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Entering the dorm, Kurtis found a full box of pads. They were in her footlocker just above her pull-ups and collection of bras. Since no one was in the dorm and she was wearing a skirt, she pulled down her panties and changed right there. There was already a little blood in the crotch, so she decided to put on a fresh pair. Before putting the pair on, she removed the adhesive covering and put the pad in the pantie's cotton gusset. She then pulled it up her legs and into place.

Instead of returning to be with the rest of the girls, Kurtis packed her dirty laundry, her teddy bear, a couple of extra pads, and her orb, then waited for her father to arrive and take her home. She didn't feel like playing with her friends.

A little blood in her pantie wasn't the only symptom that Yvonne passed to Kurtis. Her stomach also felt a little queasy and her chest a little sore.

Kurtis didn't feel good on the ride home. She sat in the back of the car; her arms clutched her tummy but didn't say anything.

Father did notice Kurtis' distress.

“Is everything alright, honey?”

“You wouldn't unders-s-s-stand.”

“Oh, I see.” Father knew what was going on.

Kurtis' dinner that night was only some warm soup because her stomach didn't feel good. She went to bed early that night.

Back at camp, Rebekah and the boys were still up.

“Boys are you sure you want to see it?” Rebekah asked.

“I'll get out my microscope.”

“I promise you; mine is much bigger than yours. I didn't want to show you up. I mean when you have it, you have it.”


“When you see mine, you will be embarrassed for your own puny things.”

“Are you going to show us or not?”

“Are you ready?”

“Come on, already.”

Rebekah pulled down his pajama bottoms. The boys could see the 'huge' bulge in Rebekah's briefs.

Then he pulled down his underwear for everyone to see. Rebekah did indeed have a very big dick. He had a man's dick. It was enormous compared to the ten-year-olds.


“I don't believe it!”

“You had better believe it. As compared with me, you are all girls!”

If Rebekah wasn't the top boy before the showing, he was now.

In the morning, when Kurtis was removing his pull-up and putting on a pantie and pad, she considered wearing a pull-up to school instead. It was much bigger. She decided against it.

Kurtis changed her pad every four hours whether it needed to be changed or not. She felt yucky just knowing what was happening with the pad.

The teacher knew about Kurtis' bladder problems and never denied her when she asked to go to the bathroom.

Kurtis' symptoms abated as the week progressed. When Kurtis returned to camp on Friday, her period was over, and she was feeling herself again. She hoped that she wouldn't have another period while at camp. Her mother said that when she grows up, her periods would come regularly once a month.

“Christina, I'm going back to the dorm. I forgot my bug repellent,” Connie told the assistant counselor.

“Sure thing.”

Connie was a nervous girl. The Beetles called her a crybaby. The Butterflies weren't as cruel, but they recognized that Connie could be very emotional. It wasn't unusual for her to burst into tears. She seemed to worry about everything. This afternoon would be the first nature hike into the 'forest' that surrounded the camp. To call the couple of miles of trees a forest, was a stretch. They should be more accurately called the woods, but Connie called it a forest. She needed to carry the bug spray with her even though she already sprayed herself. The Butterflies accommodated Connie's fears.

Kurtis arrived at the camp, and dropped her clean laundry, teddy bear, and orb off. She wanted to talk to Delaney privately. As she was leaving the dorm, Connie was entering.

“Where are you going?”

'I have to get some bug spray, we are going into the forest on a hike.”

“Great, do you know where Delaney isssss?”

“She's still at lunch, I think.”


Entering the dorm, Connie found it deserted. She hadn't planned on using the orb, but this was the perfect opportunity. Connie knew what the other girls thought of her. She didn't want to be thought of that way.

“Delaney, I wanted to talk to you,” Kurtis said.

“About what?”

“The camp. If you hadn't used the orb to s-s-s-s-swap my placement at camp with your sissssster's, my parentsssss wouldn't have let me go. You have been so good to me.” Kurtis gushed with tears in his eyes.

“It was no problem. You are my friend.”

