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Tonya was the most amazed of anyone. She was older and didn't believe in magic as littler kids would. But there wasn't any doubt that Delaney, was bigger, taller, and seemed older.

Delaney performed the ceremony for every one of her friends. When it was done, each and every one of them could intimidate even the biggest Beetle boy.

“OK, when camp is over, you'll make us back to normal?”



“Hey, let's go to the boys' dorm and see how they like the new us.”

“You do that, I have to return the orb.”

Tonya saw what happened to the girls. She was dying to see what happened to Kurtis. If her calculations were right, he should be four feet and less than a hundred pounds, not to mention he should seem to be about the age of the campers in her group.

The girls went to look for the Beetles, except for Delaney.

Tonya left to see what became of Kurtis. She made sure that Delaney didn't see her as they both headed towards Kurtis' cabin. Tonya wasn't worried about the girls, it looked like they could handle themselves. Let the boy's counselor deal with it, if there was trouble.

When the same couple of boys saw one of the girls alone, they moved in.

“Let's play with that girl,” one of the boys said.

They started to close in on her, but she didn't seem the pushover they expected. A few steps closer and they realized that she was bigger and taller than them. When they got a look at her face, she seemed older than the boys too.

One of the boys veered away instead of confronting her. The other boy followed suit.

The rest of the girls who had been watching smiled. They knew they wouldn't have any trouble with the boys again.

Before breaking up, Delaney reminded the girls, “Don't tell anyone about this.” She knew that none of the girls could get their hands upon the orb, since Kurtis kept it in his cabin where the girls were not allowed. Only she could get there because she was Kurtis' sister.

Delaney went straight to Kurtis' cabin; she was happy that her brother wasn't there. She could sneak in and replace the orb where she found it.

Tonya saw Delaney leave and then walked to the cabin herself, she discovered that Kurtis wasn't there which disappointed her. She scoured the camp looking for him.

When Tonya found Kurtis, he was with Julie and another counselor. It was an odd sight. Kurtis was dressed in his uniform, but he didn't look like an adult anymore. He looked like a little boy in a counselor uniform. The uniform shrank to its new size. He was very short at four feet even, if he had been a camper in the Butterflies, he would be the shortest one there.

“Hey,” Tonya said when she approached the group. Tonya towered over Kurtis.


“What is the activity for tomorrow?”

“Umm,” Kurtis uttered, “I think there...”

“Arts in the morning and then kickball after lunch, followed by swimming,” Julie said. They didn't give Kurtis a moment to answer for himself. Things had changed. Even though Kurtis was still a counselor, the other counselors saw him as a little kid and treated him as such. They seemed very protective of him. His status had changed.

Tonya decided this was her opportunity to be a real counselor. It wasn't her fault she was born a month too late. She would get the orb and use it to make her counselor. It would be 'better for Kurtis', she justified to herself if he was the assistant counselor from now on.

Tonya ran to Kurtis' cabin. She entered his room. She had been there before and knew the layout She also knew which drawers belonged to Kurtis. She didn't think that Kurtis would have the orb just laying around. She opened the drawer and looked inside. She didn't think that Kurtis would be returning soon, but she had to be quick anyway. She saw the shirts and pants he wore when he wasn't supposed to be in his uniform. She used her hand to feel around the drawer. She assumed that it would be in the back and at the bottom. It wasn't in his outerwear drawer.

Next, she checked his underwear drawer. Inside were his male briefs and undershirts. There were also his tights and his spankys in several colors. She felt around but this time there was a success, she felt what she thought was the orb. When she brought it out, she could see it was.

Tonya tried to remember what Delaney said. She heard it many times, one for each of the girls who had been changed.

Tonya tried to remember what was said. She did it without holding the orb so she could get the words right.

“I command this magic orb to ummm make me counselor and make him assistant counselor, err, I mean Kurtis, Kurtis to me, me to Kurtis, oooey, newey and go.”

The first try didn't sound right. She tried again.

“I command this magic orb to make Tonya counselor and make Kurtis assistant counselor. Kurtis to Tonya, Tonya to Kurtis, oooey, newey and go.”

That was better but not quite right. She thought about what she wanted. She wanted Kurtis' job, that was right. The girls wanted twenty pounds from Kurtis, she wanted his job.

“I command this magic orb to give me Kurtis' job. Kurtis to Tonya, Tonya to Kurtis, oooey, newey and go.”

It really didn't matter what she said, all she had to do was hold the orb and think about what she wanted and it would work.

When she was ready, she said these words. “I command this magic orb to give me Kurtis' job as a counselor at Happy Land Day Camp. Kurtis to Tonya, Tonya to Kurtis, oooey, newey and go.”

Tonya didn't feel any different. How was she to know if it worked? She was wearing a different uniform, but she didn't notice that. What she noticed first was Kurtis' underwear drawer had changed. There weren't male briefs and undershirts in there, there were panties and bras. They were her underwear. She lived in this cabin now. Looking around, she saw several of her things in 'her living space'.

