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"Christopher, that is enough. Can I talk with you for a second?" Mrs. Morris asked. Mrs. Morris was a substitute teacher teaching Christopher's class. She had been at the school only a short time.


Mrs. Morris crooked her finger indicating that Christopher should come up to the front of the class. Mrs. Morris led him to the door and Christopher stepped outside. Mrs. Morris stood in the door frame so she could see the class while she talked to Christopher.

"After class come to my room."


"No, I'll drive you home. I want to speak with your mother privately."

"Drive me home?"

"Yes. I want to speak with your mother. Now go back to your seat and be quiet."

Christopher didn't know what to think. Many teachers had spoken to his mother, but not one of them drove him home. They usually called. He returned to his seat and kept his mouth shut for the rest of the period.

Finally, the bell rang, and the class got out of their seat and exited the room.

"What did she say?"

"She said she is going to drive me home and talk to my mom."

"What? She can't do that. You must have heard her wrong."

"No, that is what she said."

"No way."

"It's true."

"Are you going to do it?"

"There is zero chance of that. She wants to talk to my mom, then she'll have to call her. Or she can stop by but I'm not taking her."

"I don't think it's legal for a teacher to take you home anyway."

"Whatever, I'm not going to do it."

Christopher's mind was made up. He didn't think about it. But when the final bell rang, he told his friends, "I'll talk to Mrs. Morris. I'll tell her my mom isn't home."

"OK, you want us to come with you?"

"No, it might be better to do this alone."


Christopher walked to Mrs. Morris's classroom. He was just going to tell her quickly, that my mom is not home. That he didn't want a ride.

"Mrs. Morris," Christopher said as he entered the classroom. "Umm, my mom isn't home yet. She won't be home until after five. You can talk to her then."

After a second pause, Christopher added, "I'm sorry about what happened in class today."

"I don't care if she isn't home. We need time to prepare until she arrives regardless."



"Prepare how?"

"You'll see."

"I don't want to..."

"Follow me to my car," Mrs. Morris cut him off.

Christopher didn't really want to go, but he trailed behind Mrs. Morris anyway. They walked through the school building. Mrs. Morris went into the office to get her mail and other administrative stuff. Christopher didn't say anything. He just kept behind her as she said goodbye to her friends and performed whatever chores she needed to be done.

Mrs. Morris clicked the key fob and her car chirped back. Despite being a substitute, Mrs. Morris had one of the best parking spaces at the school. She got into the driver's seat and Christopher got into the passenger seat of Mrs. Morris's Honda.

"What are you going to tell my mom?" Christopher asked on the way to his house.

"You'll see."

"But she won't be back until after five."

"Don't worry about it."

"You're going to just wait for her."


The pair arrived at Christopher's house. He couldn't believe this was happening. Regardless, he walked to his front door and opened it. They entered his house.

"Now what?"



"I said come."

Mrs. Morris hadn't ever been in this house, but she knew where she wanted to go. They walked upstairs to where the bedrooms were. Christopher assumed they were going to his bedroom, but Mrs. Morris led Christopher to his mother's room. She entered the room. Christopher followed behind.

The master bedroom where Christopher's mother slept was typical for a bedroom where a woman would sleep. The furniture was modern. There were homey touches all around the room. The bed was made, and in general, the room was tidy.

Adjoining the master bedroom was a bathroom with a shower and tub.

"You need to get clean," Mrs. Morris told the boy. "Take a shower and wash yourself off. I want you to use let's see... this shampoo, this soap and..."

"You want me to used mom's things?"

"Yeah, and after you finished getting yourself all clean, I want you to shave off all your body hair with this razor. "

"Shave off my? Are you nuts? This has gone on long enough. Get out of my house!"

"Do what I say, when you're done, come out and I'll find you something to wear."

"I'm not going to..." but even as he was talking, Mrs. Morris was exiting the bathroom and closing the door.

Christopher started to undress. he couldn't help himself. That was when he realized how much trouble he was in. He didn't want to take a shower, but he couldn't stop himself.

