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“Mom, where are we going?” Heidi demanded to know.

“You'll see. You'll see.”

“Why won't you tell me?”

“It's a surprise. All I can say is that it involves your dad.”

Heidi's mother and father were divorced. She primarily lived with her mother, but her father was a loving dad who saw her as often as the divorce decree allowed.

"Am I going to see dad? It's not his time.”

“All I can say is that your dad will be there.”

“So, I'll see him.”

“You'll see.”

“Where are we going again?”

“It's a surprise.”

Heidi sighed.

“Are we going to six flags?” Heidi asked as she passed a sign that announced the turn-off for an amusement park was coming up.

“You found out.”

“You are taking me to Six Flags?”

“I'm taking you. But I'm not staying.”

“So I'll be with dad? Why didn't you tell me?”

“Not exactly.”


“You'll see.”

“Stop saying that!”

Heidi was a vivacious three-foot-eleven girl with sandy hair and dark eyes. As it was a late spring day, she was wearing a soft pink ribbed cami in pointelle knit that exposed only a hint of the tummy with a tie detail at the neck, a tie-dyed loose-fitting jogger with an elastic waist, and happy face logo slides in lavender

“You'll see...I mean you'll know soon enough. We are almost there.”

Mom pulled into the parking lot. Heidi got out of the car, but Mom didn't. Instead, she texted someone. Mom didn't let Heidi see who it was.

Mom exited the car. She didn't start walking to the entrance though.

“What are we waiting for?”

“You'll see.”

Heidi gave her mom a look.

“Just wait.”

“Dad is coming?”

“Don't be so impatient.”

A couple minutes later, a girl approximately Heidi's age approached Heidi and mom. Heidi didn't recognize the girl, but she did recognize what the girl was wearing. She had that exact top. The top was in a rich blue with a smocked bodice and a peplum hem. It had a square neck and puff sleeves. Heidi knew that shirt very well, she wore it to her father's house the last time she stayed over. As she lived for a time at both her parent's, Heidi's clothing was dispersed at both their places. The top was paired with jean shorts and white sneakers.

“Hello,” the girl said.

“Hi,” Heidi replied.

“Don't you recognize me?”


“It's me, DAD!”


“I got here early and went to the Hall of Transformation. I got this body. We are going to have so much fun.”

“NO WAY!!!”

Heidi knew about the Hall of Transformation. A person could have their body changed to anything he/she wanted. It was very expensive.

“Like totally,” Dad said trying to sound like a girl.

“I don't believe it.”

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY. We are going to spend the whole day together having fun.”

“It's not my birthday yet.”

“OK, I'm a little early. But consider this your birthday present.”

Heidi looked up at her mother. Mom nodded her head in confirmation.

Heidi threw herself into her 'father's' arms for a big hug. Dad was a couple of inches taller than her now, but not the two feet he had been. The pair hugged each other.

“OK, I'm going to go. I'll be back at seven when the park closes. You two have fun,” Mom told them.

“We will,” Heidi gushed.

Mom entered her car and drove away.

“Come, let's go.”

As the pair walked toward the entrance, Dad told her. “Hold out your hand. I have to put the park bracelet on.”

Heidi did as Dad requested. He wrapped the bracelet around her wrist and fastened it. Then he raised his own wrist to show her, he had one too. They were both children's bracelets. Dad's wristband didn't say: adult.

“Here we are, two girls going to have the funnest day ever!” Dad told her with a huge smile. Heidi noticed that dad was missing a tooth, just like she was. He looked like a preteen in all ways.

“I have an idea.”


“Take my hand.”


They passed security hand in hand.

“What should we do first?”

“Umm, let's see. How about the Lil Devil Coaster?”


They walked to the coaster for children and waited in line. There were several people already waiting, some kids with parents, some kids with older kids, and some kids alone. For a ride like this, no older kids and certainly not any adults alone.

“I can't believe you are doing this for me.”

“I love you. You know that.”

“But just going to the park would be enough. You didn't have to do this.” Heidi gestured with her hands.

“Now we can both have fun together. I want to do everything you do. I want this to be the best birthday of your life...even if it isn't your birthday up.”

