to be their secret. No one was supposed to know. She didn't know what to say. The women stared at Ginger intently.

When a few seconds passed, Mrs. Tota asked again, “Are you Gregg or Mrs. Hallingsworth?”

“I'm Gregg.”

“Why would your mother call the school and tell us you said you swapped bodies with her.”

“My mom said she is me?”

“No, she was just very concerned about you. She said you sounded like you were serious. She thought you really believed what you were saying.”

“I'm not my mom.”

“Good, but did you say you were?”

“Why would I do that?”

“That is what we would like to know.”

“I didn't say that.”

“Gregg...we don't believe your mom would make something like that up.”

“But obviously I'm not ...umm...mom. How is that possible?”

“You are the one who said it.”

“I didn't mean it. I mean it was a joke.”

“So, you admit you did say it.”

Ginger knew she was caught in a lie.

“Do you not like who you are? Is that why you want to be your mother?”

“I don't know...what to say.”

“The truth. We are trying to help you.”

“I didn't mean it.”

“What did you mean?”

“I don't know.”

“You can be honest with us. Do you want to be a girl?”

Ginger hadn't any idea what to say. She couldn't tell them the truth. No one would believe that she and her son had swapped bodies. She didn't know why Gregg would call the school and tell them what happened.

“No, I don't want to be a girl.”

“You really don't want to be a girl, or you just don't want to talk about it?”

“No, I don't want to be a girl,” Ginger lied.

“OK, then you can go back to your class. But if you want to talk, you can talk to us.”

“I see.”

“We'll call back your mother. Maybe she can find someone who can help you.”

“I don't need help.”

“OK, you can go. Here's a pass.”

Ginger took the handwritten pass. She left the office.

“Why would Gregg phone the school? Didn't he realize how stupid it would be?” she thought to herself.

Back in class, Ginger couldn't concentrate on writing notes. She had a million thoughts going through her head.

Between classes, Ginger messaged Gregg.

<what did you do>


<don't give me that. I know what you did>

<I couldn't help myself. I was curious>


<yes, I wanted to see what it was like. I'm sorry. I had never seen them before. I mean like this>

Ginger realized what Gregg was talking about. She hadn't thought about that.

<hey keep your hands off my>

<I won't. Not ever again>

<you had better not!> <why did you call the school?>

<I didn't call the school>

Ginger didn't know whether to believe him. If Gregg didn't call the school, who did? As far as she knew, no one knew that she and Gregg swapped bodies. It took her a moment to respond.

<you didn't call the school and say we swapped bodies?>

<no, I didn't>

<did you tell anyone else about the swap>


<are you sure>

<I didn't talk to anyone. I've been here all morning>

<OK, I have to go. Remember don't tell anyone>

Ginger was completely perplexed. Someone called the school. There wasn't any doubt. If it wasn't Gregg, then who did?

Ginger's concerns were split between the call to the school and the realization that Gregg was touching her body. She didn't know which concerned her more. When she was twelve, she didn't do such things. But when she was twelve, she didn't have a developed feminine body either. The last thing on her mind was the classwork going on in front of her.

The bell soon rang, and she left the room with the other kids.

“Hello, Gregg,” a girl greeted Ginger.

“Hi,” Ginger returned the greeting. She didn't know who this girl was.

“Are you OK?”

“I'm alright,” Ginger lied.

“You look like you're upset.”

“I'm not.”

“I guess you just have a lot on your mind.”

“You could say that.”

“I'm Stephanie, by the way.”

“Hello, Stephanie.”

“I wanted to tell you something.”


“I think you're very cute.”

Ginger didn't know what to say.

“Thank you.”

“I think I like you.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, I was hoping we could hang out together.”

Ginger couldn't believe it, a girl was asking her out. Couldn't the girl have waited until Gregg was back in his own body?

Ginger didn't want to say 'no'. She didn't know if Gregg would like this girl or not. If he did, she didn't want to end the relationship before it started. This might be Gregg's first girlfriend. She seemed nice.

