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Rebekah had thought that she wasn't seen when she used the orb, but that wasn't true. Another camper had come to use the orb before Rebekah. When Rebekah entered the dorm, this girl hid.

A few minutes before Rebekah had used the orb, Cyndy had utilized the orb first. Cyndy had discovered recently that she liked boys. There was one particular boy who she liked. But at ten years old the boy thought that all girls were stupid. Cyndy felt horrible about it and there wasn't anything she could do. She couldn't tell the boy, that wouldn't help. She couldn't tell her friends either. They would think she was nuts to like a boy. Regardless, Cyndy couldn't help how she felt. She decided to give all her feelings about boys to Kurtis. Cyndy felt much better immediately.

Cyndy didn't know that she would be attracted to Tonya, who Kurtis had thought was hot. But Kurtis had been mature enough to deal with her feelings. All Cyndy knew was that she didn't have any feelings for that boy anymore.

As Cyndy left the dorm, she wondered what Rebekah used the orb for. She didn't know whether to confront him since she used the orb herself.

Kurtis ducked out of the after-dinner activity early as usual. She had to get into bed before the rest of the Butterflies. She also wanted to braid her hair again. It was easier to deal with when it was braided.

Kurtis got back into her bunk wearing her nightgown and pull-up. She clutched her teddy bear and put her thumb into her mouth. She was glad to be back at camp. Her bed wasn't as comfy as her soft full-size bed at home, but she still preferred it. It was much nicer to be here than at home. This was also where her secret boyfriend was, she was thinking about him as she hugged her teddy bear and fell asleep.

Kurtis was smiling when she woke up in her damp pull-up. She couldn't quite remember her dream, but it was definitely pleasant. She moved quickly to the bathroom. She pulled down and off her pull-up. As she cleaned herself off, Neil, the boy she liked came into her mind. She pushed the thoughts away, she had to take care of things. Neil was cute though. Of all the things that Kurtis missed, Neil was top of the list.

Kurtis finished relieving herself and then slipped on her panties. The pull-up was discretely disposed of and then she took the next half an hour to apply her makeup.

Kurtis knew it was going to be a big day today, from breakfast until the last afternoon swim the entire day (excluding lunchtime) would be devoted to practicing for the recital. As Kurtis was the lead, extra time would be devoted to the recital on Saturdays when Kurtis was at camp.

Kurtis put her head on her pillow once again. She hugged her teddy bear and thought about Neil.

Kurtis had an entirely different attitude when it came to Neil than Cyndy did. Kurtis thought that a secret love was much more exciting than one out in the open. In her fantasies, she could imagine Neil secretly taking her places and doing things for her, like pushing her on the swings. She could hold Neil like she was holding her teddy bear, who she renamed Neil at this very moment. She was as happy as a little girl with a secret boyfriend could be.

The weekend flew by way too quickly for Kurtis. Sunday after lunch, father was at the camp ready to take her back home. Kurtis had only been at the camp a couple of days, so she didn't have any laundry than needed to be taken home to wash. All she needed was Neil the teddy bear and the orb.

Kurtis didn't need to be told what to do when she got home. She ran straight to her room and then to its adjoining bathroom. She turned on the warm water and allowed the bath to fill with fragrant bubble bath. While the tub was filling, she removed the pigtails from her hair She got in the tub and washed herself all over. The warm water soothed her itchy chest and achy muscles as well as the rest of her.

“I must have overdone it during dance practice,” she said to herself. “Being the lead isn't easy.” She decided to dedicate her performance to her secret love. She hoped he would see her, but if he didn't, she understood. Peer pressure can be tough

When she was finished, Kurtis exited the tub, placed a towel around her chest, and took out the hair dryer to blow dry her hair as her mother expected. Her hair was long, but it didn't take too much time.

After the bath, she outfitted herself in pink panties with multicolored balloons and red tights. The bra she chose was pretty and very supportive. Wide straps, front closure, and fully lined supported her breasts which were hurting a bit due to all the bouncing due to the recital rehearsal. Overall of it, she wore a red print dress that was slightly above the knee. She topped her apparel off with flats. She was allowed to wear flats at home, and at school, shoes with a small heel must be worn.

Sitting down at a table, Kurtis wrote the first love letter of many to Neil. She would never give them to him. She wouldn't even take them with her to the camp.

“Dearest Neil,” she began. The words flowed out of her without any effort. It was the best thing she wrote all summer, including anything she wrote for school. She put the finished letter in the back of her desk. Then she wrote another one.