Heidi hugged her dad again.

The line moved as the coaster filled up. Heidi and dad passed the sign/cartoon cutout that explained you had to be over 42 inches to enter the ride. Both were 'much' taller than that. They entered the ride and took their seats in the car. They were strapped in and then held their hands again as the ride began to move.

“YAY!!!” they screamed as the coaster ran along its track.

“Now where?”

“Let's see how about. Porky Pigs Camp Wagons.”

“Let's go.”

As they walked, something occurred to Heidi.”

“Dad, are you...”

“Don't call me 'dad' when we are here.”

“What should I call you?”

“How about DeeDee.”

“OK, DeeDee.”

“What were you going to ask?”

“Are you wearing my clothes?”

“Yeah. When you do the transformation they transform your body, but not your clothes. You have to bring something to change into. My regular clothes wouldn't fit anymore.”

“I see.”

The Porky Pig ride was sort of like a Ferris Wheel. The pair walked into the carriage and sat down. This time they sat facing each other instead of adjacent. Heidi enjoyed the ride. Dad enjoyed just being with his little girl.

The Saw Mill Log Flume was next. This ride had a height requirement of 46 inches. Heidi was 47 inches and got right on. Dad had become 50 inches and followed along. They were lucky to be in the front of the ride and got wet when the ride splashed down. Heidi was delighted.

“Let's get something to eat.”


At Chickies, dad selected a foot-long hot dog for himself and a regular-size one for Heidi, fries, and a soda. The hot dog wasn't of the highest quality even though it was very expensive. Dad fished out his phone from his pocket. He used an app to pay for the meal. No one said anything that a little girl was using a phone to pay. Dad assumed it must happen a lot. Parents lend their kids the phone to pay. Dad was a little worried that someone would say something like 'Where's your mommy?” But he needn't have worried.

The hot dog looked huge to dad at his diminished size. Dad took a big bite of the hot dog with his small mouth. The hot dog tasted the same to him. Dad was curious if it would taste different since he was tasting it with a different body than his own. It was hard for dad to finish his hot dog. He didn't count on his stomach being so small.

After the lunch, Heidi needed to go to the lady's room. Dad needed to go too, but he wanted to hold out. Heidi could tell that dad needed to go. He had the look about him.

“Come with me,” Heidi suggested.

“I don't know.”

“It'll be fine.”

“I know, but I feel...”

“Don't be a baby.”

“Maybe I should just go to the men's'”

“Come on. You know you can't do that.”

“I know, but it's sort of. I probably should just wait”

“All day? Mom won't be here until closing.”

“I guess you're right.”

Heidi took dad's hand and led him into the restroom. Dad had never been in a woman's restroom before. It looked pretty much like the guys. There were stalls and sinks with mirrors over the sinks. Other than that, nothing else. It wasn't fancy with benches or elaborate places to put on makeup. This restroom was very basic. Except for the lack of urinals, it probably looked the same as the men's room. There was a baby changing station, but there might be a similar thing in the men's room too.

Heidi entered a stall and closed the door.

Dad did the same. He opened the button to his shorts and pulled the zipper down. He pulled his pants and panties down to his knees.

Dad decided to wear panties after the transformation. It was either that or buy boys' briefs that would fit his small body. But dad decided not to wear any of the training bras that Heidi had at his house.

Dad sat on the toilet. The seat was hard. There wasn't any padding at all. Dad didn't know why he would have expected padding. Dad sort of expected the woman's restroom to be nicer than the men's. Some were, but this was an amusement park. They didn't spend extra for nicer women's restrooms.

Dad released his bladder and could hear the pee splash in the toilet. He could hear everyone's pee splash in their toilets. He was hyper-aware of what was going on. It might look like any other stall, but Dad knew where he was and who he was. It felt odd to be there.

Dad forced the pee out of his body the best he could. He wanted to get out of the restroom fast. But even after he felt he was done, he pushed again and a few more drops exited his body. Then he did it again.

Finally, he finished.

