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“What are you doing here?”

“I came to talk for you.”

“What about?”

“The girls want to know what we are doing tomorrow.”

“It's on the schedule. You know where the schedule is.”

“It's gone from the bulletin board,” Delaney lied.

”I forgot. I'll tell you later. I think crafts, we will be making flowers out of pipe cleaners and colored cloth.”

“That sounds like fun.”

“It will be. Is that it?”

“I guess so.”

“You had better go.”


As Delaney left the cabin, she couldn't help but to stare at Kurtis' pigtails. They were tied with ribbons as hers had been. Kurtis didn't know they weren't supposed to be there.

Delaney could have swapped back her hair but decided against it. It was funny that Kurtis had her pigtails. She wondered if they would still be there tomorrow after he took his shower tonight.

Delaney waited until she could get her friends alone to tell them about her retrieval of the orb. She knew it worked now, although she didn't want to tell anyone about her hair swap with her brother.

Although the Butterflies had twenty members, only seven were Delaney's friends from home. Delaney and her friends separated themselves from the rest of the group. Tonya noticed and watched keeping track of them. They were acting strangely to her. Tonya didn't want the girls to get into trouble.

“I GOT IT,” Delaney told her friends.

“The orb?”


“Let's see it.”

Delaney took the orb out and showed her friends.

“It doesn't look special to me. Can I touch it?”

“Nope, only I can.”

“No fair.”

“It belongs to me.”

“No, it doesn't. It belongs to your brother.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Just because you have that thing, doesn't mean it does what you say it does.”

“It's magic. It can swap things between people.”

“Like what?”

“Any trait”

“I don't believe you.”

“You said that before.”

“You have to show us.”

“I showed you the orb.”

“You have to show us that it works.”

“Naa uh. Just believe me.”

“Hey what are you doing out?” a boy from the Beetles asked.

“Just talking, go away.”

“I don't want to.” The boy wasn't alone. He was with two other boys.

“Go away!”

“You can't make us!”

“Yes, we can. There are lots of us.”

“We aren't afraid of you.”

“Go away!”

The girls being in such a large group chased the boys away. But the boys weren't ready to give up. They came back a few minutes later with a bigger group. These boys were mean.

Various boys individually or in groups had been bullying the girls since they came to the camp. It frustrated the girls, especially since on average the boys were a little bigger than the girls. They weren't a lot bigger, but big enough to be annoying.

Tonya had to step in and keep the boys from harassing her campers.

“I wish we could do something about the boys!”

“I have an idea, if we were bigger and older than the boys, they would leave us alone!” Delaney told her friends.

“But we're not.”

“We can be. We can use the orb.'

“How so?”

We can swap with my brother.”

“I don't want to be as fat as he is.”

“No, we'll all get a few pounds, say about twenty. Then the boys won't have a chance.”

“I don't know.”

“We can also be older.”

“I don't want to be older.”

“Why not?”

“Just because.” At ten, the girl who spoke up had a talk with her mother about her potential first period. It sounded icky to her. She didn't have to have one now. Especially when she wasn't at home with her mother.

“When girls get older things happen.”

“What things?”

“I don't want to tell. Your mommies will tell you later.”

“I know what you mean.”

“Me too,” a girl lied.

“Maybe if we just seem older but stay ten.”

“That sounds OK.”

“OK, then we'll seem older, but stay the same age.”

“How much older? How about two years?”

“That seems like enough.”

“So, twenty pounds heavier and two years older.”

“No, not for real.”

“I meant look like we are two years older.”


"You said it swaps. Who will we swap with?”

“My brother, of course.”

“Not with the boys?”

“It won't work on them?”

“Why not?”

“I don't know. It's just how the magic works.”

“I don't want to fight with the boys. I want them to just leave me alone.”

“You won't have to fight.”


“Yeah, you'll look older and bigger, they'll be afraid to fight with you.”

“Fine, let's do it. But I don't want to fight.”

“OK, let me see...” Delaney took out the orb and looked at it intently.


“What, I was getting it?”

“If we take all that from your brother will he...I mean does he have enough to give?”

“What if he ends up under zero years old or weighs nothing.”

“He has plenty of weight for all of us, he's fat!”

“That's my brother,” Delaney didn't like her brother being called fat.

“We should make sure before we start.”

“OK, how much is it?”

“One, two, three...There are eight of us. How many pounds is that.”

“I don't know, 200?”

“No, not that much.”

It took a while before they figured out that they would take 160 pounds and 16 years from him.

“What would he be after we are done?”

“I don't know how much he weighs now?”

“A lot.”

“'A lot' is not a number.”

“I think he'll be eighty or ninety pounds and about our age when we are done.”

“That sounds right.” Although the girl who said it wasn't sure.

“If we take too much, I guess we can give some back.”

“I guess.”

“What do we do?”

“I'll do it. I'll take it from him and give it to you one at a time.”

“Doesn't he have to be here?”

“No, I don't think so.”

“OK, who's first?”

“Me, of course,” Delaney announced.

“OK, let's see it.”

Delaney took the orb into her hand and made a big show of what she is doing. She said 'magic words' which wasn't necessary and rubbed the orb in a 'special way' which was also unnecessary.

The girl's watched transfixed as Delaney did her performance Tonya had also returned, although the girls didn't see her.

“I command this magic orb to give me twenty pounds from Kurtis and make it seem that I am two years older, and he is two years younger! Bro to sis, sis to bro, oooey, newey and go.”

The swap was instantaneous. Delaney gained twenty pounds but didn't get any taller. Everyone could see the change.

“Oh my god! It worked.”

Delaney looked at herself. She seemed fat.

“I think I should take a couple of inches from his height too.”

She made another incantation saying the same thing, except replacing twenty pounds with two inches. With her new height, she didn't look fat at all.

“Wow, me next!”

“No, me.”

“Don't worry, you'll all get a turn.”

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