Christopher kicked off his sneakers first and then pulled off his shirt. He unbuttoned his pants and let them fall to the floor. His underwear soon joined his pants, then he sat on the toilet to pull off his socks.

Naked he headed toward the shower and turned on the hot water first and then the cold. The water poured into the tub, then he activated the shower and got in.

Normally Christopher would use a bar soap, but this time he used NIVEA White Peach and Jasmine Body Wash. This was apparently the stuff his mother would use, although he hadn't taken notice. He sprayed some on his hand and then gently rubbed it all over his body. He started with his neck and his way worked down. He wanted to stop but he couldn't. He had to wash himself and he had to do it properly. Soon his entire body had been covered with the body wash.

The next step was the shampoo which was designed for a person with long hair. He read the label; it was L'Oréal Paris Elvive Dream Lengths Restoring Shampoo. He washed his hair as he always had.

When he was done, he wanted to leave the shower, but he couldn't. He had to shave his entire body. He picked up the razor and then sat down on the edge of the tub, he ran the blades over his legs and let the running shower wash his hair away. Soon his body was devoid of any hair (including his crotch). It also had a few areas that had been cut, but not too badly.

Once done he exited the shower, turned off the water, and dried himself off. Christopher wanted to put back on his soiled clothes, but he couldn't. Instead, he wrapped his waist with a towel. He opened the door and saw that Mrs. Morris was still in the master bedroom.

"Here put this on," Mrs. Morris told him. She handed Christopher a longline bra and a pair of panties. Christopher didn't know much about them. He didn't know the bra was a posture bra nor that the panties were Spanx. The front of the pantie swas full cut and come up to just under his belly button, but the rear was a thong. Christopher had never worn a thong before.

"Those are girl's clothes!"

"Yeah, put them on."

"Not with you looking." was Christopher's best excuse. But he didn't wait for Mrs. Morris to turn before he pulled the panties on and then pulled his arms through the bra. The bra had a front closure with six hooks.

He started to do a few of the hooks before he noticed that the hooks didn't line up and he had to try again. The bra cups hung loosely in front of him.

An idea came to Christopher. "My mom isn't going to like what you are doing to me!"

"I don't think she'll mind. I don't think that she'll even know that it was my idea."

"I'll tell her."

"You won't tell her anything I don't want you to. You will do everything that either your mother or me will tell you to, not just for today but from now on."

Christopher was silent for a moment.

"Put these in your bra cups," Mrs. Morris told him as she handed him four pairs of panties. Christopher put two in each cup.

"I want you to dress in your mother's clothes. You get to choose which, but pick something you have seen your mother wear. Make sure your outfit includes a skirt and some hose. Put on some shoes and some jewelry. When you're done put on some makeup. Do your best to look good. I'll call you when your mother gets home."


Mrs. Morris didn't bother responding. She knew that Christopher would follow her instructions to the letter.

Christopher couldn't help himself. He walked over to the closet and looked inside. There were scores of apparel: tops, bottoms, and dresses. He looked through the clothes one by one, pushing the hangers to the left so that he could see the next garment.

Christopher had to start with the skirts. Mrs. Morris didn't say dress so he wouldn't wear that, and the top was up to him except it had to be something he saw his mother wear before. But he had to pick out a skirt first.

There were more tops than anything else. He pushed them over. He saw some things on hangers, they had to be the skirts. Most of them were pants. Even though they were of a feminine style and/or color he couldn't wear the pants. He finally found some skirts.

Christopher didn't know which to pick. Should he look for skirts by color or by length? He didn't want a skirt that was too high, but these were his mother's skirts, very few were excessively short.

Black skirt, blue skirt, red skirt, white skirt, which should he pick? Not a pink skirt or a floral skirt. Black, yeah, he'll pick a black skirt. Once that was decided he took the first black skirt that he found. He didn't care. It was a pleated knee-length skirt with an elastic waist.