Between the swaps that had been made, the reason why Kurtis was going to the camp had changed. He knew he had swapped placement with Samantha. The original reason had to be changed. It couldn't be because she was going to be a counselor. That didn't make sense anymore, since she was a camper now.

After the horrible week that Kurtis had at home and her newfound emotionalism, she had plenty of time to think. She realized how grateful she was to be here, and she knew it was because he swapped with Samantha, Delaney's sister. Kurtis wanted to thank her before he forgot.

“I'll never forget what you did for me!”

“You don't have to worry about it. You've done a lot for me.”

“Not like this-s-s-s-s.”

“Don't worry, all your friends are here for you.”

Kurtis hugged Delaney tightly.

The afternoon activity of the nature hike was tough for Kurtis. Being in the woods scared her a bit. Kurtis was also the smallest of the campers. Delaney made sure to be her camping buddy so she could keep an eye on her. Delaney felt more protective of Kurtis than ever. Delaney knew that it was her fault that Kurtis was so small. She didn't want her to get hurt.

All of Delaney's friends kept an eye out for Kurtis also.

In the woods, the campers were required to hold onto the hands of their buddy. Curtis was a little scared to enter the woods but was also exhilarated by the beauty she found there. The reassuring hand of Delaney kept her fear in check.

There were so many pretty things to be seen. The campers followed Tonya who led the Butterflies, and Christina brought up the rear.

“Look at those flowers-s-s-s-s,” Kurtis shouted as she pointed to some bluish posies. “Aren't they beautiful?”

“Yes, they are.”

“Let's-s-s-s-s pick ssssome.”

“I don't think so. We have to stay with the group.”

“You're right.”

Kurtis started to daydream a little bit. She wished that she was in the woods alone with Neil. It would be wonderful if Neil held her hand like this. Maybe they could have a picnic in one of the small clearings along the trail. Kurtis started to smile to herself. Lost in thought and with Delaney holding her hand, Kurtis forgot all about her fear.

The next morning, Kurtis decided to wear something special for dance practice. She wore a skirted leotard with matching opaque tights with her ballet slippers. The outline of her sports bra could clearly be seen under her leotard. Kurtis felt particularly pretty today. She didn't worry about getting the leotard or tights dirty. She would be going home tomorrow and could have them cleaned during the week. All the other girls wore just shorts and t-shirts.

When Kurtis was dancing, she felt free. That was the only time when she was totally confident in anything she did. At the dance studio, dressed in her pretty skirted leotard it felt like the best moments of her life. The rest of the day, there was also some apprehension that something could go wrong, but not while she was dancing. She loved every moment of it. She was so joyful, that sometimes tears welled up in her eyes. She used her fists to wipe away the tears from time to time.

Kurtis hated going back on Sundays, but she kept her spirits up by knowing she would be back again on Friday.

Back at home, Kurtis continued to write the love letters to Neil that she would never send. As with the rest of her life, her letters had become more emotional since her swap with Connie. Kurtis would write about how she wished they could hold hands forever or that they would kiss. Maybe out in the woods by those pretty flowers. She imagined when she saw those pretty flowers before. She imagined that Neil had picked those flowers for her and given them to her. She described her imagined scene in her letter. She started to decorate the margins of the letters with hearts, smiles, and flowers.

“When I return to camp, I'm going to get a picture of Neil,” Kurtis told herself. She didn't know why she hadn't thought of it before. She couldn't let Neil or anyone else know she took the picture, but she would get one somehow. Getting a photo of Neil was all that Kurtis thought of during the week.

At camp, Kurtis got his iPhone and headed straight to the lunchroom. That would be the best and easiest place to get a photo of Neil. She knew he would be there.

During this time, another girl made her way to the dorm. She gave Kurtis her braces and crooked teeth. As with the rest of the swaps, Kurtis didn't notice anything had changed.

She was looking for a way to take a picture of Neil. She took a bunch of random pictures of the lunchroom to disguise her true intent. She hoped that she could get a couple of good pictures of Neil. She would crop her pictures when she got home. Kurtis ended up taking dozens of pictures of her friends and the people in the lunchroom in general to get the picture she wanted.

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