” Should I wipe?...Yeah, I should.” dad reasoned. He got a wad of toilet paper and wiped himself. He purposefully looked away. He didn't want to see his prepubescent genitals. It seemed wrong somehow.

He stood up. Pulled up his pants. Fastened his shorts and exited the stall.

“Let's go,” Heidi said when he came out.

Dad walked over to the sink and washed his hands. There were a couple of other women standing there doing the same or fixing their makeup. It only took a few seconds before dad was done. They left the restroom.

It was still early in the day, not even 11:30.

“What's next?”

“How about the Jolly Roger?”


They waited in line like all the rest of the rides. The day had gotten much warmer. They were sweating as they stood in line.

“This is the best day!” Heidi told dad as she hugged him again.

“I'm glad you are having so much fun.”

“I'm sorry you can't go on,” the attendant said. The ride was for people 48 inches tall, but even though dad was fifty inches, Heidi was about an inch short.”

“But I'm so close! If I stand on my tiptoes!”

“I'm sorry, you can't go. It's for your safety. If your parent is with you yes, but alone you can't go.”

“But my dad...”

Dad shook his head slightly. He didn't want them to know he was a transformed person. He wanted to be thought of as a little girl by everyone. He still felt weird about going into the girls' room.

“I guess we can't go,” dad stated. He wasn't going on the ride alone.

That was the first, but not the only ride that they weren't allowed on. On some rides both of them were too short and for others, dad could squeak by, but Heidi couldn't.

“Let's go to the gift shop,” dad suggested after not being allowed on the Jersey Devil Coaster ride.

The gift shop was air-conditioned. There were lots of Six Flags themed merchandise, as well as sundries, candies, and other stuff. There was also a small section for swimsuits.



“Let's go. We've gone on all the good rides we can get on. It's hot. Let's go there.”

“I don't know.”

“We can buy some swimsuits and go.”

Dad couldn't resist his little girl.

“Let's get matching bathing suits. How about these?”

Heidi pointed to a couple of bikini-style swimsuits with a smocked top.

“I don't think I want to wear that.”

“Awe come on.”

If dad was going to wear a girl's swimsuit, he wanted a one-piece. He felt odd wearing a bra top. There wasn't any reason he should feel like this, but somehow it felt better to wear a one-piece.

“I think I would prefer to wear this one.” It was an ombre one-piece with wide straps. “You want to wear one like this?”


In the end, Heidi got her bikini and dad got his one-piece. Dad paid for it with his phone app as before.

“You get changed and wait for me here. I'll be right back.”


Dad felt bad about the size difference between him and Heidi. He should have made himself her exact height. He returned to the Hall of Transformation and asked, ”Umm hi, I was here before and transformed into this body.”

“You want to transform back?”

“No, I want to be a little shorter and look a little younger. “ Dad was sure this would boost Heidi's spirits.

“There will be an additional charge.”

“No problem.”

“How do you want to look?”

“The same just a little younger, how about a nine-year-old?”

“Nine-year-old...how tall?”

“Umm, three and a half feet.”

“42 inches?”

“How about 44?” Dad knew that Heidi was a little under 48 inches according to the restrictions of the rides she wasn't allowed on.


Dad paid for the transformation. The transaction was approved.

“GO in there and take off your clothes. The same as last time.”


“When the transformation is complete, put on your clothes and come out.”

Now that dad knew what to expect, he wasn't as worried as earlier this morning when he was transformed from a grown man into a little girl. He was already a little girl in every way, a few extra inches wouldn't make a big difference.

Dad entered the chamber and took off his clothes. He pressed the button to indicate he was ready. The transformation happened as before. When he was an adult, he used all of his willpower to go through with it. A change was definitely scary. If he had been an actual child, he didn't know if he could have gone through with it.

Naked and transformed, dad stepped into the swimsuit and pulled it up his torso. This had been the only time he had ever worn a girl's suit. The stretchy material fit him like a glove. He took his discarded clothes and exited the Hall of Transformation.

Heidi was waiting for him where she said she would.

“OK, let's go!”

“You look different.”

“Yeah, I thought you could be the taller one.”

“I have an idea, how about I transform into the daddy, and you stay like this.”

“I don't think so.”