Christopher tried to remember what his mother wore this with. She wore it with a white top, Christopher believed. He tried to remember; he didn't think the top had sleeves. Christopher wasn't sure, He didn't pay much attention to what his mother was wearing. He wanted to wear something with sleeves.

Christopher found a white blouse with a round neck and long sleeves in a satiny material. Did his mom wear this? "Yeah, sure she did he tried to convince himself. He put on the top and the skirt. Then he went to the drawer to look for some hose.

Christopher had never worn hose before. He had to look through the drawers to find where his mother kept them. He picked a pair at random and carried it to the bed. He sat on the bed and tried to put them on. It took quite a while as he had never tried it before. But eventually, he got them up his legs.

The final step was shoes. The problem was that his mother has smaller feet than he did. All that Christopher could do was put on backless shoes or with a strap for the back. He tried without a back first. But he couldn't walk in that. he had to keep his mind on every step. In the end, he found some shoes (they happened to be white) with a strap in the back. He loosened the strap as far as it would go and put it on. He had trouble moving in them, but it was his best choice.

Mom's makeup was in the bathroom and he returned there. he saw his clothes on the floor. He wished he could get out of what he was wearing and put that on again.

He made a mental effort to do so, but it was useless. He looked through the makeup. He started with lipstick. It seemed the easiest. He puckered his lips and put it on. he coated the top lip and then the bottom lip. It didn't look great. He had to remove it and try again.

Christopher tried over and over again with his lipstick, blush, and eyeshadow. The only types of makeup he knew.

"Christopher, come down here, your mom wants to see you!" he heard Mrs. Morris call. Time had passed so quickly.

Christopher exited the bathroom and then his mother's room. he walked uneasily down the hall in shoes that didn't fit. He held on to the banister as he descended the stairs.

He saw his mother. Her first reaction was amusement when she saw him. He looked ridiculous.

"As I was telling you, Christopher came to me and asked me to explain to you," Christopher heard Mrs. Morris say.

Christopher tried to shake his head, but he couldn't. He continued to slowly descend the stairs.

"...Christopher has always wanted to be just like you. he just admires you."

Christopher's mother's expression changed from amusement to shock.

"Christopher," Mrs. Morris commanded, "tell your mother you want to be a woman just like her!"

Christopher obediently said what he had been told to say.

"I don't believe it."

"It's true." Just like Mrs. Morris was controlling Christopher, she started to control his mother too. She changed her feelings about what she was seeing from shock to acceptance. Then finally to encouragement.

"I never knew, but if that is what you want, I'll help you," Christopher's mother told him sympathetically.

"Christopher, go on, tell her you have always felt this way."

"I have."

Christopher's mother extended her arms. Christopher joined her for a hug. "I'll help you, I'll help you!" Christopher's mother repeated over and over.

"I'll leave you two alone to talk."

"Thank you, Mrs. Morris," Christopher's mother said gratefully.

"No problem. I'll let myself out. You have a lot to talk about."

When Mrs. Morris left, Christopher's mother led him back to her room to teach him how to properly put on makeup. That was the first lesson for Christopher. But before the makeup lesson could start, she told him to always put his clothes away in the hamper. Not that these clothes would go in the hamper. These and all the rest of his male clothes were put in garbage bags and donated to goodwill that very day.

Christopher wasn't back in school the next day, or the one after. He never returned to Mrs. Morris' school again. His mother wanted him transferred to a new school where he could get a fresh start.

During the week it would take to transfer from school to school, Christopher's mother helped her son the best way she could. She got him his own clothes in her style but his size including shoes that fit. She showed him the proper way to walk and talk as a woman. She made an appointment with a psychiatrist to prescribe him the proper hormones, as well as the hundreds of other details needed for Christopher to become an adult woman.

Although Christopher was 'dying' inside, he had to go along with anything his mother suggested. On the other hand, Christopher's mother believed she was a loving parent who was supporting her son to achieve what he truly wanted.



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