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Christina walked slowly back to the crafts hut. She could take her time now.

“What took you so long?” Tonya asked when Christina returned.

“I'm sorry,” Christina said without explaining.

“Help the girls.”

Christina was happy to help. First, she looked around for Kurtis, he wasn't in the room. “He'll turn up,” Christina surmised before getting back to work helping the campers.

“Rebekah, what are you doing? You are supposed to be making a fish,” Christina told her.

“I don't want to make any silly fish. The boys are out there playing soccer. I wish I was doing that.”

Rebekah had always been somewhat of a tomboy. She could see the boys playing on the field from the crafts hut. She could even see Kurtis standing on the sidelines waiting for his turn to play. He was easy to spot. Kurtis was the smallest of the boys. He was also the only boy whose hair was braided in pigtails.

Kurtis had been regressed from assistant counselor to camper. Since he was a boy, he was placed in the Beetles.

Kurtis was one of the last picked and was the one who had the least time playing. It wasn't that he couldn't play well, it was that he was the smallest and seemingly the youngest of the boys. The counselor would give him a chance to play, but not for very long as the other boys dominated him.

The boys didn't like Kurtis playing with them, because he was small. But if Rebekah was thought of as a boy, they wouldn't only let her play, she knew they would want her on their teams. She was bigger and taller than all the other boys.

Rebekah decided that it would be better for not only herself, but Kurtis too if she was the one thought of as a boy. She became one of the group of girls who also wanted to swap with Kurtis. If she could be a boy, then she would be in the Beetles group and could play with them. That would be much better than making stupid fish.

But somehow, she decided she didn't want to really be a boy, just to be treated like one. If she could get the orb from the Beetles' dorm, she could use it to swap her apparent gender with Kurtis.

Kurtis didn't know why he was here at all. His mother told him to go camping with Delaney. That is how he remembered the incident at his house. For some reason, Samantha couldn't be a counselor at the camp, so Kurtis had to go instead. It didn't make any sense, but it was what his mother wanted so he did it. It would be better if he and Delaney were in the same group, but they weren't. He was obviously in the boy's group and Delaney in the girls'. The only time they got together was at lunch when the kids in the camp around Delaney's age went to the lunchroom and ate.

“Delaney, room for one more?” Kurtis asked.

“Always room for my favorite bro.”

“I'm your only bro.”

“OK, then you too.”

The girls didn't mind having Kurtis around. It wasn't that he was Delaney's brother, Delaney's friends knew what they did to him. They liked seeing what became of the huge man who gave so much, that he was now a little boy who was shorter and lighter than all of them.

When Rebekah saw Kurtis, she got an idea. All of the Beetles were at lunch, she could sneak in unobserved.

“I don't feel good, I think I should see the nurse,” Rebekah told Christina.

Rebekah knew that Christina was cool that way. She let everyone get away with murder. She may be the assistant counselor, but in many ways, Christina was just one of the girls.

“It would be easy seeing Christina as just one of the campers,” Rebekah thought.

Rebekah and Christina were about the same weight, height, and age. Christina was the youngest assistant counselor at the camp. The truth was all the girls were happy for her.

“Do you need someone to go with you?”

“No, I can manage. I'm sure I'll be fine.”

“OK, hope you feel better.”

“I'm sure I will real soon.”

Rebekah walked in the general direction of the nurse's station and then veered off to go to the boys' dorm. She hoped no one saw her. She looked straight ahead, trying to look casual. She was just a girl, err person, walking in the camp.

“Nothing to see here,” she thought.

She ducked into the boy's dorm. The layout was the same as the girl's dorm, but it still had a different feel. The bunks were wooden, just like the girl's beds, but the walls were painted light blue, instead of pink. It was certainly messier than the girl's dorm. The beds were sort of made, but there wasn't as much detail to how it was done. The attitude of the bedmaker was usually, “this is good enough.” There weren't things such as dolls or stuffed animals that would be in the girl's dorm. (A few of the Beetles did have such items, but they kept them hidden.)