Then she looked down at herself she was in the uniform of a full, fledged counselor.

She smiled broadly. She had to return the orb to its proper place. She couldn't be caught with it. But the drawer in this room wasn't right. If she lived here, then Kurtis must live in the dorm with the Butterflies. She had to replace it there before Kurtis knew it was gone.

Returning to the Butterfly dorm, Tonya asked a girl who happened to be there, “Have you seen Kurtis?”

“No, I haven't.”

The girl didn't seem to care that Tonya wasn't in her proper uniform. But that didn't mean anything. She went to her former bed, which she supposed belonged to Kurtis. Her things were gone, replaced with his. She put the orb into the back of his drawer and left the dorm quietly with a huge smile on her face.

Returning to the dorm, Kurtis and Tonya saw each other as Tonya was leaving. Tonya noticed immediately the change in outfits that Kurtis was wearing. He wasn't wearing the counselor uniform anymore; he was wearing the uniform for the assistant counselor. A uniform that is similar to the one she had been wearing a few minutes ago.

“Kurtis, I was just looking for you,” Tonya told him.

“Okay, what's up?”

“We have crafts tomorrow morning.”

“I know.”

“I decided we should do the fish craft tomorrow. I want you to set it up now.”


Kurtis knew what the fish craft was, you needed an old CD and cellophane in different colors, glue, and a few other things. Usually, the crafts would be set up in the mornings.


“Why now?”

“Ummm, I want to make a few changes, so I need it set up early.” The truth was, Tonya wanted to prove to herself that she was the counselor and Kurtis was the assistant. She also wanted to make sure that Kurtis didn't know anything had happened.

“I see. I'll take care of it.”

“Thank you. I'll check on you in about an hour.”


Kurtis turned and headed towards the craft's hut to get to his work. He didn't mind doing it, it was simply part of his job as assistant to the counselor.

Tonya awoke early in the morning; this would be her first day as a real counselor. She was excited. She wanted to be the first at the lunchroom to greet her campers but had to wait for Stephanie to fix her face.

“Come on, come on, come on. I have to go.”

“What's the hurry?”

“I have to check on the craft.”

“I'm sure it's fine.”

“Just let me.”

“We've been through this, I have to put on my face.”

“The campers don't care.”

“I care.”

Tonya had to fix her makeup too. She wanted to hide her freckles and her pale skin. Stephanie who was a natural beauty, in Tonya's opinion, was just wasting time.

“Let me go first then.”


Tonya and Stephanie got into a shouting match which made them both later than they should have been. Tonya never got along well after this incident.

Once the girls found out about the orbs, several of them wanted to make trait swaps themselves. Those that did, didn't want anyone to know they made a swap. Getting the orb would be easy as Kurtis now shared the dorm with them but doing it without anyone seeing them do it would be more difficult.

The first girl who tried to use the orb was Christina. She wanted to be the assistant counselor. She was now bigger and appeared older than Kurtis. He couldn't do the job anymore, she decided to make herself the assistant. He can have fun as a regular camper.

Christina headed towards the dorm, but when she got there, she found there were already a few Butterflies there. She waited, looking for an opportunity, but that never happened. The problem was there were other campers who had similar ideas. They kept each other in check.

The next morning at the craft activity, Tonya was clearly in charge. She was in the front of the room telling everyone how to make the craft. Kurtis was with the campers passing out the supplies and being helpful generally.

“Use a black marker to make scales on the CD,” Tonya announced. “They can be any size but the size of your pinky nail is best.”

The campers followed the instructions.

“Once that is done, use the red marker to make some smiling fish lips...”

The demonstration continued, each girl making their own fish.

“Miss Tonya,” a girl raised her hand.

“Yes, Christina.”

“I have to go to the restroom.”

“OK, you can go.”

But Christina didn't go to the lady's room. She ran back to the dorm. It was a big risk to not be where one was supposed to be. Christina only had to make it to the dorm. If she did, she would change her status from camper to assistant counselor so she could go anywhere.

No one was in the dorm; all the Butterflies were at crafts. She reached into the drawer and found the orb. It wasn't hidden particularly well. Kurtis wasn't looking for it so he didn't know it wasn't where it should be.

Christina remembered the incantation the best she could. She wasn't as concerned about it as Tonya had been, but she knew what she wanted, and she didn't have time to think about it. It didn't matter anyway. Everything Delaney did was made up.

When Christina left the dorm, she was an assistant counselor. She knew it had happened since she was wearing the uniform. She put the orb back into Kurtis' drawer. His space didn't have counselor uniforms anymore. He had the apparel of any other camper. Mostly shorts and t-shirts with the camp's name as well as his normal underwear and socks, the stuff a boy of ten would bring to camp.

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