“Here's my phone number. Call me!” Stephanie told her as she handed her a piece of paper.

“Bye,” then Stephanie hurried off.

Ginger looked at the note. On the top, it said Stephanie in script. Under that was the phone number. Under that was a drawn heart and the letter 'U'.

Ginger would have to tell Gregg about the encounter. The girl looked very cute to Ginger, and she obviously had a real affection for Gregg. Ginger would encourage Gregg to phone the girl. It was another thing that Ginger would be thinking about today.

The final bell sounded, Ginger like the rest of the students headed toward the exits. She knew that her ex-husband would be waiting for her.

Ginger looked up and down the street for his car. Instead, she saw her ex-husband's girlfriend, Allison. Allison was a little shorter than Ginger (or for that matter Gregg). Her hair was short and blonde and parted on the right side. She wore a navy men's business suit, with a white collared shirt and a blue-print tie. On her feet were oxford shoes and men's blue dress socks. Despite the layers of clothing, the outline of her huge breasts could be seen under her suit.

“Hey, Gregg.”

“Where's....dad?” Ginger caught herself from saying Phil.

“He's home. He asked me to pick you up. Let's go, I have to get back to work.”

Allison led Ginger to her car. She chirped the car door opener. Ginger got into the passenger seat of the Lincoln. The pair drove off.

“Your dad has been looking forward to seeing you. I'm sure you will have lots of fun.”

“I'm sure,” Ginger replied noncommittally.

Allison parked her car perpendicular to her house's walkway. Ginger exited the car. Allison drove off.

Ginger paused before heading to the door. She knocked on the door. A moment later, her ex-husband Phil opened it.

“Gregg! Come on in, come on in. Glad to see you.” Phil moved in close and gave Ginger a kiss on the cheek. A small amount of the lipstick Phil was wearing transferred to Ginger's cheek.

Ginger looked over at Phil, she was just as she expected him. He was wearing an ivory luminous plissé dress with metallic fibers. It had a tiered skirt, plunging neckline, and long puff sleeves. Ginger knew that Phil loved to overdress. When they were married, Phil's wardrobe was twice the size of hers. Not only that, but Phil insisted his makeup be perfect at all times. The same went for his long hair and painted nails. No doubt his string of weekly nail appointments and every other week hair appointments had continued unabated since their separation.

Ginger took a step into the house.

“Wait, take off your shoes.”

Ginger looked down, she saw that even though Phil was wearing textured stockings and a cocktail dress, on his feet were slippers. Phil hated tracking dirt from outside into the house. Ginger used the toe of her left foot to remove the sneaker from her right and then vice versa.

“Come with me to the kitchen, my brownies are just about ready.”

In the kitchen, Phil opened the oven door and then retrieved the pan of brownies. He put an oven mitt on his hand and then fetched the pan. The aroma was heavenly to Ginger. The brownie separator was removed.

Ginger had to admit, Phil was a marvelous cook. Now that Ginger was in Gregg's body, she could stuff her face as much as she wanted.

“One second, they're hot!”

A spatula was used to peel the brownie from the pan. The brownie was put into a napkin and handed to Ginger. It tasted as good as it smelled.

The house, like Phil, was spotless. Everything was in its place.

Meanwhile, Gregg received another call.

“Hello, Mrs. Hallingsworth.”


“This is Allison at Doctor Morris' office. You and your son have an appointment in two hours.”

“We do? He's not here.”

“Can you reach him? It is very important you come.”

Gregg felt as if this appointment was of the utmost urgency.

“Yes, I can. We'll be there.”

“That's wonderful. I'll tell the doctor.”

Gregg had to hurry. He called Phil and told him of the appointment. Phil assured Gregg that 'his son' would be at the appointment on time. Phil knew Dr. Morris. Ginger and Phil had had couple's counseling before their divorce. The counseling obviously didn't work, but both Ginger and Phil respected Dr. Morris.