In the dorm, each boy had a footlocker for his stuff. Only the assistant counselor had a proper set of drawers for his stuff. Rebekah didn't know which footlocker belonged to Kurtis. She looked around at the personal items, maybe there was a picture of him or Delaney to tip it off. But these were boys, they didn't carry pictures like girls sometimes did.

Rebekah had to look through all the footlockers. She opened them quickly and looked inside. She was looking for an indication that it belonged to Kurtis. That was where she saw the hidden teddys in some.

Rebekah knew Kurtis better than any of the other boys. She remembered spending time with him when he was with Delaney. That was why when she opened one particular footlocker, she knew right away that it must belong to Kurtis.

Rebekah knew the orb had to be hidden. Kurtis wouldn't want the boys to find it. She searched the bottom of the footlocker before she found it. She pulled it out and looked at it. By now she had been in the Beetle's dorm for ten minutes. She had to hurry.

She remembered the spell that Delaney said. At least she thought she remembered it, but she really didn't. It didn't matter anyway; she transferred her placement in the camp with Kurtis. Rebekah was now a member of the Beetles. She knew it immediately when she looked in the locker again. Her stuff was there now.

Rebekah was a tomboy, but she did have some girlie things. She had some sports bras and panties. Except for those, all her clothing was mostly unisex. Rebekah decided to make a few more swaps. She swapped her apparent gender with Kurtis; she didn't want to be thought of as the only girl in the Beetles. She also swapped her apparel, so she would be wearing only boys' clothing like the rest of the guys. The clothes she was wearing as well as those in the locker changed. She was wearing boys' briefs for the first time in her life. Her sports bra was also gone, although she really didn't need it. There was only a slight swelling in her chest. She only wore it because her mother insisted. Her mother insisted because Rebekah was such a tomboy, her mother wanted to guide her to be more girlie.

Finally, she decided to gain an extra inch of height as well as an extra ten pounds so that she would definitely be the biggest boy by far.

Once she was done, she was going to put the orb back. But she couldn't do it, this footlocker wasn't Kurtis' anymore. It was hers. She had to put the orb back into Kurtis' footlocker in the Butterflies dorm.

Rebekah left what was now her dorm and headed toward the girl's dorm. Even though she had been here since camp began, it wasn't her dorm anymore. She knew where her locker was and assumed it would be Kurtis'. As expected, it was his. Rebekah recognized her apparel in it along with Kurtis' personal items. She reached to the bottom of the locker and released the orb.

She closed the locker and turned to leave. She hadn't left the dorm when she saw Christina.

“What are you doing in here?” Christina demanded.

“I umm, I mean I must have, made a wrong turn. This isn't the Beetle's dorm?”

“You know it isn't. You aren't allowed to be in here.”

“I'm going, I'm going.”

“You're coming with me!”

“No, I'm not. You can't make me!”

Rebekah ran out of the dorm and towards the safety of the Beetles group.

Christina looked around to see if anything was out of place. All looked fine. But this invasion of the girls' space by a boy couldn't go unpunished. Christina contacted the head of the counselors and told him what had happened. Word descended through the ranks and Rebekah was called out.

“What were you doing in the Butterfly's dorm?” Martin the counselor of the Beetles demanded.


“Nothing? You think you belong in the girl's dorm?”


“Then why were you in there?”

Rebekah didn't have an answer.

“I dunno,”

“Did you take something that didn't belong to you?”

“No, I was just sort of looking around.”


“I dunno.”

“That's not an answer.”

“I was, I mean I was, they dared me.”

“Who dared you?”

“The boys.”

“Which ones?”

“I don't want to say.”

“You had better tell me.”


Rebekah stood her ground. She was in trouble, but at least her story made sense. She couldn't tell Martin about the orb.

“You won't be playing in this afternoon's baseball game against the Yogi Land All-Stars.” Yogi Land was another camp. They were rivals of the Happy Land camp.”

“OK,” Rebekah said meekly.

“I know what, I want you to stay with the Butterflies while we play. You like their dorm so much you should stay with them.”

Oddly enough, Rebekah was back where she started. She would stay there (at least as far as activities went for the foreseeable future.)

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