“Awe, but why? It'll be fun.”

“Not going to happen.” Dad didn't know if Heidi knew what a man has between their legs and the rest of it. He wasn't going to let her find out here. She insisted and used every trick she had, but dad wouldn't relent.

Finally, he put his small foot down and they walked to dad's locker. They had to put all their spare clothes in there for safekeeping. Dad's phone went into there too.”

“Hey, wait, let me get some pictures of you like you are.”

Dad wanted to have a picture or two also. Several pictures were taken of dad alone and with the help of a stranger of dad and Heidi. There was even a video made of Heidi and dad saying “Hi mom. We are having the best time!”

The phone was the last to go into the locker. Heidi put it there as she was the last to use it. She forgot to turn it off. It recorded the dark inside of the locker as Dad and Heidi had fun in the water park area of the Six Flags.

They held hands as they walked to the other side of the park. Heidi looked like the older sister now. Heidi wished that dad could stay like this even after the park. At least for a few days. It would be fun to play with him.

The first step was to go to the pool. They both put on the free live preservers that were available to all young visitors. They would keep them on while they were in the area of the park with water rides.

They inched into the pool. The water was cold. As the water crept up their legs, a strange thought occurred to dad. What about when the water reached his crotch? How would that feel? Before that happened, Heidi jumped forward getting her entire body wet.

“Da...DeeDee, come on, it's fun!”

“I'm coming, I'm coming. I'm just trying to get used to the water.

Heidi splashed dad. “Hurry up!”

“Stop that!”

Once dad was fully wet, all his apprehensions left him. He was just another person in the pool. Although he was half the height of the adults.

“Tag, you're it!” Heidi yelled as she half ran/half swam away.

“I'll get you!” dad replied as he followed her. It was hard to gain any distance as he was so much shorter and weaker. Dad followed Heidi toward the deep end.

*** BEEP *** the whistle of the lifeguard sounded.

“You girls can't go in the deep end!” he told them.

Dad didn't mind, he was following Heidi anyway. As Heidi returned to the shallower end, Dad used the opportunity to tag her and run away himself.

Dad was happy he hadn't relented and worn the bikini. He felt more secure in the one piece. Especially in his smaller body.

After another twenty minutes, they left the pool and started to go on the other water rides. There were water slides, tubing rides, and rafting rides. All were a lot of fun.

Heidi wanted after a while some snacks, but the phone with the credit app was on the other end of the park. Neither wanted to walk all the way to get it.

The day flew by, it was time to get ready to leave. The pair took off their life preservers and made their way back to the land rides part of the park. They found the locker and retrieved their dry clothes. This time Dad entered the ladies' changing room. There were dozens of women in there changing. The park would close soon. Dad noticed a woman who was particularly well-endowed. He forced himself not to look at her while changing. He didn't look at Heidi or his own body either.

Back in his original outfit, dad took Heidi to the Hall of Transformation and entered.

“Wait here, this will only take a few minutes.”

Dad entered carrying his men's apparel.

“Time to change back,” he told the attendant, although she knew what he wanted before saying anything. It was closing time.

“Sure thing, where's your ticket?

That was when dad realized that his phone was out of charge. The return ticket was electronic and on his phone. Since he couldn't access his phone, he didn't have it.

“There's a problem,” Dad showed her the phone.

“I'm sorry, but without the ticket we can't return you to your original body. It has all the details.”


“We have a charger, let's try that.”

Dad sighed, then he put his phone into the charger. They waited a few moments, but it wouldn't charge. Dad's phone was 'old' and its charging outlet had become a bit wonky. It would only charge with the cord that he had been using. All other chargers were 'slightly off' from the perspective of the phone and wouldn't work.

“I'm sorry. There isn't anything I can do about it. Come back when your phone is charged. I guess come back tomorrow.”

“Isn't there anything you can do?”

“I need the ticket. That's the only way.”

“I don't want to spend the night like this.”

“You already spend the day.”

“Was that a joke?”

“No, I'm sorry.”

There wasn't anything to do. Dad couldn't drive himself home in the body he was in. There wasn't a way to charge his phone here. He exited the Hall of Transformation.”