Gregg phoned for an Uber and told them to be at the house in 45 minutes. That would give him time to get ready and still be at the doctor's office in plenty of time.

When the call arrived, Gregg was completely naked. Sometime between his mother messaging him and now, Gregg removed all his clothes to touch his body as he had before. He had to get dressed for the appointment. He walked briskly to Ginger's bedroom. His unsupported breasts bounced with every step. He supported them with his cupped hands.

Gregg started with a pair of black nylon bikini panties and a satin bra. The bra fastened in the back. He pulled the panties up his legs and then ran his arms through the straps of the bra. He reached behind his back to fasten the hook n eye closure. But he couldn't do it. He tried to look over his left shoulder to see what he was doing. That didn't help. It made it worse since one of his shoulders became higher than the other. Gregg knew he couldn't leave the house without a bra. He took the bra off and put the hooks into the eyes. It was fastened, but not on his body. He then tried to pull it over his head like a t-shirt. His breasts got in the way. He pulled the cups of his bra out and then pulled them down over his breasts. He adjusted them until he felt the bra was on correctly.

Gregg walked to the closet and looked for something to wear. He had to dress nicely. Jeans weren't appropriate when seeing Dr. Morris. He found a pair of black slacks. They were neatly folded over a hanger. They looked similar to his own dress pants. He pulled them up. They hugged his curves. He closed it with the hook and bar closure. He zipped up the fly. The fly felt different. He didn't realize that the zipper on his mother's slacks was on the opposite side as his own pants. The pants descended to above his ankles. He thought they looked like pants he had grown too tall for. But he didn't change out of them. Ginger would have accessorized it with a belt, but Gregg didn't know to do so. He paired it with a button-up collared women's white blouse. He buttoned it up almost to the top button. Then remembered that his mom liked to show a little more skin and opened the second button too. His black bra could be seen under the shirt. Gregg didn't know to check for such things.

Gregg decided he needed a pair of stockings. He found a nude pair in the drawer. Then he wore it with black shoes. As long as it was black, he thought the shoes would be fine.

The only makeup that Gregg applied was some lipstick.

Soon the Uber was there. Gregg entered the cab and was taken to the doctor's office.

A Lyft arrived at Phil's house.

“We have to go and meet your mom,” Phil told Ginger.

“You're not bringing me home?”

“No, she'll meet us halfway.”

“That can't be,” Ginger told Gregg not to drive. How could they “meet halfway”?

“That's what she said when she called me. You have an appointment.”

“An appointment?”

“Yeah, at Dr. Morris.”

Ginger had forgotten all about that. Ginger felt the same urgency that Gregg had felt.

“I see.”

Phil couldn't drive. Either Allison, his friends, or ride-sharing apps like Lyft would take him everywhere he wanted to go.

Phil led Ginger into the office of Dr. Morris. Gregg had already arrived. Phil's fiancé had been sitting behind the receptionist's desk.

“Ahh, you're here. Step into my office.”

Ginger, Gregg, Phil, and Allison followed Dr. Morris into the office.


Allison woke up in the morning. She couldn't believe it; she was going to spend the day in the body of her fiancé's son. She couldn't let anyone know, she was really Allison and not Gregg. It would only be for one day. How bad could it be? All she had to do was live through one day of school as a middle school student. She would have also put up with the boy's mother. She couldn't stand that Ginger woman and how she treated Phil.

Allison pulled the covers off her body and swung her legs over the side of the bed. She was wearing Avengers boy's boxer briefs with a matching t-shirt.

She walked over to the bathroom and pulled her underwear down. Then she grabbed her little penis and pointed it at the toilet. She peed standing up for what she thought was the first time.

This wasn't the first time, Allison, Phil, Ginger, and Gregg had been swapping personalities and lives every day for months now. Just one of Dr. Morris's little experiments.

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I think this is the only time in this channel that the original main characters actually got their original personalities returned to each other in the end