Later she turned on music and danced around with Neil the Teddy Bear in her arms all the while pretending it was the real Neil she was holding and who was holding her.

“What are you doing?” mother asked.

“Didn't father tell you? I got the lead in the recital. I'm practicing.”

“Fine, dinner will be on the table in ten minutes.”

“Yes, ma'am.”

The week of school was much like the last. Kurtis was one of the very few girls who wore a dress to school. (None in her grade wore a bra except for Kurtis.) She was the only one who wore the dress with colored opaque tights in the summer. Mother insisted.

Kurtis returned to camp at about the same time on Friday as she did last week. She dropped off Neil the Teddy Bear and the orb in their proper places by her bunk.

“What and we playing?” Kurtis asked Christina.

“Water balloon Tennis, you had better go back and get into your swimming suit.”

“OK, I'll be back in a few minutes.

“Take your time, we won't be ready for you until this group of games is over.”


Kurtis changed into a one-piece swimsuit which was white with a ladybug pattern. She had to wear a bra under her swimsuit for comfort and control. The little girl's swimsuit she wore didn't provide any support. It was a skirted swimsuit to 'preserve Kurtis' modesty' as Mother would say.

Instead of going straight back to the tennis courts, Kurtis proceeded to the baseball diamond where the Beetles were playing kickball. It was the same game as the girls had been playing although the boys were much more aggressive about it. Kurtis decided to watch it a little bit, she wanted to see Neil. Most of the boys ignored the girl who was watching the game. Kurtis wanted to cheer on Neil but didn't dare. Rebekah was the only Beetle to take notice. She smiled at the knowledge that Kurtis' dick now belonged to her.

“Where's Kurtis, “Christina wondered. It was almost time for her to play in the next games.

“I'll s-s-s-s-see where s-s-s-s-he is-s-s,” Erin lisped

“OK, hurry.”

Erin saw Kurtis watching the game but ignored that. She walked straight to the dorm and when she exited her lisp was gone.

“Kurtis, come on. We're playing next.”

“I'll be there in a s-s-s-second,” for the first time in his life, Kurtis' voice was a high-pitched girl's voice.

“No, you have to come now! We're up soon.”


“What were you doing there anyway?”

“Nothing, I guess-s-s-s.”

The pair walked to the tennis courts. On the way, Erin wanted to keep Kurtis talking. Kurtis didn't mind talking as long as it wasn't about Neil. She didn't want anyone to know about her crush. As far as she was concerned, her attitude towards boys is 'boys are icky'. Just like all the other girls.

“How was your week?”

“It was-s-s good.”

“What did you do?”

“Mostly s-s-school work.”

“Do you think you will pass?

“Everyone passes-s-s as long as-s-s-s you go every day.”


They picked up rackets that had been left and a few water balloons for their side and got on the court to play with another team.

Everyone was already wet and in their bathing suits by the time the Butterflies headed toward the pool.

Kurtis was still showering when Veronica who didn't like having braces and Lanai who didn't like her curly red hair and freckles headed towards the dorm. But because they both got to the dorm at about the same time, neither could make a move to the orb to make the swap they wanted, Each waited for the other to leave while looking busy. Soon, other girls joined them, and each knew it was impossible to do what they wanted.

The girls who wanted swaps used whatever excuse they could think of to get into the dorm alone. Most excuses ended in busts because of the other girls who did the same thing.

“Tonya, can I talk to you?” Yvonne asked on Sunday morning.


“I'm having my period,” she said quietly.

“Are you sure?”



“I brought some pads in case this happened. It's only my third time. They don't come every month like they are supposed to.”

“It doesn't become regular until you are a bit older.”

“I know. My mom told me.”

“OK, so you want to get your pads?”


“You may go.”

Yvonne didn't like having periods. She thought they were icky. Her mom told her she was becoming a woman and all women have them. But Yvonne didn't care. None of her friends had one yet. She was having it earlier than everyone else. She would prefer to wait.

When she went to the dorm, she didn't go to her locker, she went to Kurtis'. After finding the orb, her period was gone.

Yvonne left the dorm quickly; she knew that Kurtis would be coming soon. Yvonne wasn't starting her period, Kurtis was, and she would need a pad. Yvonne thought it was for the best for Kurtis to deal with the period this week. She was going to be home and in school. Not swimming and having fun. It would be the same for Kurtis whether she was having her period or not.

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