“What happened,” Heidi asked as she saw her father's unchanged girl body.

“Phone's dead. I have to come back.”

“So, you are staying like this?”

“I have to.”

“SLEEPOVER?” Heidi was delighted. She wasn't thinking ahead. She didn't realize that dad couldn't drive himself home. He would have to stay with Heidi and her mom. There wasn't another option. Maybe dad could call a friend, but he didn't want to be the butt of many jokes if his other friends found out what happened.

Reluctantly, they left the park and waited for Mom to arrive.

“When are you going to return to your own body?” Mom asked when she saw him. She believed he looked different than before, but she wasn't sure.

When Dad explained what happened, Mom broke out laughing.

Everyone got into mom's car, and she drove away.

“Anybody hungry?” Mom asked. “Let's go to McDonald's.”

“Stop kidding. Take me home. I have to charge my phone.”

“I'll take you home, but you are staying with us. I'll drive you back to the park tomorrow.”

“You don't have to.”

“Don't worry about it.”

“Thanks, I really appreciate it.”

“Now who's hungry for McDonald's?”:

“ME!!!” Heidi shouted.

Dad spent the night. He wore one of Heidi's old pairs of pajamas. He even slept with Heidi in her bed.

Dad woke up early. He needed to make sure his phone had charged. There wasn't problem, it was at 100% when he woke up.

“We'll have breakfast and then I'll drive you.”


While dad and Heidi were eating breakfast, mom selected an outfit for dad to wear.

“For your second and last day as a girl, I think you should wear this!”

Mom was carrying a very girlie outfit. It included a skirt with a fancy blouse, white tights and maryjane shoes.

“You want me to wear that?”

“Sure, live a little. You'll be back to normal soon.

“I don't think so.”

“Come on dad, you'll look so cute!” Heidi exclaimed.

The pair convinced dad to wear the outfit. It was perfectly appropriate for his body.

Mom drove him to the park. She made dad sit in the back. It was the law due to his size.

“I've never seen you better with Heidi. She really enjoyed the time you had together and all you did for her,” mom gushed.

“It was a great idea you had. I would have never thought of something like that.”

“I'm just glad you followed through. Very few men would do such a thing for their little girls.”

Upon arrival at the park. They drove to where dad's car was parked. He wanted to make sure it wasn't towed. He didn't know what they did for cars that were parked overnight. His car was where he left it.

“I'll take it from here,” dad announced.

“I'd better stay in case there is a problem.”

“What problem could there be?”

“Probably none. But just in case.”

“Fine, let's go.”

Mom and dad walked to the Hall of Transformation. Dad showed the attendant his ticket. Dad was used to the procedure. He went into the cubicle and took off his clothes. He indicated what he was wearing for the transformation. But when he was done, he didn't look as he expected. His body had been transformed, but not into its original state, it has been transformed into the girl who was a few inches taller and a couple years older than Heidi. He had the body that he had when he first saw Heidi. Dad could do nothing except redress in his girlie apparel and return to the attendant.

“This isn't right.”

“That is the body that went with the ticket.”

Dad explained what happened, that he had two transformations yesterday and that his phone had died.

“I need the original ticket then.”

Dad looked over his phone directories but couldn't find the original ticket.

“I can't find it. I must have written over it when I got the new transformation.”

“Without it, I can't transform you back. I don't know the details of your body.”

Dad pulled out his wallet and show them his driver's license. I look like this.”

“A picture doesn't help us. We would need your DNA structure and other information.”

Dad started screaming. In his little body, it looked like he was throwing a tantrum.

“I'm sorry, but we are doing our best. It wasn't our fault that your phone died.”

After a couple of hours, the manager explained, “We'll check our records, and see if we can find the proper information. It could take a while. You had better go home and we'll call you if we find anything.”

“No, I'll wait.”

But they didn't find the information that day. Mom and dad had to leave eventually.

Mom took dad back to her house. Heidi was overjoyed to be spending another night with her father as her playmate. Dad was too angry to be any fun. He blamed the park. He didn't know that it was mom who erased the original ID tag.



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