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At the end of the day, while in the girlsroom putting on her pull-up out of the sight of the other Butterflies, Kurtis looked through the photos she took today. She had to find the ones with Neil in them. There were are least three that she could remember. She hadn't seen them yet, so she didn't know the quality of the picture. It would be great to be able to look at Neil anytime she wanted, whether at home or at camp.

Kurtis found the pictures she wanted: numbers 8, 21, and 27. Of the three the last one was the best. Neil wasn't looking at the camera, but his face could clearly be seen. She smiled at the picture. Her braces could also be clearly seen. She wondered if Neil would mind kissing her since she had braces. She imagined he wouldn't care. She had a fantasy about Neil that the only reason he ignored her was because of his friends. They were really in love.

The summer was flying by. Kurtis lived for the weekends.

“Kurtis, what is this?” mother asked her. Mother was holding the love letters that Kurtis had written to Neil.


“What have you been doing with this Neil boy?”

“Umm, nothing.”

“That isn't what these letters say.”

“I am, I mean I have.”

“You are not going back to that camp. Not ever again.”

“But I have to go! I have the recssssital at the end of the sssssummer,” tears were already in Kurtis' eyes.

“I don't care. You aren't going back. Never again.”

“But I have to!” Kurtis was now crying hard.

“No, you don't. No, you won't!”

When Kurtis wasn't around Friday, they assumed that she was just running late. When she wasn't there on Saturday, the campers asked Tonya about it. Tonya explained that Kurtis' mother called. She wouldn't be returning.

The camp went on without Kurtis. Her understudy performed her part in the recital. Some of the campers that made swaps were starting to feel guilty. Many had intended for the swaps to only be for the summer. They had assumed that they would swap back after. Others didn't mind at all.

Most of Delaney's friends wanted to return to their own height, weight and apparent age to varying degrees. Connie missed her emotional state somewhat. It had been part of her, she had changed a lot. Rebekah preferred to be a tomboy, than a real boy. She liked playing with the boys, but she didn't like the roughhousing and general competition about everything that the boys did. She had grown to appreciate since she couldn't wear any feminine attire, how nice it was to wear leggings and nicer stuff every now and again.

When Delaney next saw Kurtis, everyone was back in their hometown. Kurtis was holding her mother's hand, her teddybear was securely tucked under her other arm.. Her mother always kept an eagle eye on her.

Kurtis was as Delaney remembered her, she was short at three feet eleven, a little overweight for her height, with chicken legs and B-cup breasts. She was wearing a flutter trim, heart print knee-length sweater dress with ribbed peplum hemp. Her white tights had matching hearts. Her look was accessorized with heart-shaped clips in her hair, a pink and red heart-shaped plastic play purse, and red flats. She knew that Kurtis loved to wear the cutest things.

Delaney wanted to see Kurtis to ask about the orb. She was feeling guilty and wanted to return what she and her friends had taken from her.

“Hello Kurtis, we missed you at the recital.”

“Hello, Delaney.”

“Delaney, I wanted to talk to you,” Mother announced.


“I don't think you and Kurtis should be friends.”

“Why not?”

“Well, you are so much older than she is. What grade are you in?”

“I'm going into fifth.”

“See and Kurtis is about to start kindergarten. You are much too old for her. I do want to thank you for watching over her at camp, but I don't think you should play together anymore.”

“I see.”

“Don't get me wrong, I know that Kurtis is very smart for a kindergartener, but she still isn't up to your level. She needs to make a few friends at her level.”

“I understand.”

“I don't think she will be going to camp anymore either. She's just not ready. She likes to stay with me.”

Delaney thought that was an odd thing to say, but let it slide.

“Thanks again, we have to be going. Bye.”


“Come, Kurtis,” Mother demanded, “I want you to meet Tawney. She just won the top prize at the Miss Beautiful Sunshine Pageant.”

“I don't wanna be in any beauty pageant.”

“Tawney just loves them. I'm sure after you see her, you will too.” Mother instinctively put her free hand into her pocket and felt the smooth surface of the orb.


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