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Chapter 13.

“The game is off, we are coming over,” the message read.

Olivia received a message from Mike. The volleyball match had been canceled Some of the boys from the team were coming over to her place. They expected her to be Peter when they got there.

“Why are you coming here?”

“You said your mom is away. So, it's your place.”

Olivia didn't want them to come for obvious reasons. But she knew the boy code. She couldn't deny them. She had been to their houses on occasion. They were coming here. She would have to entertain them. She would also have to get the real Peter away. Olivia didn't have much time.

“Hey Peter, the guys from my team are coming. You have to go!”

“Why should I go.”

“I'll let you use my car. Go to Sarah's and hang out.”

Peter didn't have to be asked twice. It seemed like a good idea. He still loved any excuse to drive. Especially when Olivia wasn't in the car with him.


When the boys got to Olivia's house, she had changed into her Peter costume. She was wearing oversized jeans and a t-shirt. Her boobs were bound, and freckles were down on her face in red eyebrow pencil. Peter had been gone for a while, leaving the house dressed as Olivia. He wore a cardigan with a denim skirt.

Olivia and the boys set up a makeshift volleyball net and played in the back. In many ways, Olivia was one of the jocks now. Due to the game, balls and bodies were flying everywhere. The backyard flowers were not spared, nor were any of the other plants.

Sarah's plan was to go out shopping with another friend when Peter called. She was delighted that 'Olivia' could drive them around. Sarah didn't have access to her own car.

“What do you think of this?” Sarah who was holding a V-neck top asked Peter.

“It looks OK.”

“Not for me. For you?”

“I'm not here to buy anything. I'm just hanging out.”

“Doesn't hurt to try it on and see how it looks.”

“I don't know.”

“Come on. Let's see it.”

“OK, I'll put it on.”

Sarah and her friend followed Peter to the dressing rooms.

“Where are you going?”

“In there with you, duh.”

“No, I want to change by myself.”

“Come on.”

“What's the matter?” Sarah's friend asked.

“She is just embarrassed because her boobs are so small.”


“It's no big deal. Lots of girls have smallish breasts. Especially those in gymnastics and dance.”

“How did you know?”

“I know a padded bra when I see one. I know what you're hiding. Lots of girls do it.”

“I would rather change by myself. I didn't want to try this on anyway.”

“OK, OK. Don't worry.”

Peter relented. He allowed the girls to watch him change his top, but he didn't take off his bra no matter how they reassured him.

By the time Peter returned home, the boys had left. Their mother was coming home later.

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